Reposting for more eyes. Wut up Day Shift
Sweden is not a model, it is a trap and a staged illusionmasking MURDER with FauxVid
"This is worth understanding.
Metal in a microwave
"so where's the problem?
First, if there's nothing but metal in the microwave, you're left with a lot of mirrors and no absorbers. Pumping more and more energy into the box with nowhere for it to go leads to waves that reinforce each other and build in amplitude. As you run longer, the waves bouncing around grow like a tidal wave approaching shore and eventually get big enough to "cook" the oven's internal circuits.
Second, if the metal you put in the microwave is pointed (like a fork), has sharp corners (like crumpled aluminum foil), or is thin (like the decorative gold on your fancy teacup), then the electrons moved around by the microwaves can bunch up along the edges. When too much charge builds in one spot, those electrons get very unhappy. And unhappy electrons are liable to-zap!-jump through the air to find a better spot. (That static electric shock you get by shuffling across the carpet and touching a doorknob? Same thing.) While a little bit of sparking between the tines of a fork probably won't cause long-term damage, larger sparks between the metal and the case are where the trouble starts. Throw a little bit of paper or something flammable in there, and your mother's fiery disaster prediction will come true."
Anons, this is one aspect of the depth of the deception, control, and plan.
Human vaccines primarily use adjuvants as immuno-catalysts, with aluminum being by far the most used.
You are water, an electromagnetic field allowing for sensory communications throughout that field, AND you are transmitting and receiving to the field you exist within, as well as the other life forms and waves within it.
Your transmitter/receiver, your radio head, is your brain/spine complex, the chamber of the mind, you. The metals/ mineral content of your vessel affects your transmit/ receive range. Consider the food pyramid, nutritional advice, school lunches, etc as a means to affect a homogeneity of antennas…
Additionally, your metal/mineral content will dictate your susceptibility to radiation sickness-like symptoms, or seasonal detox symptoms during weather change of seasons, when subjected to enhanced radiation fields such as those of air travel, 5G, etc.
If you have the right target receiver, you will appear to have 'covid-19' as a result of 5G.
This is currently happening in Sweden, and is likely the reason they did not lock down- to 'sell' a second wave. Where people are actually dying. 5G is in public and private schools, playgrounds, parks, nursing homes, churches, hospitals globally. The second wave is an ATTACK by this INVISIBLE ENEMY.
Dr. OZ just said 'Flu shot give you covid' this is how.
Rig for RED can also refer to this microwave weapon technology being 'fired up'.
It does not have to be used in this range. It could be used to eliminate parasites, cancers, mineral deposits, mucus, etc…"
Please share w/ people who think Sweden is a model. It is to SELL the SECOND WAVE.
The 2nd wave, that 'everyone will 'feel'' if your bodies reacting to signals received, as well as a newer 'hotter' field.