Anonymous ID: 6d0fac Sept. 22, 2020, 11:31 a.m. No.10745609   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What Does Rabbinic Judaism Say About What Makes Jews and Gentiles Different?


Studies of Orthodox Judaic believers (followers of the post-Second Temple Judaism faithful to the Mishnah, Gemara and derivative sacred texts representative of the theology of the ancient Pharisees), have almost always been marked by two extremes: giddy approbation, or its antipode, atavistic contempt. Both views are predicated on fallacious judgments. In the former case, credulous acceptance of pious sloganeering and lachrymose self-righteousness, and in the other, a callous dismissal of the humanity of those who are captives to Talmudism, along with a failure to discern in our own behavior and beliefs those sins for which we censure the rabbis.


Nothing in this study is to be construed as giving aid and comfort to Jew-haters, anti-Semites or pseudo-Christians who direct detestation toward or advocate the oppression of Judaic persons. Our work entails the analysis of iniquitous ideas and texts; not people. Like the goyim (gentiles), Judaic persons are fully human beings deserving of dignity, respect, compassionate understanding and love, having been made in the image and likeness of God. Christians are enjoined by our Savior to “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44). These are among the most profound, counter-intuitive words of wisdom ever spoken, exemplifying the crux of the theology of the believers who make up the true Klal Yisroel (people of Biblical Israel).


There are some worldly ones who, upon discovering the extent to which they or others may have been cursed, hated or spitefully used by certain adherents of Orthodox Judaism, proceed to disobey or at the least, derogate the command of Jesus in Matthew 5:44. By this act of disobedience they are engaging in the mockery of becoming what they oppose: a Talmudist in spirit and a Christian in name only.


Historically, the counterfeit of Christ’s ecclesia has sometimes been termed “Churchianity,” and it was this impostor institution bearing the name of Christ that mirrored the revenge and contempt which it denounced as the apex of evil when practiced by rabbis. This bipolar approach to Judaism severely undercut Christendom’s evangelical mission, and served demonic spirits in so doing. Jesus defined our love for Him very sharply and clearly. If we love Him, then we will keep His commandments. Matthew 5:44 is one of Our Savior’s commands which we must place uppermost in our minds as we proceed to explore the theology of the Talmud.


Furthermore, believers in rabbinic Judaism are urgently in need of our concern and missionary effort. In addition to the obvious reason that they have refused a saving faith in their Messiah Jesus, the negative consequences of institutionalizing that rejection are enormous: oppression by Talmudic and cognate theological dictates, including the suffocating, tyrannical micro-management of their lives. The misnamed “Laws of Family Purity” (Halakhos of Niddah) for instance, are among the most reprehensible forms of oppression of women ever devised (cf. this writer’s Judaism Discovered, pp. 729-747).


Another illustration is the requirement that Jewish women remove from their homes every speck of chametz —leavened grain of any type (wheat, oats etc.). This dictate is a source of neurosis and misery. Not even a crumb may be present in her home during the eight days of Pesach (Passover). Her “failure” to totally eradicate every particle is believed to invite a curse on the family due to the “negligence” of the wife. In the Kabbalistic texts, chametz represents a Jew’s individuality, something which, the Orthodox rabbis assert, “must be eliminated at all costs.”


Another wretched factor is Talmudism’s incitement to unethical conduct. Among the dense thicket of heinous halakhic injunctions, is the command for Jewish males to become completely drunk on alcohol every year on the holy day of Purim (BT Megillah 7b). Then there is the admonition to Jews in BT Moed Katan 17a, to perpetrate evil in secret:


“If one sees his yetzer hara (evil inclination) gaining sway over him, let him go where he is not known, put on sordid clothes and do the evil that his heart desires.”


The lives of their own unborn babies are also forfeit in Orthodox Judaism. It was the ruling of the famed rabbinic law-giver “Rashi” (Shlomo Yitzchaki), that a Jewish baby, before being born, is not a human being with a soul (nefesh).



Anonymous ID: 6d0fac Sept. 22, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.10745623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5795 >>5953

Philadelphia Residents Face Months-Long Wait to Apply for Gun-Carry Permits


State law requires cities to process applications within 45 days


Philadelphia residents say the city is forcing them to wait months to apply for gun-carry permits—far beyond the 45-day window required by law—at a time when gun sales are surging in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and widespread rioting.


The delays have left some Philadelphians fearing for their safety. James Tordella, a medical supply salesman, is caught in the permit backlog. He was not surprised when basic services in the city faltered during the pandemic, but did not think dysfunction would apply to his attempt to exercise his Second Amendment rights.


"S—'s not easy in Philadelphia," Tordella said. "I’m not sure the city is actually trying to stomp on my rights—they may just be grossly incompetent."


The uncertainty brought on by the pandemic, recent rioting in the city, and a spike in killings pushed several residents who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon to seek out licenses that would enable them to carry their legal weapons with them. Their ordeal sheds light on the effects the chaos of 2020 has had on average Americans looking for security—especially those in states likely to determine the next president of the United States.


Temple University law school alum Jude Joanis applied for a permit shortly after a shooting in his North Philadelphia neighborhood. After the Philadelphia Police Department's gun permit unit reopened at the end of July, he repeatedly called to book an appointment—at one point employing an auto dialer. He said that an officer told him the earliest appointment to apply for a permit was next year—Jan. 11, 2021. Local law enforcement is supposed to process license applications within 45 days, but Philadelphia has seemingly evaded the requirement by forcing applicants to wait up to a year to submit their application.


"Philadelphia just passed 300 total murder victims and has recorded 1,334 shooting victims," he said. "I want to exercise my right to self-defense."


Democratic governor Tom Wolf did not return a request for comment.


Pennsylvania State Police have attempted to deal with the rush on gun purchases since the coronavirus outbreak by extending the expiration dates of existing carry permits. Licenses that were set to expire in March 2020 will now be valid through December 31. Tordella said the temporary reprieve is of little consolation.


"As soon as the licensing board reopened, I started trying to call to get an appointment," he said. "[The gun permit unit's] numbers were endlessly busy and the few times I did get an actual ring the phone was never answered or disconnected."

Anonymous ID: 6d0fac Sept. 22, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.10745646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658 >>5795 >>5953

Atlanta Fed Forecasts the Largest Rate Increase in GDP in US History Coming in the 3rd Quarter 2020


The Atlanta FED is showing the 3rd Quarter of 2020 will record the largest quarterly GDP rate increase in US history. Current estimates show the US GDP increasing by 32% for the quarter.


The Atlanta FED is estimating that the GDP rate increase for the 3rd Quarter of 2020 will be the largest increase in US history. The Atlanta FED currently estimates the GDP will grow by 32%:


Every week the Atlanta FED has increased its increase estimate for the 3rd Quarter. With housing starts at such a robust increase, the FED recently updated their estimates to a 32% rate increase:

Anonymous ID: 6d0fac Sept. 22, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.10745655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5795 >>5953

Maine Supreme Court Allows Use of Ranked-Choice Voting For 1st Time in Presidential Race


The highest court in Maine decided on Tuesday to allow use of ranked-choice voting for the first time in a presidential race.


In 2018, Maine allowed ranked-choice voting statewide so the Democrats pushed for it to apply to a presidential race too.


Republicans opposed ranked-choice voting and launched a citizens’ initiative petition in an effort to allow voters in Maine to decide whether it should apply to the presidential race.


Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap however said 1,000 petition signatures were not valid because they failed to be collected by a registered voter.


After sparring back and forth in the courts, the Democrats in Maine won.


The Democrats prefer ranked-choice voting because it creates murkiness, redistributes votes and also delays results when multiple candidates are on the ballot.


On Tuesday, the Maine Supreme Court allowed the use of choice-ranked voting in the general election.


Recall, in 2018, Democrat candidate Jared Golden was announced the winner of Maine’s 2nd Congressional district after an algorithm decided the race.


Then-Republican Congressman for Maine’s 2nd district, Bruce Poliquin filed a federal lawsuit in November of 2018 against Maine’s Secretary of State to stop an algorithm from deciding the election in his race against Democrat opponent Jared Golden.


Congressman Bruce Poliquin pointed out that Maine has a long history of plurality winners in its elections.


“This system only adds additional cost to taxpayers, creates overwhelming confusion for our citizens, and is ripe for mishandling and unlawful electioneering actions, as evidenced already,” Poliquin wrote on Facebook in 2018. “Mainers deserve better than their money being wasted, their frustrations growing, and their sacred right of voting being manipulated.”


The race was eventually called for Democrat Jared Golden after the algorithms decided in his favor.


Watch this video explaining ranked-choice voting:

Anonymous ID: 6d0fac Sept. 22, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.10745666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5795 >>5953

Judicial Watch Takes On Cancel Culture


“In my view, it’s discriminatory. Not only should this be shut down in the government but also in corporations and schools -both normal and higher education should be held accountable under law for pushing these discriminatory programs,” Fitton stated in last week’s Weekly Update.


As you may have already discovered through Judicial Watch’s lawsuits, the Pentagon has promoted critical race theory as a “training program” for its employees for some time. Critical Race theory, which purports to use race and gender identity to define human power relationships, is, in Fitton’s words – an “anti-American, racial separatist, cultural marxist theory,” one which should not be “pushed on federal employees,” let alone students.


Newly obtained records by Judicial Watch show that the Pentagon’s training program included “a chapter about power and privilege such as sexual orientation and religious privilege.” As the chapter reads, “sexual orientation privilege is associated with the marginalization of non-heterosexual lifestyles and the view that heterosexuality is a normal sexual orientation.”


“This is just classic marxism,” Fitton argued. He continued in stating that “under critical race theory, if you think that traditional standards of success should be applied universally across races and gender identities, you are part of the problem. If you think people rely on their intelligence and hard work to be successful – then you’re racist.”


These training programs are not inherent only to the federal government. Corporations and schools, both K-12 as well as higher-education have engaged promoting this form of identity politics. Ironically, as Fitton further contends, “the Left says they care about minorities, but they treat them like children have contempt for them as autonomous moral agents blessed by God.”


The president is working to “shut this down,” but, as Fitton states, has been met with resistance from the Left. As Fitton argued, one thing is having diversity training – which reminds people that they can’t make presumptions based on race. Another is to promote “communist-marxist philosophy that targets people specifically, in this case whites.” As Fitton concluded:


“If you have an entire HR program geared at attacking a particular race because they’re seen as dominant, how does that comport with our law covering anti-discrimination and equal opportunity? It doesn’t.”


If you’re concerned about cancel culture in our Nation’s highest institutions, and want to help rid our society of its segregationist intentions, support Judicial Watch today. We’re your watchdog in DC, doing the heavy lifting to defend the Constitution and the rights of all Americans.

Anonymous ID: 6d0fac Sept. 22, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.10745689   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why is Benny Gantz in Washington?


Despite corona, the defense establishment cannot ignore Iran and the UAE procuring F-35s.


Just hours after he instructed the IDF to prepare a field hospital for coronavirus patients, Defense Minister Benny Gantz flew from one red country to another to meet his US counterpart, Mark Esper, in Washington.


The whirlwind 24-hour trip would include “meetings to discuss maintaining Israel’s qualitative edge, international policy vis-à-vis Iran and strategy for stopping its expansion and entrenchment in the Middle East, as well as discussions on defense cooperation and procurement,” Gantz’s office said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Washington last week to sign normalization accords with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. He was highly criticized for his trip, which took place just days before Israel entered a second lockdown as the rate of coronavirus infections and deaths spiked.


Many wondered why the prime minister would take such a trip while hundreds of Israelis were hospitalized with COVID-19, including at least 600 in serious condition and more than 1,000 who have died from it.


Millions of Israelis are dealing with the economic fallout brought about by the pandemic, with families struggling to put food on the table after losing their jobs.


Many Israelis were indifferent to the signing ceremony on the White House lawn; they had more immediate issues to contend with.

A week later, and several days into the second lockdown and 144 more coronavirus deaths, those same Israelis are still indifferent to Gantz flying to Washington. Others are asking why is he going: Can’t he hold these talks with conference calls like during the first lockdown?

Just as Gantz was set to land in Washington, Reuters reported that the US and the UAE hope to have an initial agreement on the sale of F-35 stealth fighter jets to the Gulf state in place by December 2, in time for UAE National Day.

As part of the normalization between Israel and the UAE, Abu Dhabi has made it no secret that it will procure the advanced F-35s. According to reports, it will also get Reaper drones and EA-18G Growlers, which are advanced electronic-warfare planes that can jam enemy air defenses and are flown only by the US and Australia.


Though it will take years before Emirati pilots will be in those cockpits, Israel is not willing to sit back and patiently wait before it gets new platforms.


Gantz has admitted that it is an American prerogative to sell to whoever whatever weapons they chose. But he has expressed concern about the UAE acquiring such advanced weaponry.


Gantz has already spoken to Esper by phone following reports that the UAE would seek to procure F-35s, so is it possible that the former chief of staff felt the need to speak to Esper face-to-face to stress the importance of Israel’s qualitative military edge and demand a heavy compensation package in return?

Israel will retain its QME in the Middle East despite any possible deals, Gantz told The Jerusalem Post in a recent interview. “We also make deals with the United States, and we can also get more platforms and systems,” he said. “This is not a one-sided deal.”


In recent days, Gantz has met with senior military officers, including Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi, to discuss as to what sort of compensation Israel should demand from Washington in return.


The IAF is in dire need of upgrades, and Gantz likely will discuss the various platforms it would like, such as another F-35 squadron, F-15X fighter jets, KC-46 refuelers, Chinook or CH-53K helicopters and V-22 Ospreys.


While the defense establishment has been looking at these platforms for years, Gantz will likely demand that Washington move up the orders and add additional long-range weaponry or radar systems that had not been on the table before.


This whirlwind trip by Gantz, which will be followed by five days of self-quarantine instead of the usual 10 days, can be looked at in two ways: irresponsible to be flying away from the problems in Israel, or an opportunity that cannot be missed should President Donald Trump be voted out of office.


Either way, the topics Gantz discusses with Esper will ensure that even when Emirati pilots begin to fly F-35s, Israel has the platforms needed to keep its superiority in the skies of the Middle East.

Anonymous ID: 6d0fac Sept. 22, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.10745708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5795 >>5953

'Midnight Rockets': Whistleblower lawsuit reveals toxic releases by Ohio nuclear plant


According to the suit, the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant "would regularly and purposefully vent raw UF6 [uranium hexafluoride], transuranics, heavy metals, and other toxic chemicals into the atmosphere."


A whistleblower lawsuit filed by former workers at an Ohio nuclear plant has revealed new details about disturbing practices during the plaintiffs' tenures at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS), including the alarming process — dubbed "midnight rockets" — of releasing toxic chemicals into the atmosphere.


According to the suit, "PORTS would regularly and purposefully vent raw UF6 [uranium hexafluoride], transuranics, heavy metals, and other toxic chemicals into the atmosphere from the roof of the process buildings."


Filed against U.S. Department of Energy nuclear fuel contractors on Sept. 3 in the Southern District of Ohio, Eastern Division, Walburn, et al, v. Centrus Energy Corp., et al alleges criminal conduct, gross negligence, poisoning of nuclear workers, and contamination of Ohio communities in Pike, Scioto and neighboring counties with radioactive isotopes, causing cancer clusters, injuries, sickness and death, as well as loss of property values.


After the plant was fully brought online in 1956, PORTS quickly became the single-largest electricity consumer in history. PORTS required massive amounts of electricity in order to process uranium for nuclear bombs through the Cold War, then later on for nuclear power plants. According to the plaintiffs, the amount of government-approved nuclear and chemical wastes discharged by the site to the air, water and soil through intentional releases from 1954 up until the present day was shocking.


According to a report from the Lawrence Livermore laboratory, the plant was contaminated with various radioactive materials, including uranium isotopes neptunium and plutonium, and toxic substances — including arsenic, beryllium, and chromium — have been detected. One uranium isotope, uranium-234, is abundant in the PORTS plants and is approximately 10,000 times more radioactive than the plant's profit-generating isotope, uranium-235 (used in nuclear reactor fuel).


In a meeting held by the Department of Energy (DOE) at the Comfort Inn in Piketon, Ohio — referred to by local whistleblowers and activists as the "Comfort Inn Hearing" — former Assistant Secretary of Energy David Michaels, admitted: "It is my understanding that the Department of Energy has known since 1953 and 1954 that there was plutonium contamination, not just plutonium, but neptunium and transuranic contamination in the reactor feed that came from, was transferred from Paducah."

Anonymous ID: 6d0fac Sept. 22, 2020, 11:48 a.m. No.10745729   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is Trump Using the JCPOA to Break the UN Before it Breaks Him?



A few weeks ago I wrote a piece wondering if there was a deeper meaning behind the Trump administration’s bizarre maneuvers in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) over snapback sanctions on Iran.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the resumption of these sanctions by the U.S. and demands that all the signatories to the JCPOA abide by them or face serious consequences.


In that article I noted the following:


Now at the same time, Trump and Pompeo have been very active across Europe rewriting the U.S. troop deployment map there to pressure Russia into signing new INF and START treaties under threat of U.S. expanded deployments in Poland.


Is this just more aggressive posturing by Trump? We’ll see. I remain convinced that a lot of his foreign policy ‘blundering,’ as Philip Giraldi called it recently (which I don’t disagree with), is part of his purposefully blowing up the old order between the U.S. and Europe now that it’s clear to me the globalists’ goal of a Great Reset involves destroying the U.S. and moving the center of western power to the European Union.


This morning Martin Armstrong shifted his analysis of the current push by the global elite I call The Davos Crowd in an important post stating that the goal of this push was to bring about the rise of the UN to the status of world government during this next period of history .


The stated goal? Bring on the Green New Deal to save us all from Climate Change. The real goal, the concentration of power into the hands of an un-elected bureau of technocrats.


And it may start as early as 2021 with the need to cancel sovereign debt as the next phase of the financial crisis creeps up on us. That debt will be defaulted on by converting them into perpetual bonds, as promoted by none other than George Soros himself.


Eventually, they’ll give the UN tax and spend authority through MMT and, most likely, the IMF, who will provide the ‘capital’ to make the conversions akin to the power just accreted to the European Commission in their COVID-19 relief package described breathlessly by a truly clueless (and complicit) media as Angela Merkel’s Alexander Hamilton Moment.


So, while I fundamentally disagree with Trump and Pompeo’s tactics here because they are horrific. They betray a fundamental misunderstanding of many of the players on the world stage.

Anonymous ID: 6d0fac Sept. 22, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.10745753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5795 >>5953

Sanctions, COVID-19 Pandemic, Struggle for Global Stability: Key Takeaways From Putin's UNGA Speech


In a video message to the 75th United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the UN Security Council “should be more inclusive of the interests of all countries as well as of the diversity of their positions”.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that the economic challenges posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have indicated the need to rid the world trade of “illegitimate sanctions”. He made the statement during Tuesday's video message to the 75th United Nations General Assembly, in which he focused on a whole array of pressing issues.

UN Security Council's Role


In particular, Putin touched upon the role of the UN Security Council, which he said should take into account the interests of all states more broadly.


“Our thinking is that the UN Security Council should be more inclusive of the interests of all countries as well as of the diversity of their positions, base its work on the principle of the broadest possible consensus among the states and at the same time continue to serve as the cornerstone of global governance […]", the Russian president underscored.


He also praised the United Nations for successfully performing its mission throughout the organisation's existence.


"Looking back at the past decades, one can say that despite all the difficulties of the Cold War period, major geopolitical shifts and all the intricacies of today's global politics, the UN has been ably fulfilling its mission of protecting peace, promoting the sustainable development of peoples and continents, and providing assistance in mitigating local crises”, he pointed out.

Veto Right of UNSC's Five Permanent Members


Putin also said that the veto right of the five permanent members of the UNSC remains a unique instrument of global conflict prevention, which reflects the balance of power and should be preserved.


"Such a right pertaining to the five nuclear powers, the victors of World War II, remains indicative of the actual military and political balance to this day. Most importantly, it is an essential and unique instrument that helps prevent unilateral actions that may result in direct military confrontation between major states", he stressed.


The 75th anniversary of the United Nations is a cause to remember the principles of inter-state relations that are enshrined in the UN charter, Putin said, recalling that the world celebrates "two historic anniversaries" this year — 75 years since the end of WWII, and the establishment of the UN. The Russian president stressed that the UN Charter "remains the main source of international law to this day".


"I am convinced that this anniversary makes it incumbent upon all of us to recall the timeless principles of inter-state communication enshrined in the UN Charter and formulated by the founding fathers of our universal organisation in the clearest and most unambiguous terms. These principles include the equality of sovereign states, non-interference in domestic affairs, the right of peoples to determine their own future, and non-use of force or the threat of force and political settlement of disputes", he stated.

Greater Partnership Within Eurasia


Separately, Putin focused on Russia's idea of developing a greater partnership within Eurasia, which he said is becoming extremely relevant in responding to emerging challenges and crises in order to ensure the global economic growth.


"This very idea of qualitative integrative growth, the 'integration of integrations', is the one behind Russia's initiative to form a Greater Eurasian Partnership involving all Asian and European countries without exception. It is purely pragmatic and increasingly relevant”, he added.


Putin also recalled Russia's proposal to create so-called green corridors "free from trade wars and sanctions", primarily for essential goods, food, medicines, and personal protective equipment needed to fight the pandemic.


"In general, freeing world trade from barriers, bans, restrictions and illegitimate sanctions would be of great help in revitalising global growth and reducing unemployment", the Russian president said.

Anonymous ID: 6d0fac Sept. 22, 2020, 11:53 a.m. No.10745768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5795 >>5953

Dr. Fauci is warning America again, says nation is entering into a Covid-19 ‘risk period’ this Fall


It appears Dr. Anthony Fauci, is giving America another warning about COVID-19. As the nation’s top U.S.’s infectious diseases expert, he warned Tuesday that the nation is far from out of the woods when it comes to quelling the virus.


He said on CNN’s Sanjay Gupta that the nation is “entering into a risk period” as fall begins and that American’s need to heed the warnings.


“It’s always the balance of trying not to frighten people at the same time of trying to jolt them into a realization of what needs to be done to protect themselves as individuals and the country,” said Fauci.


He added, “we are entering into a risk period and we’ve got to act accordingly as we enter into that risk period.”

Anonymous ID: 6d0fac Sept. 22, 2020, 11:54 a.m. No.10745776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5795 >>5796 >>5811 >>5953

Chris Wallace Picks Debate Topics, Appears to Omit Several Key Issues


Fox News’ Chris Wallace, the moderator for the first presidential debate of the general election next Tuesday, has chosen the topics that President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden will face — and appears to have omitted several key issues.


In a press statement, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced Tuesday:


The first presidential debate will be held on Tuesday, September 29 at Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, OH. The format for the first debate calls for six 15-minute time segments dedicated to topics announced in advance in order to encourage deep discussion of the leading issues facing the country.


Chris Wallace, moderator of the first 2020 presidential debate, has selected the topics for that debate.


Subject to possible changes because of news developments, the topics for the September 29 debate are as follows, not necessarily to be brought up in this order:


The Trump and Biden Records


The Supreme Court




The Economy


Race and Violence in our Cities


The Integrity of the Election


All debates start at 9:00 p.m. ET and run for 90 minutes without commercial interruption.


The list excludes foreign policy, abortion, climate change, immigration, health care, education, and other issues voters consider important, though it is possible they could be included under other rubrics, or brought up by the candidates.

Anonymous ID: 6d0fac Sept. 22, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.10745817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5953

ASSANGE HEARING DAY ELEVEN—US Tries to Undermine Doctor’s Testimony About Assange’s ‘High Risk of Suicide,’ Alleging That Assange is Faking Illness


8:41 am EDT: Prof. Michael Kopelman has been sworn in, standing in the actual wooden stand of the court, as the defense’s first witness on Tuesday. Kopelman is a professor of neuropsychology at King’s College, London. He testifies that Assange is suffering from severe depression with loss sleep, appetite and weight loss. He also found a high risk of suicide “if extradition appears imminent.” Kopelman said Assange has had a history of clinical depression and said his risk of suicide would increase if extradition was imminent.


Consortium News is limiting the detail of testimony about Assange’s mental health conditions after an appeal from Kopelman and defense attorney Edward Fitzgerald to the media to do so.


Of all the efforts of the defense to prevent Assange’s extradition, this testimony might have the greatest effect on the court. Ruling against extradition on medical grounds would it seems bypass the political controversies in this case.


On cross examination Lewis is trying to question Kopleman’s credentials, saying he was not a forensic psychiatrist, who work in prisons. Kopelman retorted that he had spent time in many prisons and that even Lewis had once urgently called upon him for his expert testimony in an extradition case. That brought laughter in the courtroom, even from Judge Baraitser.


Lewis’ main focus in cross examination was to establish that Assange may be exaggerating or faking his mental condition during his examinations by Kopleman. In particular, Lewis grilled Kopleman on an incident in which Assange said he concealed a razor blade and two cords in his Belmarsh prison cell, but the incident was never recorded in prison records.


Kopelman admitted never trying to verify the story with prison authorities, though he said Assange reported it to a nurse, who discussed it with other Belmarsh officials, and Assange was put back on a medication. A distinct impression was left in the courtroom at a break that Assange may have been faking that incident.


Lewis then told of an incident reported in written testimony by Kopelman of two cords Assange had hidden in his cell that were removed. The prosecutor wanted to know why this incident was not in the prison record.


Lewis: “It beggars belief the authorities would not have put that in their notes.”


Kopelman: “It is surprising they are not there.”


Lewis: “So you rely on the razor and cords as indication of suicide. If this didn’t happen it would alter your diagnosis.”


Kopelman: “But he has clinical depression independent of whether a razor was found. He has reported his intense suicidal preoccupations, he wrote farewell letters and a will, that I corroborated, and the other day pills were found in cell.”


Lewis: “These factors are self reported by Mr. Assange.”


Kopelman: “What is in my appendix is a summary of clinical factors… and I include things that fit this diagnosis and also things that don’t fit this diagnosis. You my lady will have to determine whether it is a fair synopsis or not.”


Kopelman said at one point that Assange had been given a test designed to detect if a patient is exaggerating an illness or malingering (and he later on re-direct said Assange had passed such a test.)


“Was that the Minnesota test,” Lewis asked.


“No,” said Kopelman, “it was the TOMM test.”


“The TOMM is not a test for malingering,” Lewis arrogantly shot back.


“Yes it is,” Kopelman said. “TOMM stands for Test of Memory Malingering.”


It was a rare instance of Lewis being reduced to humiliated silence.