Anonymous ID: 78acbc Sept. 23, 2020, 6:58 a.m. No.10754675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4730 >>4795 >>5066

(Two major objectives) I see for the MSM Qanon 'Expose' articles.

I'm sure moar.

These two stand out:

  1. They Create a [Straw Man] "Qanon".

They get most things wrong.

And they build a Fictitious "Qanon Bogeyman Cult".

  1. They use their straw man "Qanon Bogeyman Cult" to: '''Scare Normies Away From INVESTIGATING THE INFORMATION.

If normies are persuaded a bunch of whacked out lunatics are following crazy "conspiracy theories" = anonymously & maliciously sewn on the "dark web" (a term they used in one of their hit pieces) by a mysterious "spook" or (AJ-type): then most will be SCARED AWAY.

→ Frighten The SHEEP = Make them run away.

Anonymous ID: 78acbc Sept. 23, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.10754795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4978 >>5182


Baimadajie Angwang - NYPD =[CCP] SPY


Who is Baimadajie Angwang?


Angwang is a naturalized US citizen from Tibet; naturalization means he became a US citizen after meeting immigration requirements established by Congress.


Before becoming a citizen, Angwang sought asylum by claiming he had been arrested and tortured in China partly because of his Tibetan ethnicity, according to officials.


This is how they do it in Mainland China also to infiltrate the underground Christian house churches.


They pose as persecuted Christians. [CCP] manufactures their "legend" bio & "Backstop" cover. They infiltrate house church networks to spy on their fellow citizens.


(I worked among the house church networks in China. I've seen this personally. Know Chinese Christians who were detained & tortured because of guys like him.)


And he managed to get into the USMC.

Anonymous ID: 78acbc Sept. 23, 2020, 7:37 a.m. No.10754929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4944

This 2020 Election Was Always Going to Be Contested.


Anons can speculate all you want about the problems approaching with the mail-in ballot fiasco being pushed & caused by the insurrectionist [DS].

But even the newest anons here certainly understand; POTUS & Q et al know long ago this particular election would be contested by the traitors among us.

The upcoming shenanigans are not a surprise.

I for one am focused on discerning:

  1. How to best understand the comms coming at us.

  2. My role in this effort to save the Republic.

  3. How I can work most effectively with all of y'all.

  4. How I can translate my participation into positive actions IRL.