Anonymous ID: 3f885a Sept. 22, 2020, 10:09 a.m. No.10744823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5081 >>5175

Washington & Beijing in standoff at UN over Covid-19 as Trump blames China for spread of coronavirus


US President Donald Trump used his time speaking to the United Nations to slam China and blame it for the coronavirus pandemic, while his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping pushed back against his “baseless accusations.”


“As we pursue this bright future, we must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague onto the world: China,” Trump said in a pre-recorded speech filmed on Monday in Washington.


The president also slammed the World Health Organization, which he claimed is “virtually controlled by China.”


“The United Nations must hold China accountable for their actions,” Trump declared, adding praise for his own administration’s response to the virus.


He specifically blamed China for “allowing flights to leave” the country in the early days of the pandemic, facilitating wider transmission to other countries, and for claiming “people without symptoms would not spread the disease.”


He referred to the Covid-19 virus as the “China virus” – something he’s repeatedly done before.


Trump calls COVID-19 the ‘chinavirus’ at 75th annual

— RT (@RT_com) September 22, 2020


Xi pushed back in his own address to the UN, saying the pandemic should not be “politicized.” While he did not name the US directly, the president’s speech had none of Trump’s nationalist declarations, and he called instead for cooperation between countries, saying, “Unilateralism is dead.”


“No country has the right to dominate global affairs, control the destiny of others or keep advantages in development all to itself,” Xi said, adding that no nation should be the “bully or boss of the world.”


The coronavirus pandemic has claimed nearly one million lives globally, and 200,000 in the US alone, according to the latest Reuters tally.

Anonymous ID: 3f885a Sept. 22, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.10744838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4953

Romney Agrees To Back Trump On Supreme Court Pick; McConnell Now Has Votes To Replace RBG


Utah Senator Mitt Romney (R) announced on Tuesday that he would support a floor vote on President Trump's Supreme Court pick - giving Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) a 53-seat majority and the votes needed to move forward in replacing the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, according to Politico.


"I intend to follow the Constitution and precedent in considering the president’s nominee. If the nominee reaches the Senate floor, I intend to vote based upon their qualifications," Romney said in a statement.


Romney said he was merely following the law in making his decision rather than taking a position based on the recent blockade of President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, during the 2016 election. Romney said the “historical precedent of election year nominations is that the Senate generally does not confirm an opposing party’s nominee but does confirm a nominee of its own.”


He added that his decision is "not the result of a subjective test of 'fairness' which, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. It is based on the immutable fairness of following the law, which in this case is the Constitution and precedent." -Politico


Another potential swing vote who recently committed to Trump's Supreme Court nominee is Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO), while Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME) say they won't support a nominee this close to the election.

Anonymous ID: 3f885a Sept. 22, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.10744851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5081 >>5175

179 arrested & 500kg of drugs seized in worldwide crackdown on darknet opioid trafficking


Law enforcement in several countries have arrested 179 people and seized more than $6.5 million in a coordinated operation to tackle opioid trafficking on the darknet, mainly in the US and Europe, American authorities have said.


Dubbed ‘Operation DisrupTor,’ the coordinated action comes more than a year after ‘the Wall Street Market’ – believed to be one of the largest illegal online marketplaces on the darknet – was taken down by authorities in the US and Europe.


A part of the internet hosted within an encrypted network, the darknet is accessible only through specialized anonymity-protecting tools, most notably the Tor browser.


The Joint Criminal Opioid and Darknet Enforcement (JCODE) team of the US Justice Department joined Europol for the operation, which resulted in the seizure of over $6.5 million in cash and virtual currency, and 500kg of drugs in seven countries. In the US, about 275kg of drugs, including fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy and other opioids was seized, the Justice Department said on Tuesday.


Law enforcement officers detained 121 suspects in the US, 42 in Germany, eight in the Netherlands, four in the UK, three in Australia and one in Sweden, according to the department.


Head of Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre, Edvardas Sileris, said the operation's success sent a message to criminals who use the dark web to buy or sell drugs that "the hidden internet is no longer hidden, and your anonymous activity is not anonymous."


The investigation is ongoing and officials are still working to identify other individuals behind darknet accounts involved in trafficking. “There will be no safe haven for drug dealing in cyberspace,” Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen warned.


FBI Director Christopher Wray said that “with the spike in opioid-related overdose deaths during the Covid-19 pandemic, we recognize that today’s announcement is important and timely.”


US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Deputy Director Derek Benner said the agency’s Homeland Security Investigations wing was also involved in the operation. Cyber analysts and investigators have conducted undercover efforts that target darknet operators, vendors and buyers of these drugs, Benner added.

Anonymous ID: 3f885a Sept. 22, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.10744874   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Huge Explosion Hits South Lebanon Centered On Hezbollah Arms Depot


A powerful blast in south Lebanon caused temporary panic after it was heard and felt for miles away on Tuesday.


Images and video of the explosion spread across social media Tuesday, with initial conflicting reports saying it was either the result of an Israeli attack, or a gas station that went up in flames.


Hours after, Al Jazeera and other regional media confirmed the site was an arms depot belonging to Hezbollah. The Shia paramilitary group which routinely exchanges fire along the border with Israel claimed a "technical error" was behind detonating the facility, which reportedly contained mines.


"Lebanon's official news agency, NNA, said the explosion took place in the southern village Ein Qana, about 50km (30 miles) south of the capital Beirut," Al Jazeera reports.


Lebanon is still on edge after seven weeks ago a massive amount of stored ammonium nitrate detonated at the Beirut Port, killing hundreds and wounding many thousands. Al Jazeera details further of the latest incident:


Hezbollah's media office told Al Jazeera the explosion was caused by a "technical error" at their arms depot, which sent a huge column of black smoke into the sky…


"This explosion was at a house that stored weapons - result of technical error. No one was killed or injured. The building belonged to a Hezbollah affiliated de-mining association," Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr, reporting from Beirut, said.


However, there are currently conflicting casualty reports, with some local media saying there have been injuries and possibly deaths

Anonymous ID: 3f885a Sept. 22, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.10744884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5081 >>5175

Kyle Bass Warns Beijing Could Manipulate TikTok To 'Brainwash' Millennials If Trump Doesn't Shut It Down


Kyle Bass prefers the term "China realist" to "China hawk", but the inveterate China critic, who last year bet against the Hong Kong dollar's peg to the greenback, appeared on CNBC Tuesday morning to share his thoughts on TikTok, HSBC and the prospect of 'decoupling' between the US and China.


As Bass has explained on several occasions, the US is maneuvering against China on four fronts: there's what Bass calls "kinetic war" - a clash between the world's two largest militaries - in addition to a cyber war, a narrative war, an economic war.


Pushing back against critics like Barry Diller, who slammed the Trump Administration's approach to the TikTok deal, Bass blamed "China's own policies that have put them in this situation in overplaying their hand."


TikTok is "very close" to the Chinese government, Bass argued. Its data collection policies are "aggressive", and most importantly "China controls the narrative - that's what they do best."


For example, Bass explained, if Goldman Sachs wants to open up a new business line in China, China will demand that all of the data collected on Chinese citizens be stored on a server inside China. It's an approach that the EU is trying to copy - and President Trump now, too, apparently.


Trump is just trying to enforce the same standard in the US, any way he can, Bass argued.


But it's not just Beijing collecting the user data that worries Bass - it's the CCP's ability to manipulate the minds of young Americans via its content-recommendation algorithm. It's an issue that WSJ touched upon in a story filed a few months ago that, strangely, didn't make much of a splash in the US.


While some have argued that it would be impossible for ByteDance to withhold the algorithm, as it claims it would do, Bass argued that Beijing is trying to keep it secret fora reason.


"They control that algorithm and that's of course the algorithm they don't want to give up," Bass said.


Later in the interview, Bass turned his attention to bashing HSBC, which saw its shares hit a 25-year-low following a massive leak of FinCEN SARs that exposed more of the bank's work with terrorists and drug cartels, allegations that contributed to a $2 billion settlement back in 2012.


To be sure, it looks like the deal is headed for the dustbin, as the Global Times publishes another editorial bashing the Trump Administration's attempt to "steal" an iconic Chinese company, amid reports that regulators are preparing to strike it down.

Anonymous ID: 3f885a Sept. 22, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.10744890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4904 >>4939 >>5081 >>5175

New Covid-19 restrictions in UK could be in place for SIX MONTHS, BoJo warns


In a pronouncement that will send chills down the spines of UK residents, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has suggested that newly-introduced coronavirus restrictions could be in place for six months.


The harsh new measures were outlined by Johnson in parliament on Tuesday. They include strict new social-distancing rules, an order that pubs be shut by 10pm and a slash in the size of wedding congregations.


Masks were also made mandatory in a range of settings, and the fines for failing to wear one have been doubled to £200 ($256) for a first offense.


In a stark warning to the British public, Johnson signaled that the restrictions may be in place for “perhaps six months.” The prime minister also cautioned people against complacency, saying it could hamper the UK’s efforts to combat the virus.


“After six months of restrictions, it would be tempting to hope the threat has faded and to seek comfort in the belief that, if you have avoided the virus so far, then you are somehow immune,” he said.


“That sort of complacency could be our undoing. If we fail to act together now, we not only put others at risk but jeopardise our own futures with the more drastic action that we will inevitably be forced to take.”

Anonymous ID: 3f885a Sept. 22, 2020, 10:20 a.m. No.10744905   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facebook Will Restrict Certain Users If US Election Gets "Extremely Chaotic Or Violent"


Earlier this week, Facebook gave us a welcome break from the virtue-signaling by threatened to pull its business from Europe should courts uphold an EU-wide ban on transfering European user data to US-based servers (something Washington is desperately trying to stop TikTok from doing, in a sense).


But that didn't last long. On Tuesday, the social media giant's head of global communications, former deputy PM Nick Clegg, told the Financial Times that the company is developing contingency plans should the US election lead to an outbreak of chaos and uncertainty. Though he didn't go into too much detail, the implication is clear: Facebook is planning to significantly curtail speech on its platform, echoing the Internet blackouts utilized by authoritarian regimes including Iran, Venezuela and elsewhere.


Clegg preferred to call them the "break-the-glass" options, and assured readers that they probably wouldn't happen anyway.


In an interview with the Financial Times, Nick Clegg, the company’s head of global affairs, said it had drawn up plans for how to handle a range of outcomes, including widespread civic unrest or “the political dilemmas” of having in-person votes counted more rapidly than mail-in ballots, which will play a larger role in this election due to the coronavirus pandemic. “There are some break-glass options available to us if there really is an extremely chaotic and, worse still, violent set of circumstances,” Mr Clegg said, though he stopped short of elaborating further on what measures were on the table. The proposed actions, which would probably go further than any previously taken by a US platform, come as the social media group is under increasing pressure to lay out how it plans to combat election-related misinformation, voter suppression and the incitement of violence on the November 3 election day and during the post-election period.


Of course, post-election day indecision is nothing new in American politics, though it will be the first time we've seen one since Facebook was founded in 2004. It also comes - as the FT none-too-subtly points out - as "conerns mount that even US president Donald Trump himself could take to social media to contest the result or call for violent protest, potentially triggering a constitutional crisis."


But don't worry: Because as Clegg explains, Facebook has done this before in "other parts of the world."


"We have acted aggressively in other parts of the world where we think that there is real civic instability and we obviously have the tools to do that [again],” Mr Clegg added, citing the previous use of “pretty exceptional measures to significantly restrict the circulation of content on our platform”.


Facebook has also taken several steps to immediately step up and address any harmful activity that might emerge on its platform during the election. Citing unnamed sources, the FT says Facebook has planned for more than 70 scenarios, and that any high-stakes decisions will fall to a team of executives including CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg. The company is employing a range of experts, including military planners, to help the company's leadership make the best decisions possible.


"We've slightly reorganised things such that we have a fairly tight arrangement by which decisions are taken at different levels [depending on] the gravity of the controversy attached,” Mr Clegg said. The executive also said that "the amount of resources we are throwing at this is very considerable”. Facebook will have a virtual war room - dubbed its "Election Operations Centre" - for monitoring for suspicious activity and updating its “voter information hub”, which will showcase verified results to users, he said.


It all comes as Facebook faces mounting pressure from Democrats and their allies in the media and Hollywood to censor conservative voices ("hate speech" and "misinformation"). Teen Vogue reported Tuesday that Selena Gomez 'DMed' Mark Zuckerberg to ask him to please stop "hate, misinformation, racism and bigotry".

Anonymous ID: 3f885a Sept. 22, 2020, 10:22 a.m. No.10744921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5081 >>5175

An Obscure Law In Pennsylvania Could Result In 100,000 Mail-In Ballots Being Thrown Out Without Ever Being Counted


We are still more than 40 days away from the election, and already we are seeing huge red flags regarding the integrity of the voting process in some states. No matter who you support, you should want the upcoming election to be fair. Every American should be able to vote, all of those votes should be counted, and the decision that the American people make should be respected. Unfortunately, it appears that this is likely to be the most chaotic election in modern American history, and wrangling over what votes should be counted and what votes should not be counted is likely to persist long after election night is over. In the end, it would not be surprising to see the outcome of the election end up at the Supreme Court, and that is a scenario that none of us should want to see.


Let me give you an example that shows why I am so concerned. In Pennsylvania, a recent legal decision requires officials to throw out mail-in ballots without counting them if voters do not return them in “secrecy envelopes”…


Philadelphia’s top elections official is warning of electoral chaos in the presidential battleground state if lawmakers there do not remove a provision in Pennsylvania law that, under a days-old court decision, requires counties to throw out mail-in ballots returned without secrecy envelopes.


This is a very big deal, because large numbers of votes could be voided in one of our most important swing states.


According to the Washington Times, it is being estimated that “more than 100,000 mail-in ballots” could potentially be thrown out…


Some 30,000 to 40,000 mail-in ballots could arrive without secrecy envelopes in Philadelphia alone in November’s presidential election, Deeley estimated, and the state Supreme Court’s interpretation of current law forces election officials to throw them out.


Statewide, that could mean throwing out more than 100,000 mail-in ballots in the Nov. 3 presidential election, according to some estimates.


In 2016, President Trump won the state of Pennsylvania by just 44,292 votes.


So eliminating 100,000 votes could potentially swing the outcome from one candidate to the other.

Anonymous ID: 3f885a Sept. 22, 2020, 10:24 a.m. No.10744945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5081 >>5175

Hundreds of Millions in Tax Dollars Meant for COVID Supplies Went to Private Defense Contractors Instead


Instead of adhering to congressional intent by building up the nation’s inadequate supply of N95 masks and other equipment to combat the Covid-19 crisis, the Pentagon has funneled hundreds of millions of dollars in appropriated taxpayer funds to private defense contractors for drone technology, jet engine parts, Army uniform material, body armor, and other purposes not directly related to the pandemic.


As the Washington Post reported Tuesday morning, the Department of Defense—headed by former Raytheon lobbyist Mark Esper—”began reshaping how it would award the money” just weeks after Congress in March approved a $1 billion fund under the Defense Production Act to help the nation “prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.”


“The Trump administration has done little to limit the defense firms from accessing multiple bailout funds at once and is not requiring the companies to refrain from layoffs as a condition of receiving the awards,” the Post noted. “Some defense contractors were given the Pentagon money even though they had already dipped into another pot of bailout funds, the Paycheck Protection Program.”


As the U.S. still faces major shortages of testing supplies and N95 masks six months into the pandemic, the Post reported that the Pentagon has used congressionally approved funds to dish out $183 million to luxury carmaker Rolls-Royce and other companies to help “maintain the shipbuilding industry,” tens of millions for “drone and space surveillance technology,” and $80 million to “a Kansas aircraft parts business.”


A subsidiary of Rolls-Royce also received $22 million from the Pentagon “to upgrade a Mississippi plant,” according to the Post.


Mandy Smithberger, a weapons industry analyst at the Project on Government Oversight, told the Post, “This is part and parcel of whether we have budget priorities that actually serve our public safety or whether we have a government that is captured by special interests.”


The Pentagon’s misuse of taxpayer funds aimed at addressing the Covid-19 pandemic has drawn a rebuke from the Democrat-controlled House Appropriations Committee, which characterized the Defense Department’s rewards to defense contractors as a clear violation of congressional intent.


“While the Department plans to execute a portion of that funding for personal protective equipment (PPE) as intended by Congress, most of the funds will be used to address the impact of Covid–19 on the [defense industrial base], which was not the original intent of the funds,” the committee said in a July report (pdf).


Pentagon officials insisted to the Post that the funds were allocated appropriately, citing the need to “protect key defense capabilities from the consequences of Covid,” but Slate‘s Elliot Hannon argued the Defense Department’s generous taxpayer-funded gifts to private corporations amount to little more than “a colossal backdoor bailout for the defense industry.”


Pointing to the Pentagon’s handouts to Rolls-Royce and other major companies, Hannon wrote, “That doesn’t exactly sound like PPE.”



Anonymous ID: 3f885a Sept. 22, 2020, 10:25 a.m. No.10744959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5081 >>5175

Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono: Packing the court is 'long overdue'


Vice President Biden dodges the question


Senate Democrats are telling the American people they are ready to go all in on packing the Supreme Court if former Vice President Joe Biden wins the election in November. Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) is the latest in a growing chorus of Democrats vowing to expand the court, calling the extreme legislation "long overdue court reform."


"This is long overdue court reform as far as I'm concerned, and I have been thinking about court reform and what we can do regarding the Supreme Court to make it so much more objective," Hirono said on CNN Tuesday.


"This is not something that a lot of us have not thought about," she added. But she acknowledged a "serious discussion" about packing the courts can only happen "if the Democrats take back the Senate."


Nine justices have sat on the Supreme Court for more than 150 years. The Constitution grants Congress the power to determine the size of the court, though the last serious attempt to change its makeup came during the New Deal, when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt threatened to expand the court to as many as 15 justices. FDR's opponents accused Roosevelt of attempting to "pack" the courts with justices sympathetic to his policies after various New Deal programs were initially declared unconstitutional.


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has so far refused to say whether he would approve of a Democrat-led effort in Congress to expand the court. Confronted by a reporter in Wisconsin on Monday, Biden dodged.


"It's a legitimate question. But let me tell you why I'm not going to answer that question: because it will shift all the focus. That's what [President Donald Trump] wants," he said. "He never wants to talk about the issue at hand. He always tries to change the subject."


Previously, Biden publicly opposed expanding the court, telling Iowa Starting Line last year, "I'm not prepared to go on and try to pack the court, because we'll live to rue that day."


During a Democratic primary debate in October, Biden again opposed the idea. "I would not get into court packing," Biden said. "We add three justices. Next time around, we lose control, they add three justices. We begin to lose any credibility the court has at all."


But many Senate Democrats don't agree.


"Mitch McConnell set the precedent. No Supreme Court vacancies filled in an election year," Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) tweeted Friday. "If he violates it, when Democrats control the Senate in the next Congress, we must abolish the filibuster and expand the Supreme Court."


Among the Democratic senators who ran for president in the primary, Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said they were open to the idea of expanding the courts.

Anonymous ID: 3f885a Sept. 22, 2020, 10:26 a.m. No.10744966   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US suspects $1.3 TRILLION in dirty money may have been laundered through Deutsche Bank over two decades


Germany’s largest lender, Deutsche Bank, is reportedly suspected by the US of facilitating more than half of the $2 trillion of suspicious transactions that were flagged by the US government between 1999 and 2017.


According to broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW), some $1.3 trillion of $2 trillion in leaked transactions that occurred between 1999 and 2017 and were flagged as suspicious passed through Deutsche Bank. DW cited documents obtained by BuzzFeed News and shared them with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.


The documents revealed that five major banks (Bank of New York Mellon, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, JPMorgan and Standard Chartered) processed trillions of dollars of transactions identified as suspicious.


The activity reports that banks and other financial institutions filed with the US Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FinCEN, showed that the megabanks continued to profit from powerful and dangerous players even after US authorities fined the financial institutions for earlier failures to stem flows of dirty money.


Deutsche Bank said in a statement that the incidents in the leaked documents “have already been investigated and led to regulatory resolutions in which the bank’s cooperation and remediation was publicly recognized. Where necessary and appropriate, consequence management was applied.”


Deutsche added that it has “devoted significant resources to strengthening our controls” and is “very focused on meeting our responsibilities and obligations.”


The bank was previously found to have facilitated financial transactions that violated US sanctions. According to DW, in 2015 Deutsche agreed to pay fines worth $258 million for doing business with US-sanctioned countries including Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Myanmar. However, the leaked FinCEN documents suggested that the bank had continued to move suspicious funds after that 2015 settlement.

Anonymous ID: 3f885a Sept. 22, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.10744985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5081 >>5175

CNN’s Don Lemon Says ‘We’re Gonna Have to Blow Up the Entire System’


Frustrated by President Trump moving forward on his Supreme Court pick, CNN anchor Don Lemon announced Monday that “We’re gonna have to blow up the entire system.”


What he meant, of course, is blowing up a system of democracy, a representative republic that protects the rights of the minority — and what I mean by “minority” is not a racial minority.


Lemon is furious over what’s happening with the Supreme Court. He’s furious that democracy isn’t going his way, so he wants to put an end to it — by any means necessary.


Something else to keep in mind as you review the clip below is that, when it comes to political violence, when it comes to encouraging, validating, justifying, normalizing, celebrating, dismissing, defending, and openly calling for political violence, CNNLOL has led this malignant charge going back years.


So when a CNNLOL anchor says during a primetime hour that “Were gonna have to blow up the entire system,” only a fool would wrist-flick the threat of violence. Only a fool would not take a CNNLOL anchor at his word.


Yes, CNNLOL staffers are all godless liars, but when it comes to threats of violence, you can count on them to keep their word.


TYPHOID FREDO: No matter what happens [with the Supreme Court], everyone sticks with their team.


DON LEMON: We’re gonna have to blow up the entire system, and you know what we’re gonna have to do…


FREDO: I don’t know about that. You’re just going to have to vote.


LEMON: Yes, and you know what we’re gonna have to do…? Honestly… From what your closing argument is…? You’re going to have to get rid of the Electoral College. Because the people…


FREDO: I don’t see it.


LEMON: Because the minority in this country decides who the judges are and they decide who the president is. Is that fair?


FREDO: You need a constitutional amendment to do that.


LEMON: And if Joe Biden wins, Democrats can stack the [Supreme] Court and they can do that amendment and they can get it passed.


FREDO: Well, you need two-thirds vote in the Congress and three quarters of the state legislatures.


LEMON: They may be able to do that.


FREDO: Maybe.


If you watch the clip, you can hear the rage and frustration in Lemon’s shaky voice (not to mention his ignorance of how constitutional amendments work), you can also see the rage in his watery eyes. He’s furious that a duly elected president and a duly elected U.S. Senate — a man and a governing body elected by the people — are about to do their constitutional duty and replace a Supreme Court Justice.


So, because the CNNLOL crybully isn’t getting his way, he wants to change the rules, he wants to strip the minority of all their rights and win through the tyranny of majority rule.


Further, he wants to violate one of those precious norms the media always talk about protecting, by stacking the highest court in the land until there are enough justices who will give the CNNLOL crybully everything he wants.


Most of all, though, heed his threat to “blow up the entire system.”


This is no idle threat.


CNNLOL does not make idle threats.


CNNLOL has been the tip of the spear of normalizing, encouraging, and defending political violence. The domestic terrorists in Black Lives Matter and Antifa are CNNLOL’s Brownshirts, and CNNLOL has gone to the mat to defend their Brownshirts and their violence.


CNNLOL has openly called for violence.


These people are evil. They are monsters, and God help us in November if their evil and monstrous tactics are validated.

Anonymous ID: 3f885a Sept. 22, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.10745007   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#DELETED: Big Tech’s Efforts to Sway the Election Revealed


A book being released today by Breitbart News senior tech reporter Allum Bokhari, #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal the Election, brings together sources from Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other tech companies to expose Big Tech’s hidden efforts to sway the coming election.


“When voters find out what Big Tech companies have done to meddle in the coming election, they’ll be rightly furious” said a Google whistleblower interviewed for the book.


#DELETED can be ordered online from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retailers. It is available in hardcover, digital, and audiobook formats.


Bokhari, author of #DELETED, has spent four years developing a network of whistleblowers in Silicon Valley. In the book, these sources tell the inside story of how the most powerful information technologies ever devised have been weaponized against President Trump and his movement.


Through this network of sources, Bokhari has already published a number of explosive stories exposing Big Tech’s rampant anti-conservative bias, including:


The Google Tape, a 1-hour recording of Google’s co-founders and executives lamenting Trump’s election and vowing not to let it happen again.

“The Good Censor,” a smoking-gun document from within Google admitting to a “shift towards censorship” on the part of major tech companies.

YouTube’s covert search manipulation, in which pro-life and other conservative videos were deliberately downranked in search results in response to complaints from left-wing journalists.

Facebook’s “Hate Agents” list, in which Candace Owens, Brigitte Gabriel, and other top conservatives were added to an internal watchlist that kept track of their political activities for examples of “hate.”


“As editor of Breitbart News, I like scoops, but I love scoops that hold the most powerful people on Earth accountable, and that’s what Allum Bokhari does better than anyone in tech journalism,” said Alex Marlow, editor-in-chief of Breitbart News.


“#DELETED is the book the Silicon Valley Masters of the Universe don’t want you to read because Allum clearly explains why they pose a dire threat to the republic. This is essential reading on arguably the biggest issue of our time,” added Marlow.


Many conservatives are already aware of the overt censorship — prominent conservatives getting banned by social media platforms, and the president himself having his posts hidden by Twitter.


Less well-known is the covert censorship — subtle tweaks to artificial intelligence algorithms that can suppress entire political movements without them realizing.


Bokhari reports that everything you post online will be scanned (and potentially suppressed) by “hate speech algorithms,” whether you’re aware of it or not.


The book also reveals how elites in progressive advocacy organizations and the media aligned with Big Tech’s most radical employees to push for the censorship of social media platforms, effectively ending an era of unprecedented internet freedom.

Anonymous ID: 3f885a Sept. 22, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.10745042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5061 >>5064

Danish TV Programme Promotes ‘Body Positivity’ by Showing Children Naked Adults


The Danish television programme Ultra Strips Down has come under fire for having adults parade their nude bodies in front of children, some as young as seven.


Criticism of the programme has gone viral on social media in recent days after it stirred controversy in Denmark earlier this month.


Populist Danish People’s Party group chairman Peter Skaarup slammed the tv show, telling Danish tabloid BT: “It corrupts our children, who at that age already have many things running around their heads. There’s no need for these things on top of that.”


“It is simply too early for children of seven years of age to have to deal with this kind of thing. It’s way too extreme,” he responded when asked how the programme corrupted minors.


Morten Skov Hansen, an editor of TV broadcaster DR Ultra, defended the programme, saying it was intended for an audience of children nine to 14.


“The purpose is to illustrate to Danish children the variation of bodies we live among, but very rarely see. This should help children learn about both their own and other bodies – and ensure a more diverse image of the natural human body than what children typically encounter on social media, for example,” he said.


Hansen went on to claim that the programme helps children get “a broader understanding of what a human body is and how it looks”.


Last week, the English-speaking world learnt of the programme, and many on social media slammed the programme including pro-life activist Obianuju Ekeocha who said: “The show claims to teach kids about different body types by exposing them to naked adults! Why? Why are there now so many pushing to destroy children?”


The host of the programme, Jannik Schow, spoke to The New York Times about Ultra Strips Down, saying: “Perhaps some people are like, ‘Oh, my God, they are combining nakedness and kids,’ but this has nothing to do with sex, it’s about seeing the body as natural, the way kids do.”


Telegraph Reviewer Defends Netflix's Cuties Against 'An Age Terrified of Child Sexuality'


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) September 12, 2020


The controversy around the programme comes after Netflix saw a massive backlash over the release of the French film Cuties which some classified as a form of child pornography.


Over 757,000 people have signed a petition to have Netflix remove the film that sexualises children as young as eleven.


Joseph Travers, the founder of the volunteer group Saved in America, which helps rescue missing and trafficked children, criticised the film, saying it could be used to help groom young children.


“In other words, what I’m saying is Cuties could be a film that was made and created to train children to be trafficked for the traffickers,” he told Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow last week.

Anonymous ID: 3f885a Sept. 22, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.10745060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5175

She’s Back! Theresa May Comes Out Against Boris’s Brexit Bill


Former Prime Minister Theresa May announced that she will not vote for Boris Johnson’s Brexit bill that would amend Britain’s Withdrawal Agreement (WA) with the EU, claiming it will cause “untold damage” to the UK.


Prime Minister Boris Johnson has argued that the WA as it stands would allow the European Union to “carve up the country” and threaten the integrity of the Good Friday Peace agreement by implementing artificial barriers between Northern Ireland and the rest of the United Kingdom.


The European Union has argued that the proposed Internal Market Bill would break international law, but the government has said that it is critical that Northern Ireland retain unfettered access to the rest of the country.


The Bill would also allow Britain to scrap onerous restrictions on state aid, which has become increasingly critical in the view of the government during the economic downturn as a result of the China virus.


Theresa May — who retained her position as a Member of Parliament after resigning as prime minister last year — denounced the government’s Brexit strategy and pronounced that she will not vote for the bill.


“I cannot emphasise how concerned I am that a Conservative government is willing to go back on its word, to break an international agreement signed in good faith and to break international law,” she said.


“Frankly, my view is to the outside world it makes no difference as to whether a decision to break international law is taken by a minister or by this Parliament – it is still a decision to break international law,” she went on.


The former prime minister claimed that the move “can only weaken the UK in the eyes of the world”, and that if Parliament passes the Internal Market Bill then “our reputation as a country that sticks by its word will have been tarnished”.