I was looking forward to having a breakfast buffet with POTUS someday until I found out he doesn't eat breakfast.
I bet ya he'll chill with us while we do anyways. Sounds like he's just hanging out with mostly dorks these days. All the cool buddies just calling him Mr. President and ahit.
Some of that old GOLD!
22 million views. Eating a Big Mac.
>>10752322 (me)
My bad. 22 million followers. (I don't Facebook)
There's a really sad show I watched where the pounded very young kids with powerful adult medications saying they were bipolar, because the toddlers were laughing one minute and crying the next. Totally fucking ruined the kids.
Bipolar kind of joke, too. The whole divide and conquer world is bipolar.
I've had some long running manic episodes and they were completely fantastic.
Almost every psychologist is a full retard.
How does that make you feel?
Okay. Okay.
And how did that make you feel?
Here's some anti-psychotics.
In my opinion, based on how they define all these "mental illnesses" if a person is honest enough to explain how they really think, then everybody has a mental illness. And their only tool is pills. And they just guess-and-check that shit. Try this one. Of that doesn't work, we'll switch you to this and add some other shit.
For sure. If you're not below average itelligence or a normal and you're honest (not purposely hiding what you think) you're gettin' pills for sure.
>>10752528 (me)
normie, rather. (Autocorrect)
Who do we lobby to increase penalty (ideally to death sentence) for sexually abusing children?
Yup. Glad I'm not malleable like that. You never know. They could make anybody a Tsarnaev even if you didn't do anything.
That was hilarious at that old President Trump rally in Wisconsin when POTUS told Paul Ryan to come up on stage, then said (paraphrase), "Nah. I dont think they'll (Secret Service) let you up here." Bet that faggot stood up and smiled then sat back down like a fag.
Thank you, sir!