Jesus chose servants at a wedding to witness His first miracle and tell others.
Jesus chose uneducated fishermen to be the ones who He would entrust the deep mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven and the spreading of the Gospel.
Jesus chose women to be the first to see Him resurrected from the dead and spread the truth.
He chose sick people, weak people, theives & prostitutes. He restored them and they ran with the light and truth of the good news that the Messiah has come.
Jesus does not look at our status or education as criteria for being chosen. He sees our great value because He made us. Everyone He chose was willing to testify to the truth of Jesus The Messiah - willing To pass it on.
We are a light on a hill. No one lights a lab and then puts it under a bushel. They light a lamp and put it in a place where it will bring light to everyone around it.
We are children of Light.
It’s Time to shine.