so…who was guarding those poppy fields in afghanistan when america went to war in 2001 again?
oh, the military industrial complex, that's right.
all for the big pharma smolhats.
so…who was guarding those poppy fields in afghanistan when america went to war in 2001 again?
oh, the military industrial complex, that's right.
all for the big pharma smolhats.
>missed the mother fucking point as usual
good job putting that retardation on full display.
how about all those dod and pentagon employees that were never investigated for having child pr0n on their devices.
keep kicking the can.
okay, breaking out the crayon for you since you don't understand, smolbrian.
the fucking kikes that run the big pharma industries are the ones pushing the fucking opioid shit and they're going after the middlemen.
there you go, little babby.
imagine not turning a blind eye to puppeteers to only focus on their useful idiots
feel free to go look up the docs.
it was sen. grassley demanding there be further investigations.
>trust grassley - Q
fucks sake, no wonder day shift is full retard.
oh yea, totally being paid for wanting deep state faggots who have used the military as pawns to guard their opium fields in afghanistan, through a manufactured banker war, and the rich faggots of big pharma be held accountable for destroying countless lives just to make a shitload of shekels.
go fuck yourself you dense faggot.
most have moved on or wait on something worthy of the time.
as for the other faggot crying about the clown news clip with grassley, here's some links.
guess we can forget about those trillions that went missing from the pentagon as well.
feeling real sleepy all a sudden.
>On April 16, 2003, WHO announced that SARS virus, a member of the coronavirus family, was definitely causative for the disease. The report referred to a study carried out by a team led by Dr. Albert Osterhaus, the director of virology at Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam. Media reports used the terms “unequivocal,” “definite,” and “beyond a doubt” to describe the work at Erasmus.