>Muh Barr, Muh arrests, Muh justice
I doubt your truthfulness due to the fact that this board is constantly attacked by various groups, and those groups are very intent on damaging enthusiasm, via concernFagging, and moraleFagging.
Your main point is arresting functionaries like Comey et al, ie the Russian Collusion pushers.
Firstly, Q/The Plan is about rolling back the Canal, not just the Deep State. As it stands many of those key players have been exposed and fired.
However those guys were following orders. And the key to their coup was a Special Counsel, who tried to extort lies from the likes of Cohen, Stone etc. Special Counsel tried to do this knowing Crossfire Hurricane was false. They need to go down too.
Further, the Cabal plan had to do with, in part, making the US a socialist state. Thus POTUS in your face statement about this during the State of the Union, before the impeachment trial had ended. It was no throw away line.
In 2013, Harry Reid threw out the fillibuster in the Senate. He did that so he and Obozo could pack the D.C. court to 11 members, and add two far left judges. This has allowed them to continue the Flynn farce and bludgeon Stone. It's also why Barr etc are leary of prosecuting people in DC.
This was the Obozo get out of jail free card, and would help immensely with Soros elected DA's.
The plan was to pack ALL Federal appeals courts. This would have neutered a conservative Supreme Court. McConnell stopped that in 2014. Obozo didn't care because Hillary would continue it. I also think the cocaine bust on a ship linked to McConnel was a hit to tAke Mitch out. I suspect that it was supposed to be Fentynl from China, with China producing evidence that Mitch's wife and family were huge conduits of Fent feeding the Opiod epidemic, but Q/Q+ ops caused Xi to back off. (Remember those strange Chinese port explosions).
So, while I'd like to see arrests, I'd prefer to see the planners doing such things go down. Arresting Comey will not do that. Further, due to the packed DC Fed Court, those trials will drag on and on. These people know a lot about these plans. It is better that they talk.
Right now, all those in Durham's sight are keeping their mouths shut, because if POTUS loses they are free.
Also, despite your statement to leave, Trump is poised to secure a Conservative SCOTUS. Biden is imploding, etc.
Oldfags know this. Oldfags see the Cabal getting pushed back. The Democrats knows this. Strange that you do not.