"Archive everything off line".
Thank you so much for sharing. This will be extremely helpful to point to to disbelieving Normies about all that is being done.
Even if GEOTUS does nothing else (and he is working hard on many many fronts) our entire family will be eternally grateful to him for this. It is not easy to look evil right in the eye and not flinch. We are so lucky he stepped up.
Yep. Gonna test all my stuff to endure through a mandatory off grid situation.
They aren't going to go down without a fight, kicking and screaming all the way.
Would appreciate some positive energy if you can spare.
A genuine good guy, true pro Trump White Hat, is waiting for the final scoring results of an interview to be a proactive part of team MAGA.
He is overseas right now and his family would be so grateful if he could return to the US and put his considerable skills and knowledge to help us here instead of another country.
We need as many of our White Hat pro MAGA guys on our side as possible.