Anonymous ID: b0b889 Sept. 22, 2020, 9:22 a.m. No.10744384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4396



Live in rural area, Wallyworld only grocery within 9 miles, no choice really. Three months ago, security showed up about 60 feet from entrance telling people to put a mask on. My first encounter was with an african american guard, maybe mid to late 20's, told me to put a mask on and I kept walking. He grabbed me by the arm and again told me to put a mask on. I advised him to never touch me again and walked into the store. Over the next couple weeks, he would see me coming and tell me to put on my mask, I would walk past him with my right arm in the air and an extended finger. Over the next couple weeks, he became rather subdued when telling me to put on a mask, soon followed by nothing said at all. About a month ago, as I walked by him, I would just say, "hey how's is going bro," but he didn't respond. Last week he started answering, "good man," and yesterday and today, we fist bumped. Life is good again.