Anonymous ID: 15fe73 April 17, 2018, 3:04 a.m. No.1074667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4690 >>4696 >>4762 >>4890


Tell us then, what has happened with proclaimed breakthrough and predicted takedown of the social media platforms and the MSM. Gratitude for Snowden providing the “algorithm”, the win against the 4:00 AM talking points drop, etc. Nothing appears to have changed here. The enemy still holds the high ground there and the normies continue to be programmed and brainwashed with Deep State narratives and censorship is still the rule on social media platforms. This is critical for winning the War. We continue attempting to red-pill but the normies always just wrap themselves tighter in their safety blanket fix from the nightly news. The “conspiracy theory” psyop seems to be as robust as ever. Why hasn’t our side been able to produce a slow but discernible attrition rate among their celebs and corporate leadership. We were buoyed with the Harvey Weinstein op and the trickle of fallout there but they seem to have plugged the gap and have damage control well underway. Our brightest stars, Roseanne and James Woods, seem to be on their own little island. We HAVE to SHOW RESULTS that we are winning this critical information or Propaganda War. I don’t consider myself a concernfag but I can’t help but think that a greater show of force can be demonstrated here. We know that our forces 40,000 have the info to comp the biggest mouthpieces they have. I awaited the drop on Kimmel which never bore out and I can’t believe that Pedowood has seemed to recover from the massive body blows it was receiving. It was clearly on the ropes for a few weeks but then the drama died down and it seems business as usual. I’ll end my rant by saying that Q Team is asking a nearly impossible task of red-pilling as long as (((their))) Propaganda Arm maintain and successfully defend their lines of communication. These must continue to be attacked and weakened for us to gain headway.

Anonymous ID: 15fe73 April 17, 2018, 4:54 a.m. No.1075245   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I am completely satisfied with Plan B in place, i.e., if POTUS is unable to win this War against the Deep State and Worldwide Cabal, the Military will step in and get the job done. I’m also sure that POTUS is fully on board with a military counter-coup d’etat. Life under Martial Law would be preferable than the continuation of this Evil Abomination.