Anonymous ID: c74eed Sept. 22, 2020, 9:45 a.m. No.10744608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4637 >>4778







If you are trusting Bush's Barr boy to be your enforcer of Justice, you owe it to yourself and family and friends to watch these videos and learn all about Barr and his family and how they are entwined with the worlds string pullers from the beginning.

You need to understand that Poppy Bush the grandfather of the NWO movement in America hand picked Barr to implement and administrate the DS and all of it's infiltration into American government and politics.

Then consider the timing of when Barr came on the scene, post no name pre 41 hero funeral burial and the letters to known Bush cronies and traitors.

Barr was just another insurance policy that Bush and company to include the ties to the Crown would not be exposed or prosecuted.

If your faith is is justice, please research who you are trusting to bring said Justice.

Anonymous ID: c74eed Sept. 22, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.10744697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4706


He will not do anything more than his assignment, Clock and Calendar

Is and has all the delay, lack of production, overcharging and undercharging happen under his watch?

Barr is producing the fruit of his seed and you still hope he is not what he appears, talks and speaks of Justice and never does it occur.

Barr can be a traitor and POTUS still an outsider, but Barr a traitor = Q is operation placation for they knew that they couldn't fool everyone

Did or have you watch or learn this history, or is that asking to much because you believe?

Anonymous ID: c74eed Sept. 22, 2020, 10:07 a.m. No.10744800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4852 >>5063


this is the beauty and design of the Q anon play

Q has folks who woke up to the evil/corruption of our government, to trust/have faith/believe that the government that did this to you, is the same government fixing/correcting it for you, so please stay comfy in your home/basement and let the government that did this to you fix it for you so you can stay under our governance.

Anonymous ID: c74eed Sept. 22, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.10744885   🗄️.is 🔗kun


less to do with Trump and more God's will

New Babylon has to fall

how do you bring down the most powerful country/military in the world/history?

These things had to happen to set stage for the NWO

The rest of the world would never willing join the NWO with America the bully in power as they would not trust them.

The buy in for the NWO is the destruction of the USA from within, you can clearly see it in all things governance and policy since 9.11.2001 which was the glaring signal to the world, watch and see the destruction of USA, exactly to the day 10 years apart from 41's NWO speech, a signal to begin internal teardown, implemented administratively, policy, and legality, and financing implemented by Bill Barr, 41's fixer.

This will all usher in God's will and set the stage for the Anti-Christ and 1000 year rein of one law over the land, Totalitarianism

just one mans opinion, who has spent a lifetime of analyzing the patterns that are set about us everyday, witnessing the invisible hand that stirs the movements of nations and it's peoples.

Research Agenda 21 if you want to know what is unfolding

Anonymous ID: c74eed Sept. 22, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.10745010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5030 >>5031


I hope you are correct, my only assertion would be that hoping/believing in another to do what the people should come together and do (government fear the people, instead of the people fearing the government) seems to be putting all your eggs in one basket when your future and wellbeing and freedom of unalienable rights is at stake.

If Q is a operation placation clock and calendar play of the NWO it buys time for the military build up and world consolidation to happen in right front of us, without account.

In less words, it will be to late to be effective in resisting the NWO, if we let the Q play out till it's conclusion to find out, that it was our action and evolvement that was required all along.

I understand your position and why I am still involved, I just hate to good men doing nothing, and if the ones we thought were good, are not, then it is us (good men) doing nothing and the fate of our lives hinges then on inaction, never fruitful.

Good luck to you and yours anon

Anonymous ID: c74eed Sept. 22, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.10745150   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the government is doing this not the people

words are easy and cheap and can be used to mislead and misdirect, if indeed this is a play


I don't wish to be right, just can't shake the gut instincts that keep hitting me everyday

I am read in on all angles, and consume and analyze all day long, for years now, and don't like what I see and the hand of Agenda 21 in our daily life