Hussein is Following the 'Cannon Fodder', idiot, FFS please go back to Tumblr…
We have been infested with SJWs making demands. Anons have complied. Board Comped.
"Refugies" show up in a neighborhood and demand that the burger joint stop serving Bacon. They win a court case.
We are seeing that happen here.
Cultural Destruction.
FFS Q…. Is it a constant state of Jetlag for you? Melatonin? Or is there something better? (re drop times) Thank You.
This is a 'Parody' Image. It is not real… Funny as fuck. but fake as hell.
Race, Creed or Color…. Does Creed not mean political belief? Discrimination Case. God be With You Anon.
Bull Fucking Shit. LARPING ass wipes.
Ouch, Please put the OWN reporter on suicide watch. Imminent danger of reporter shooting themselves in the back of the head, 5 times, with a long rifle.
They do not deserve you. Political correctness has become a bloodsport. It's all the rage on @jack's platform.
Anon's 'fab5cb' is a true oldfag. He (and yes, I'm gonna assume his gender) remembers a time before, before political differences were calls for death threats. Listen to him.
Q does not believe in stupid concepts like "Time Zones" ;P
Not really unusual, check time stamps. Is there an hour of the day Q has not posted?
Play it right, a non corrupt judge… Why is it legally ok to discriminate against Trump supporters but not Killary supporters.