Anonymous ID: 3350e2 Sept. 23, 2020, 7:50 a.m. No.10755044   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Saudi Arabia's King Salman on Wednesday called for a comprehensive solution on Iran, disarming its affiliate Hezbollah in Lebanon and expressed support for US efforts to start talks between Israel and the Palestinians during his first address to the United Nations General Assembly.


He said Iran has exploited a 2015 nuclear deal with world powers "to intensify its expansionist activities, creates its terrorist networks and use terrorism," adding that this had produced nothing but "chaos, extremism, and sectarianism."


"A comprehensive solution and a firm international position are required," he told the 193-member General Assembly in a video statement, pre-recorded due to the coronavirus pandemic.


He said there must be a firm international position to stop Iran “getting weapons of mass destruction, stop its ballistic missile program, stop interference in other countries.”


He added that Saudi Arabia would not hesitate to defend itself and that it would not abandon the people of neighbouring Yemen, where the Saudi led Coalition is battling against Iran-backed Houthi rebels who took control of Sanaa and much of the north in a coup in 2015.


He said that the August 4 Beirut port blast that killed at least 190 and wounded thousands occurred as a result of Hezbollah’s “hegemony” over the decision-making process in Lebanon by force of arms.


Although the official investigation is ongoing, it is believed that thousands of tonnes of ammonium nitrate left in a warehouse at the docks for years and potentially stored near thousands of firecrackers ignited causing a blast and shock wave that damaged much of central Beirut.


“Hezbollah must be disarmed for the Lebanese to achieve security, stability and prosperity,” he said.


On the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, he reiterated the kingdom's stance that Arab Peace Initiative for a two-state solution with East Jerusalem as the capital of an independent Palestinian state provides the basis for a comprehensive and just solution.