Anonymous ID: fad857 Sept. 22, 2020, 10:05 a.m. No.10744789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4815 >>4826 >>5094 >>5118

Hi everyone


After Q posted about Jesus, I've decided to believe he is the son of God who died for us and he is the Way, Truth, Light. [Was raised Catholic but denied Christianity as too simple or stupid compared to exotic faiths (trusted hinduism, buddhism, hippy ideas more than Xianity)]


I have observed a strong shift in my perspective since accepting Jesus and also from the Reagan speech video Q post.


Not to be cliche, but it feels like the phrase, "I was lost but now I'm found". Previously I was wishy washy with my beliefs and susceptible to all sorts of arguments and influences, and my convictions were very weak. Suddenly by making this choice, there is a clear Right and Wrong, there is a clear Good and Bad, there are clear instructions on how to live and how not to. Debate, argument, persuasion are now irrelevant for me because I have decided who to follow and trust that it will be for the best. There is a huge comfort in this, in fully deciding and trusting. A lot of things about life don't make sense to me, but now I can trust instead of worry or try to explain everything.


I would also like to say that previously I was afraid of judging others and of being judged myself. Had the belief that "No one knows what is right, everyone entitled to their opinion", was against discrimination, thought love was universal answer to everything, believed that Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc were ultimately all equal and we should accept and tolerate everyone. Sounds nice, but this is actually weakness and it's exactly related to the spirit in the Reagan speech video. Acceptance and tolerance of all opinions sounded right to me on the surface, sounded nice and kind and therefore true, but it's seriously wicked and it opens the door to bad stuff [look at Church of Satan in USA]. It's the spiritual equivalent to the border issue: a country needs a secure border, a definition. Acceptance and tolerance is subversive mind virus that needs to be destroyed. I never thought I'd reject that fake-loving ideology [or even be aware of it's danger] but it's the truth. Accepting Christianity is to accept that Right and Wrong are Real, to say that Truth exists. This is not some wishy washy innocent world where it's OK to believe whatever you want and everyone can coexist in harmony. This is a spiritual battleground and we need to be ready for war. Clear as night and day, Christian West is under attack and being strangled by it's enemies. It never made sense to me that Western countries become atheist, liberal, tolerant, then invite extremely religious conservative Muslim believers into their country. I was also confused about but admired the piousness of Muslim believers. HELLO. It's a fucking war and we've been cucking ourselves to our enemies, to those who fully intend to destroy and replace us. WTF. It makes no sense! Acceptance/Tolerance is forced on us, but the people we are tricked to accept [ie. Muslim] have serious beliefs about right/wrong and do not accept us, it's one-sided. I never thought I'd say this, but DISCRIMINATION IS GOOD. BORDERS ARE GOOD. BOUNDARIES ARE VITAL…


I'm just putting this all together now and it started after Q forced me to reconsider Christ. I still have to put action behind my words and stated beliefs, give them time, but it's just quite amazing the amount of previously invisible resistance that exists in this world AGAINST Christianity, against US. Just like how they attack Trump and pile him with lies, they've been doing this to Jesus for years and in more sinister, tricky ways. Our modern culture is seriously rigged against Christianity and in my opinion that adds credibility to it [they are in favor of tolerance of all faiths except when it comes to classical Christian beliefs, which are treated as ignorant and backwards-minded].

Anonymous ID: fad857 Sept. 22, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.10744873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4917


Hello, I'm not sure I understand your critique. Because I failed to capitalize the H in He?

What are the multiple interpretations?


To be honest, I'm quite new and undefined in this belief, so I'm not aware of many contradictions or possible issues