Anonymous ID: 6f44ac Sept. 23, 2020, 5:37 p.m. No.10762998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3020 >>3091

Saw the son of a friend today.

He used to be a rebellious turd only a few years ago. Disrespectful and a scary mess.

He grew some facial hair, had 2 kids and began to realize his folks had reasons for thinking the way they did.


Today he called his parent, who I’ve known for A long time and was inspecting an investment property with, and the son asked his parent if they would like to hang out for an hour or two.

Turns out that he has not only grown into a relational adult but he is had also figured out that President Trump is awesome.


Nice to see my friend has found a friend and common principles in their once wayward son.


Hope for all.

Keep praying and loving each other.