Anonymous ID: e1a396 Sept. 22, 2020, 7:08 p.m. No.10750871   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10746453 (pb)


How about freedom from black thugs and criminals for the rest of the US? Blacks represent 13.4% of the US population but commit a disproportionate amount of crime especially homicide, rape, and aggravated assault percentage-wise.


Sauce: Statistics from the FBI (2018) -

Anonymous ID: e1a396 Sept. 22, 2020, 7:21 p.m. No.10751012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1177


Anyone who has been on this board for long knows what it means. Re-read Q drops and figure it out you lazy fuck!


Hint: One of Q's recent drops references two date ranges. The second one is September 21-September 24.