>>10755749 lb
He/demonrats going for the lone voice in the wind howling full of witches coven: dementia
>>10755749 lb
He/demonrats going for the lone voice in the wind howling full of witches coven: dementia
faux saux msdnc cnn networks gonna run breonna taylor sumting blalalla drug dealer got killed getting aRACE RIOT ==scum of the earth, media you guys are actively engaged in this cover up. waiting for a race riot Crying SHAME
FAUX saux plays out the story like the times - conclusion biden skates cause he's such a like able pedo, voters just don't care that he dribbles his soup , cranky old man will put a BABY KILLER on the bench
drudge did it! solved it. so men are russian bots that got orange man bad elected back in 16, stealing from the duly electe4d HILLDAWG' one and only chance (watch out old joe- burisma gonna throw u under the grind) and the men, the russian bots, who are the reason breaonna taylor died - the men, the mysoginist menโฆ, who attack joi are the whore reason witches are shown to be behind this conspiracy proof ting.
coven leader drudge calling out men is very much a rule breaker which demands a: SHOW THEM TITS OR GET THE FUCK OUT
ergo - he's a trannie
the wheels of justice TURN