"Have you ever witnessed a full-blown international mainstream media constant [barrage] [counter]attack re: a 'conspiracy'?
"Simple logic answers the question.
Anons who are truly dedicated (obsessed) to/with EVERYTHING about "The Greatest Crime of the [Last] Century" should instantly understand the reason for this post. In fact, I'd be surprised if they themselves didn't draw the same parallel between Q's post this morning and Oliver's/Sklar's 1991 Book which centered on the unprecedented tsunami of PRE-RELEASE criticism of the movie by every Deep State asset then available.
To the experienced "JFK Assassination researcher or "buff", all of these literary critiques, which took the form of "Letters to the Editor" or "Opinions" [97 reactions and commentaries by Norman Mailer, Tom Wicker, Gerald R. Ford, and many others, to which Stone laboriously responded], it was clear that this media blitzkrieg was nothing but a full-blown propaganda psy op by The Powers That Be [Deep State] with the objective to throw shade on the factual underpinnings of the Movie thereby mitigating its impact on the American People. No such luck.
The furor over the Movie by those who protested too much, initiated a stunning Streisand Effect:
"But people saw the movie [JFK]. It won two Oscars and was nominated for six more, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Adapted Screenplay. It had left its mark.
…."Images and well-crafted stories are more powerful shapers of public imagination than official government accounts and documents, though. And in the face of Stone’s film, the assertions that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone — and that there was no conspiracy — paled. The JFK Assassination Records Collection Act was passed partly in response; as the Assassination Records Review Board wrote in 1998:
"While the movie was largely fictional, the information that Stone conveyed in the movie's closing trailer was true: the HSCA had reinvestigated the murder and issued a provocative report, but their records were sealed until the year 2029. Stone suggested at the end of JFK that Americans could not trust official public conclusions when those conclusions had been made in secret. Congress passed legislation — the JFK Act — that released the secret records that prior investigations gathered and created."….