Anonymous ID: 4a7e3f Sept. 23, 2020, 3:56 p.m. No.10761598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1607 >>1819 >>2010 >>2062 >>2307

Florida Attorney General Orders Investigation into Mike Bloomberg For Pledging to Help Felons Pay Fines For Biden Votes


The Florida Attorney General on Wednesday ordered an investigation into Mike Bloomberg for pledging $16 million to help convicted felons vote in the November election.


This comes after a request from Republican Governor Ron DeSantis to review the “recent allegations” found in a WaPo article.


Billionaire and failed presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg raised $16 million to help pay the fines for 32,000 black and Hispanic felons so they can vote for Joe Biden in the 2020 election.


In 2018, Florida voted to allow for felons who have completed their sentences to regain their voting rights back, however they must pay outstanding fees in order to be able to vote.


Legal analyst J. Christian Adams argued last night on Fox News that Michael Bloomberg is breaking federal and likely Florida state law by buying votes from felons.


Federal law makes it illegal to pay for or receive money for voting.


And J. Christian Adams also argued that Bloomberg is putting the felons in legal and financial jeopardy by paying off their debts for votes.


Florida Gov DeSantis and Florida AG Ashley Moody agree!


The letter from Attorney General Ashley Moody was addressed to both the Florida Department of Law Enforcement AND the FBI!


Florida is a crucial battleground state with 29 electoral votes.


President Trump won Florida in 2016 by a little more than 100,000 votes.


Bloomberg is literally trying to buy Florida for Joe Biden by pledging to spend $100 million in the Sunshine State to help Sleepy Joe defeat Trump.

Anonymous ID: 4a7e3f Sept. 23, 2020, 3:58 p.m. No.10761625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1664 >>1684 >>1817 >>1819 >>2010 >>2091 >>2307

Armed Militia Group Is Now Marching in Downtown Louisville


Protests and riots immediately erupted after Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron announced Wednesday that there will be no charges filed against two of the Louisville police officers involved in the shooting of Breonna Taylor, while the third is being charged with “wanton endangerment.”


Breonna Taylor protesters ran over to a parked U-Haul containing supplies for their violent riot immediately following the decision.


And now…

Armed militia members are marching into Louisville.

Oh boy.


Via Anonymous, the militia has been identified as members of the “National Patriotic Defense Team” a right-wing militant group that operates in Kentucky.

Anonymous ID: 4a7e3f Sept. 23, 2020, 4:11 p.m. No.10761813   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is Your Drinking Water Toxic? This App May Help You Find Out


A new tool developed by Penn Medicine researchers informs users about their potential exposure to hydraulic fracturing chemicals


Exposure to hydraulic fracturing fluid in drinking water has been shown to increase the risk of respiratory problems, premature births, congenital heart defects, and other medical problems. But not all wells are created equal. Since different hydraulic fracturing — or fracking — sites use a diverse mix of chemical ingredients, often individuals and researchers are in the dark about the health consequences of living near a particular well.


Now, a new, interactive tool created by Penn Medicine researchers allows community members and scientists to find out which toxins may be lurking in their drinking water as a result of fracking. By typing your ZIP code into the website or accompanying app — called WellExplorer — you can view the closest fracking sites in your state, learn which chemicals are used at those sites, and view their levels of toxicity.


In a recent study, published in Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation, the WellExplorer app’s creators found, for example, that wells in Alabama use a disproportionately high number of ingredients targeting estrogen pathways, while Illinois, Ohio, and Pennsylvania use a high number of ingredients targeting testosterone pathways. The information found through WellExplorer might be particularly relevant for individuals who use private water wells, which are common in rural Pennsylvania, since homeowners may not be performing rigorous testing for these fracking chemicals, according to the study’s principal investigator Mary Regina Boland, PhD, an assistant professor of Informatics in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.


“The chemical mixtures used in fracking are known to regulate hormonal pathways, including testosterone and estrogen, and can therefore affect human development and reproduction,” Boland said. “Knowing about these chemicals is important, not only for researchers who may be studying health outcomes in a community, but also for individuals who may want to learn more about possible health implications based on their proximity to a well. They can then potentially have their water tested.”


While serves as a central registry for fracking chemical disclosures in the United States, the database is not user-friendly for the general public, and it does not contain information about the biological action of the fracking chemicals that it lists. In order to create a tool that could provide more in-depth, functional information for researchers and individuals alike, the Penn researchers first cleaned, shortened, and subsetted the data from to create two newly usable files that could be in used in WellExplorer website and app.

Anonymous ID: 4a7e3f Sept. 23, 2020, 4:13 p.m. No.10761840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1885 >>2010 >>2307

Westpac pays up for Austrac scandal


Australia’s second largest bank has been forced to cough up more than a billion dollars for making 23 million financial law breaches last year.


Westpac has been forced to cough up more than a billion dollars in penalties to the financial crimes watchdog for making 23 million financial law breaches in 2019.


The country’s second largest bank has beenordered to pay Austrac $1.3 billionafter investigations last year revealedit had allowed transactions and transfers that funded terrorism and human trafficking.


Westpac set aside $900 million in its 2020 half-year results in anticipation of a fine.


A dispute between Austrac and Westpac was lodged in the federal court earlier this year to determine the total payout and the number of breaches.


In a statement issued on Thursday, Westpac admitted to the total number of breaches claimed by Austrac.


The bank had originally admitted to about 19 million of the financial crime violations after an internal probe, instead of the 23 million alleged by the regulator.


Westpac chief executive Peter King said the bank was apologetic for its failings relating to the historical transactions, which were not flagged as suspicious at the time.


“We are committed to fixing the issues to ensure that these mistakes do not happen again,” he said.


“This has been my number one priority. We have also closed down relevant products and reported all relevant historical transactions.”


No justice just numbers on a screen for financing Terrorism an Human trafficking including pedo stuff

Anonymous ID: 4a7e3f Sept. 23, 2020, 4:16 p.m. No.10761887   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Department of Justice Begins Second Distribution of Funds Recovered Through Asset Forfeiture to Compensate Victims of Western Union Fraud Scheme, Bringing Total to Over $300 Million

Anonymous ID: 4a7e3f Sept. 23, 2020, 4:25 p.m. No.10761985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2010 >>2282 >>2307

Military Generals Are Just Another Group of Self-Interested Technocrats


The United States has always had a love affair with certain generals. George Washington, of course, was immensely popular, and thirteen US presidents were generals before they were president.


But prior to the Second World War, generals as a group were not revered or treated with any particular veneration or respect. In fact, in the nineteenth century, full-time US military officers were often treated with suspicion and contempt. While state militia officers were regarded as indispensable night watchmen who preserved order, the full-time government employees who served in the federal military were often derided as lazy and otherwise unemployable.


But now those days are long gone. In recent decades, active generals and retired generals have grown into a group of politically influential technocrats who can be regularly seen on evening news programs and are habitually feted and promoted as incorruptible patriots. They are fawned over by media organizations while being paid enormous pensions. Moreover, upon retirement they are able to turn their former government employment into lucrative positions on corporate boards and throughout the private sector.


The immense deference and trust placed in the opinions and alleged expertise of these men is far beyond what is warranted. Like all technocrats—whether we're talking Supreme Court justices or public health bureaucrats—the generals have their own interests and their own agendas. This was recently highlighted by the president's new public feud with some generals. At a Labor Day press conference Trump averred: “The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t, because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.” It's always difficult to guess Trump's motivations and earnestness when he makes statements such as this, but the statement itself isn't wrong. The generals—retired and not— are often deeply enmeshed with weapons manufacturers and tech firms that rely on Pentagon spending.

The Generals' Unimpressive Record


It's difficult to see why the nation's generals enjoy such a stellar reputation. The US military establishment has lost every major military endeavor since 1945 and has been shown to be fiscally inept at a level that could only be described as criminal indifference. The Pentagon has repeatedly failed audits and has “misplaced” trillions of taxpayer dollars.


Yet in spite of this impressive record of failure and incompetence, generals continue to be held up by pundits and media organizations as the men who somehow care more about America than anyone else. Moreover, as is typical for technocrats, the generals are used by the establishment to provide intellectual and ideological cover to those who wish to forever expand US military adventurism and intervention. The alleged expertise of the generals—although apparently insufficient to actually win any wars—is said to offer us great insight into how American foreign policy ought to be conducted today.

Anonymous ID: 4a7e3f Sept. 23, 2020, 4:28 p.m. No.10762027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2036 >>2052 >>2307

What is Wrong with Nadler? Jerry Nadler Loses His Balance, Awkwardly Shuffles Away as Pelosi Gives Presser


What is wrong with Congressman Jerrold Nadler?


House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) on Wednesday appeared to lose his balance before awkwardly shuffling away from the lectern as Speaker Pelosi gave a presser.


Nadler put his bare hand on the shared podium to stabilize himself before limping and shuffling away.


Democrat lawmakers are falling apart before our eyes!

Anonymous ID: 4a7e3f Sept. 23, 2020, 4:34 p.m. No.10762122   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What’s the Difference Between ‘Villain’ Assange & ‘Intrepid’ Woodward?


The completely fair super awesome trial of Julian Assange continues in the U.K. as I write this. It’s a beautiful blend of the works of Kafka, Stalin and Joseph Heller.


Seeing as Julian is kept in a glass container in the courtroom, like a captured cockroach, maybe Kafka wins the day.


The court clearly must keep Julian in that giant Tic-Tac container because he’s undoubtedly as dangerous as Hannibal Lecter. If he weren’t in there, no one would know when he might lurch forward and PUBLISH SOMETHING THAT’S TOTALLY TRUE!


What they’re deciding in this trial is whether Assange should be extradited to the United States, or “kidnapped” as the kids call it these days.


If he is lovingly black-bagged by our government, they have promised he will face 175 years in prison if convicted by another super rad show trial presided over by an American government puppet judge. (A puppet judge is just like a real judge but they’ve got the government so far up their backside they can taste the Cheetos.)


Countless excitable activists out there say this persecution of Julian Assange is unheard of. They’re acting like no journalist has ever been prosecuted under the Espionage Act. They’re acting like it’s unprecedented for the U.S. to go after a journalist who’s not even a U.S. citizen and has never operated his organization from the U.S. They’re acting like it’s ridiculous to add on new superseding indictments days before the trial begins.


But all the people saying that are… um… correct. Yeah, they nailed it. (Sorry for the buildup – I thought that paragraph would come out differently.)


Two Journalists


Right now, one journalist, Julian Assange, is on trial while being held in a maximum security prison in London. Another journalist, Bob Woodward, is in a very different situation. The liberal Establishment is preparing to chisel his likeness out of a small boulder and display it next to the Lincoln Memorial. They love him because he got President Donald Trump to do interviews wherein Trump, as always, sounds like a lying buffoon. Among other things the president admits he knew Covid-19 was “deadly stuff” back in at least February, but played it down anyway.


But this is nothing new. Every time Bob Woodward puts out a book, the mainstream media fan-girls all over him. Myriad kings and queens of televised logorrhea describe him as a “veteran reporter,” a “famed reporter,” or “synonymous with investigative journalism!”