In the previous bread I alleged
a strong connection between
the Vatican and the CIA.
Immediately someone cried out, "Sauce" !
Here is my response.
Go to
#22472 at 2018-05-19 14:22:53 (UTC+1)
2nd Generation Q Research General #30 - OMG I'm Really 30 Edition
The birth of the secret service of the Holy See
#22473 at 2018-05-19 14:24:38 (UTC+1)
2nd Generation Q Research General #30 - OMG I'm Really 30 Edition
#22477 at 2018-05-19 14:29:23 (UTC+1)
2nd Generation Q Research General #30 - OMG I'm Really 30 Edition
The CIA Vatican report
None of these is the memory that inspired my claim.