>Ok but he's just gonna get pulled over in turn 1 for having his windows tinted too dark.
Wait until they tell him to drive it like he stole it.
He'll be thumping bass in a Popeye's drive-thru.
>Ok but he's just gonna get pulled over in turn 1 for having his windows tinted too dark.
Wait until they tell him to drive it like he stole it.
He'll be thumping bass in a Popeye's drive-thru.
Do images load for new baker girls?
>Illegals getting stuck on top of the wall and can't get down!
>anybody, why couldn't I get this to embed like this broanon did?
I downloaded the vid from liveleak, then uploaded it here. Same as we do with twatter vids.
Anon also rural. Always make sure to wear some Trump gear when going maskless.
The extra little reeee look from libs makes it all worthwhile.