(Two major objectives) I see for the MSM Qanon 'Expose' articles.
I'm sure moar.
These two stand out:
They Create a [Straw Man] "Qanon".
They get most things wrong.
And they build a Fictitious "Qanon Bogeyman Cult".
They use their straw man "Qanon Bogeyman Cult" to: '''Scare Normies Away From INVESTIGATING THE INFORMATION.
If normies are persuaded a bunch of whacked out lunatics are following crazy "conspiracy theories" = anonymously & maliciously sewn on the "dark web" (a term they used in one of their hit pieces) by a mysterious "spook" or (AJ-type): then most will be SCARED AWAY.
→ Frighten The SHEEP = Make them run away.