Anonymous ID: 4d087e Sept. 23, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.10759241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9339

>>10759165 (lb)

For The American People = To Destroy the American People in order To Enrich Ourselves

Blow Up The System = Riots, Burning Down Cities, Violence, Murder, Cheating, Harassment, Death, To Enrich Ourselves

Re-Imagine The Police = To Defund, Over-Regulate, And Destroy The Police to make it Easier To Enrich Ourselves

Control The Military = To Over-Regulate, Defund, And Weaken The Military To Enrich Ourselves with Phony wars

Reach Out To Our Allies = Giving Our Power, Money, Intellectual Property, etc., To Foreign Agents/Countries Such As China, North Korea, And Iran while secretly Enriching ourselves.

Re-Imagine The Constitution = The Altering, Weakening, And Destruction Of The Constitution to enslave you to enrich ourselves

Because We Care About The American People = WE HATE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! (except our fellow elites)

To Protect The American People = To Harm The American People and Enrich Ourselves

To Fix The System = Destruction of Electoral College, Ballot Harvesting, Voter Suppression, Mail-In Balloting, Cheating, Fraud, Illegal Voting, Driver’s Licenses For Illegal’s, Active Felons Voting, etc so we can stay in power indefinitely so we can Enrich Ourselves

Gun Safety = To Do Away With The NRA, The 2nd Amendment, And Mandatory Gun Buy Backs so you can't fight all our plans to strip your wealth and enrich ourselves.

21st Century America = The NEW WORLD ORDER, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Nepotism, And Nazism.


Fixed it for you.

Anonymous ID: 4d087e Sept. 23, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.10759528   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cop got indicted for firing through the apartment wall and into neighboring apartment where a family lived.

Endangering people or something.

No one indicted for B. Taylor.