Anonymous ID: 3272f0 Sept. 23, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.10759243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9276 >>9287

Antifa Deliver Shields and Weapons To Protesters in Louisville


Antifa have been caught using a U-Haul truck to deliver shields and weapons to people in Louisville moments after the Breonna Taylor announcement.


In case anyone had doubts whether any riots were planned or organised, here you go…

Anonymous ID: 3272f0 Sept. 23, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.10759253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9625 >>9732 >>9961

US Slaps Sanctions on 8 People and 7 Organisations With Links to Russia and Finland


According to the US Treasury, the new set of restrictions is related to foreign interference in American elections.


The United States Treasury has added eight individuals and seven organisations linked to Russia and Finland to its specially designated nationals list, according to the latest release on the official website.


Of the eight sanctioned persons, seven are Russian nationals, while one individual has Finnish citizenship.


The companies that came under sanctions include Acex OY, GCH Finland OY, Optima Freight OY, and Unicum Trade OY. They are all registered in Finland at the same address.


Two companies - NPP PT Okeanos, AO and M Finans - are registered in St Petersburg. The other organisation, Lobaye Invest, has its legal address in the Central African Republic. In October, CAR President Faustin-Archange Touadera said that the Russian mining company Lobaye Invest was working in line with Central African Republic laws concerning foreign businesses in the country.


According to the list update, the introduced sanctions fall under "Cyber-related Designations; Foreign Interference in U.S. Election Designations; Ukraine-/Russia-related Designations" in the Office of Foreign Assets Control's Specially Designated Nationals List.


"Today, the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) took further action against the network of Kremlin-connected Russian operative Yevgeniy Prigozhin (Prigozhin), by targeting entities and individuals working on behalf of Prigozhin to advance Russia’s influence in the Central African Republic (CAR). Concurrently, OFAC is targeting those that have supported the Russian Federal Security Service directly, as well as those that assist persons helping designated Russian actors to evade US sanctions," the Treasury said in a statement.


The United States has been accusing Russia of meddling in its political processes, in particular, during the 2016 presidential election. Moscow has consistently denied the allegation, demanding for it to come with facts to be valid.

Anonymous ID: 3272f0 Sept. 23, 2020, 1 p.m. No.10759275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9625 >>9732 >>9961

UBS CEO Joins JPMorgan In Push For 'A Return To The Office' For Staff


It was just a couple of days ago that we reported that J.P. Morgan was one of the first investment banks on Wall Street to consider bringing its employees back to work. JPM had said that employees lose "creative energy" when working from home.


Now, UBS could be joining the chorus of bank executives that appear to be ready to re-open. Chief Executive Officer Sergio Ermotti said at a Bank of America conference on Tuesday that it's difficult for banks to "create and sustain cohesiveness and a culture when employees are working from home," according to BNN.


He said that for UBS, 20% to 30% of employees will be working from home and that an 85% rate is "non sustainable" for banks.


UBS employs a total of nearly 70,000 employees over 50 countries and has had about 80% of its staff working from home since the coronavirus pandemic began. The bank's Chief Operating Officer, Sabine Keller-Busse, had said earlier this year that up to 33% of the bank's employees might wind up working remotely on a permanent basis.


There was no confirmation that the bank had yet recalled additional workers back to their respective offices.


Recall, just days after J.P. Morgan suggested its employees come back to work, the firm was hit with a Covid outbreak and was forced to upend its plans. This left this CEO Jamie Dimon with some egg on his face after he personally signed off on the bank's opposition to work from home.


Is this being done as their comms are being monitored??? Or possibly do they need the staff to destroy evidence of crimes???

Anonymous ID: 3272f0 Sept. 23, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.10759299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9383 >>9411 >>9443 >>9451 >>9457 >>9625 >>9732 >>9961

‘How Dare You!’: Donny Deutsch Lectures Jewish Trump Supporters, Says There’s ‘No Difference’ From What Hitler Preached


MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch lectured Jewish Trump supporters during a Wednesday appearance on “Morning Joe.”


While Deutsch made it clear that he was not saying there was another Holocaust already occurring in America, he warned that could be coming because there was “no difference” between President Donald Trump’s rhetoric and what “Adolf Hitler preached” in Germany in the 1930s.


Deutsch began by saying that he did not see one person of color in the crowd, pivoting then to his overall takeaway from the rally Trump held Tuesday evening in Pennsylvania.


Noting that former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson had compared Trump to Hitler, Deutsch said that normally he would be cautious about drawing that comparison but he felt that in this particular case it might be warranted.


“But what was going on in early ‘30s Germany? Well, basically, you had a destruction of the belief in the free press. You had a blurring between the executive branch and the Justice Department. You have creating an other, whether it’s Muslims, whether it’s Mexicans, whether it’s congressmen who weren’t born in this country. And then you have the destruction of free elections,” Deutsch explained.


“And we’re here,” he continued. “And what is the difference between Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump? I’m not saying there’s a Holocaust, but when you look at the tactics …”


Deutsch then turned to address his Jewish friends who were supporting President Trump, saying, “How dare you? How dare you, with what our people have gone through in history, and you see a man who is a dictator. And once you give a man absolute power, he is possible of anything. And if you are a Jew in this country and you are supporting Donald Trump, you are not looking back at our history. And you are blind and you are walking like a lemming off a cliff. It is time to wake up!”


“I’m sorry,” Deutsch concluded, “This is where we are. There is no difference from what Donald Trump is preaching, from what Adolf Hitler preached in the early ‘30s. Let’s just say it once and for all.”

Anonymous ID: 3272f0 Sept. 23, 2020, 1:05 p.m. No.10759363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9400 >>9609 >>9625 >>9732 >>9961

‘No One Cross in Front of the Black Women’ Louisville Breonna Taylor ‘Protesters’ Segregate By Race and Gender


The Louisville Black Lives Matter “protesters” that took to the streets over the Breonna Taylor announcement are segregating by race and gender.


“No one is to cross in front of the Black women,” a racist leader told the crowd as they formed into lines with black women at the front.


The “protesters” were organized into lines starting with black women, followed by a row of black men, then everyone else.


Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron announced on Wednesday that there will be no charges filed against two of the Louisville police officers involved in the shooting of Breonna Taylor, while the third was charged with “wanton endangerment.” However, the charges stem from bullets that entered another apartment — not for shooting at Taylor.


Wanton endangerment is a Class D felony, punishable by one to five years in prison.


A riot was already forming within minutes of the announcement.


Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer issued a preemptive state of emergency for the city earlier this week in anticipation of the announcement. Fischer said that the reason for the state of emergency is the “potential for civil unrest.”


“Our goal is ensuring space and opportunity for potential protesters to gather and express their First Amendment rights after the announcement,” Fischer said in a statement. “At the same time, we are preparing for any eventuality to keep everyone safe.


Taylor was killed during a knock and announce drug raid on March 13, during which her boyfriend shot at police and they returned fire. LMPD Sgt. Jon Mattingly was shot during the exchange and has now recovered.


There were hundreds, possibly thousands, of threats that the city would burn if the officers were not charged.


On Tuesday, one of the three officers involved in the shooting, LMPD Sgt. Mattingly sent a strongly worded email to his colleagues blasting the city leadership for failing the police. He and the two other detectives involved, Myles Cosgrove and Brett Hankison, were placed on administrative leave following the incident. Hankison was later fired for shooting 10 rounds into Taylor’s apartment, but he is appealing the decision.

Anonymous ID: 3272f0 Sept. 23, 2020, 1:08 p.m. No.10759419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9450 >>9625 >>9732 >>9961

Belarusian police deploy water cannon after protesters take to Minsk streets following Lukashenko’s surprise inauguration


Protesters have erupted once more on the streets of Minsk, after Alexander Lukashenko was inaugurated for a new term as president. They were met with a strong police response, with water cannon deployed to disperse the crowds.


The low-key, and unexpected, induction ceremony, which was held on Wednesday morning, sparked fresh mass protests across Belarus. Long-term leader Lukashenko has now officially entered his sixth consecutive presidential term, after a disputed election.


Footage from the scene shows crowds of protesters gathering by the WWII monument in central Minsk, where rallies have been repeatedly held during the past few weeks.

Anonymous ID: 3272f0 Sept. 23, 2020, 1:09 p.m. No.10759428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9452 >>9625 >>9732 >>9961 >>9999

China blames US for ‘obstructing’ global fight against emissions, vows to go carbon neutral by 2060


Beijing has accused the US of “obstructing” the global fight against greenhouse gases, a day after President Xi Jinping said China aims to have “CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.”


China said on Wednesday it considers this plan a “powerful rebuke to the US’ unfounded accusations” that were made against it at the UN General Assembly.


The US, which is the world’s second-largest polluter, pulled out of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation, blaming China for the stalled momentum on tackling global emissions.


“This seriously obstructs the progress of reducing global emissions and promoting green, low-carbon development,” China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said. “What qualifications does such a country have to criticize China?” he was quoted as saying at a news briefing in Beijing.


China itself is the world’s biggest polluter and accounts for a quarter of the planet’s greenhouse gases. Addressing the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, Xi renewed his support for the Paris climate accord. He maintained China was a climate leader, saying the accord “outlines the minimum steps to be taken to protect the Earth.” All countries must take decisive steps to honor the agreement, he said.


China will update and enhance its nationally determined contribution targets, Wang told reporters on Wednesday. He described the US as the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases in cumulative terms, saying that Washington “not only failed to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, but also pulled out of the Paris Agreement.” Thus, the US has completely disassociated itself from the global carbon emissions system and arrangements, he stressed.


As the world’s largest exporter of solid waste and a major consumer of plastics per capita, the US has also refused to ratify the Basel Convention and “has set obstacles for the global governance process on plastic waste,” according to Wang.


How was the state that had shipped so much waste to developing countries “in any position to blame China?” Wang asked. He urged the US “to stop playing political games, abandon unilateralism, and live up to its due responsibility to the world.”


The Paris Agreement commits nations to limiting global temperature rises to near pre-industrial levels by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, President Donald Trump believes the accord is unfair to the US. “Those who attack America’s exceptional environmental record while ignoring China’s rampant pollution are not interested in the environment,” Trump said in a UN speech shortly before Xi addressed the General Assembly.

Anonymous ID: 3272f0 Sept. 23, 2020, 1:11 p.m. No.10759463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9565 >>9625 >>9732 >>9961

Bio-Surveillance: Singapore Issues New Bluetooth Tracking Tags for Citizens


More often than not, you will see one small island state leading the way on all things related to futurism and technocracy. As a self-described ‘smart nation,’ Singapore proudly takes the lead on any new developments in surveillance technology, like facial recognition, and it’s normally sold as something which will ‘improve lives, economic opportunity and build communities.’ So it’s a natural fit to play the role of beta testing ground for the new global bio-surveillance regime now being forced through under the guise of the current ‘pandemic.’


Thus far, we’ve seen a breathtaking leap forward in terms of tracking and social engineering applications related to COVID-19, including new mobile apps which assign green/yellow/red traffic light-style quarantine status levels to people, and governments using mobile phone signal triangulation and geofencing in order to track citizens and enforce isolation quarantines. There’s also disturbing Big Brother apps like FluPhone. We’ve also seen government sucking up data and using mobile alerts to inform people of anyone who has tested positive for COVID within 100 meters of their location. The levels of penetration into one’s life and personal medical health – are unprecedented.


None of this is theoretical any more – it’s what has already been deployed, albeit to varying degrees and in certain regions, in countries like China, South Korea and Singapore. When the COVID crisis first hit, it came as no surprise to see Singapore impose one of the strictest lockdowns and travel restrictions on the planet, and enforced the use of masks. But universal adoption has been hampered in part by generational attitudes and access to technology.


The government in Singapore has launched a new device designed to close that gap. In its bid to supposedly ‘help curb the spread’ of COVID, the government launched its new wearable COVID tracking tag, which is being called a “token.” Under its friendly-sounding brand, TraceTogether, the device uses Bluetooth technology to ping other people nearby using the app – giving the government a running database for tracking potential coronavirus ‘cases.’


NOTE: Readers should be aware that of all the large global corporate mainstream media outlets, Bloomberg News is producing the most amount of ‘pandemic’ propaganda – on a near hourly basis. Follow their Twitter feed to monitor their aggressive promotion of all things COVID; masks, lockdowns and ‘New Normal’ policies.


"It kind of looks like the Apple AirPods case."


Singapore is rolling out Bluetooth #Covid19 contact-tracing tokens to its residents. @mkcheok went and got hers. More @business:


— Bloomberg QuickTake (@QuickTake) September 22, 2020


The new personal track and trace tag is supposed to be ‘voluntary’ but it portends the shape of things to come; by complementing the government’s existing mobile phone app which has achieved nearly 75% adoption among the population, the new Bluetooth tag will help the state to arrive at its goal of tracking 100% of the population.


The initial models are fairly plain, but the government plans to launch a trendier version with new colours to try and make this surveillance device more fashionable.

Anonymous ID: 3272f0 Sept. 23, 2020, 1:17 p.m. No.10759552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9622 >>9969

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle stick their elitist noses into US politics, preach about ‘hate speech’ & the ‘most important election’


Now living in the US, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have already started preaching to American voters, saying this presidential election is the “most important in our lifetime” and shaming people into voting.


In the new video made for the Time 100 list, the British royal family members, who have given up their royal duties, aren’t committed enough to endorse an actual candidate for November, but it’s pretty clear which way they are urging folks to vote.


“Every four years we are told the same thing, that this is the most important election of our lifetime,” Markle says. “But this one is. When we vote, our values are put into action and our voices are heard. Your voice is a reminder that you matter, because you do and you deserve to be heard.”


Considering Markle has slammed Trump as “misogynistic” and “divisive” in the past, expressed excitement over Kamala Harris’ vice presidential nomination, and done activist work with Michelle Obama, it’s not difficult to tell which voices she thinks “deserve to be heard.” And note to Markle: if you’re going to argue this election is the most important in our lifetimes, it’s probably wise not to begin your statement by saying the same thing is doled out every four years where politicians try convincing us the sky will fall based on which of the typically two bad choices we put in power.


Prince Harry’s part in the video is just as cringe-inducing with the royal admitting he can’t even vote in the US (he’s not a citizen) before then preaching about “misinformation” and “hate speech” online, generic points that seem ripped right out of a CNN anchor’s script.


“This election I am not able to vote in the US. But many of you may not know that I haven’t been able to vote in the UK my entire life. As we approach this November, it’s vital that we reject hate speech, misinformation and online negativity,” Harry says.


The two have already received an onslaught of criticism for what is essentially a toothless endorsement of Biden and attempted swipe at Trump.


“Prince Harry poking his woke nose into the US election & effectively telling Americans to vote against President Trump is completely unacceptable behaviour for a member of the Royal Family,” Piers Morgan tweeted, his points echoed by others since the release of the video.

Anonymous ID: 3272f0 Sept. 23, 2020, 1:18 p.m. No.10759567   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China ramps up US crude oil imports as elections near


China has been buying a lot of US crude oil lately as part of the trade deal, but this buying spree could be about to end.


This month alone, China could import between 867,000 (barrels per day) bpd, according to Reuters’ Refinitiv data, and 900,000 bpd, according to oilfield services company Canary. And then the flow of US oil into China will decline, and it will decline sharply, Reuters’ Clyde Russell wrote this week. The reason as simple as it is worrying. The US crude that has been going into China since July—and reaching major records in terms of volume, with the July daily average alone up 139 percent on the year—was bought much earlier, in April, May, and June. This was oil bought when West Texas Intermediate was trading at multi-year lows. By June it had recovered to about $40, Russell notes, so purchases since then have been more modest.


But here is the worrying part: much of the oil price recovery we’ve seen since this spring was caused by rising Chinese imports, including from the United States. Rising imports are traditionally taken to mean improving demand, but this time this has not been the case entirely. Chinese refiners have been stocking up on crude more because of the historically low prices than to satisfy growing demand.


In all fairness, oil demand has been seen as recovering pretty faster after the end of the lockdowns there but since China is not an isolated economy, its refining industry needs a recovery elsewhere in Asia and globally, and this has been slow in coming. Now, none other than OPEC is warning that a second wave of Covid-19 infections—already visible in parts of Europe, for example—will further slow down demand recovery, which will unavoidably affect Chinese oil imports.


According to Canary CEO Dave Eberhart, however, China will continue buying a lot of US oil ahead of the US elections. Beijing, Eberhart wrote for Forbes, would want to stay on Trump’s good side as much as possible in case he wins a second term. Reuters’ Russell is of a different opinion: he cites preliminary import estimates that point to a sharp decline in October to 500,000 bpd of US oil flowing into China and a further decline in November. For Russell, it’s all about the price. For Eberhart, it’s also about politics and the trade war.


“While importing US crude often doesn't make commercial sense for China's refiners, Beijing has directed them to continue buying as the election approaches—a sign that China knows that the trade issue with Trump will only intensify if the president wins a second term,” Eberhart wrote.

Anonymous ID: 3272f0 Sept. 23, 2020, 1:23 p.m. No.10759638   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gilead Agrees To Pay $97 Million To Resolve Alleged False Claims Act Liability For Paying Kickbacks


No justice just numbers on a screen

Anonymous ID: 3272f0 Sept. 23, 2020, 1:35 p.m. No.10759790   🗄️.is 🔗kun Anon is MIA anyone know anything???????????????


site not update in 5 days

Anonymous ID: 3272f0 Sept. 23, 2020, 1:37 p.m. No.10759816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9961

Tesla's Shares Plunge by Over 8% as Company Sues US Government Over Levies on Chinese Imports


Last year, US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer's office rejected Tesla's bid to avoid tariffs on car parts for its Model 3 electric cars after the company complained that the levies will have negative repercussions for the firm.


The Tesla electric car company, owned by Elon Musk, has sued the Trump administration over the 25% tariffs imposed on car parts that the firm imports from China.


The lawsuit, filed at the US Court of International Trade in New York on Monday, pushes for a refund of the amounts it had already paid with interest.


The legal action also calls for the abolition of the levies, which Tesla described as unlawful.


Tesla's shares have lost 8.63% on the heels of the development, trading at $387.61 as of 12:14 p.m. EDT, according to Bloomberg.


Last year, the US administration rejected the company's bid to override the 25% tariffs on car parts manufactured in China – in particular, computer and display screens used in the Model 3 electric car.


The tariff standoff between the United States and China has been ongoing since US President Donald Trump’s decision in June 2018 to impose 25 percent tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods in a bid to fix the US-Chinese trade imbalance. Last May, Washington more than doubled import duties on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods. China retaliated by hiking tariffs on US imports later that year.