Anonymous ID: c2966f Sept. 23, 2020, 4:40 p.m. No.10762192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2202 >>2242 >>2347


Essentially agree, but my theory is that Joe's dementia has been feigned all along, knowing he'd be implicated, if not indicted, before the election.


I think they just put him as the frontrunner b/c they knew he'd gain the loyalist Dem following – not necessarily people who prescribe to progressive degeneracy, but regular folk who don't check out alternative news and don't realize the Dems are no longer Dems.


Then, as my theory goes, something is going to happen to poor old Joe wherein not only will he not be "fit" to testify, but he will be in such poor "condition" he cannot possibly continue the campaign. He will be pulled last-minute and then they will pull out the "real" front runner, which I believe will be either sHillary or Mooshell. (If I had to lay a bet, I'd bet on Hilldawg.)


Either way, the replacement candidate will be popular not only with all the people who were already going to vote Biden, but will also initiate a massive ecstatic reaction from the pink pussy hat and embedded swamp creature crowds.


Their collective euphoria will be so seemingly widespread and publicized it will be nothing short of a miracle in their eyes, making it appear to the non-skeptical normies that "she" (either sHillary or Mooshell) actually won the election fair and square, perhaps even rioting in mobs against conservative attempts at recounts.


That's my theory, anyway.


Regardless, it's gonna be the Shit Show of Our Lifetimes.