Anonymous ID: ed430f Sept. 23, 2020, 5:18 p.m. No.10762770   🗄️.is 🔗kun



And basically everything and everyone else

Always search our archives first, before wasting your time repeating existing digs

I know it's in the dough of every bread but it can't be repeated enough

Anonymous ID: ed430f Sept. 23, 2020, 5:38 p.m. No.10763007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3037 >>3055

Keep it calm and together.



"Enjoy the show."


The underlying nagging factor about all of this is the odd sensation that it is all manufactured.


"We have it all."

"Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing."


Bill Binney has spoken for years now about the massive surveillance operation put in place by NSA under Obama after 9/11.


Refresh your memory or read it for the first time:


Admiral Rogers was the first to tell Trump how bad it was, at Trump Tower in very early days.

Recall that Trump moved OUT of Trump Tower and to his hotel at Bedminster for several weeks immediately after their meeting.

Obvious takeaway: Trump Tower was wired to the gills.

The very day Trump was inaugurated, he would have had full access to everything stored at the server farm in Utah.

They absolutely, positively, "have it all".

Why has no one wondered where Admiral Rogers has been working since that time?

What a great man. Wow. He may have single-handed saved the republic.


Separately, the peerless Bill Binney, who'd been on the inside at NSA, has spoken openly about the surveillance abuses of Trailblazer, when he and a few partners had made plain to management that their program, ThinThread, would be a much more practical tool for actually finding criminals and terrorists. They weren't just rejected, they got a no-knock raid from the FBI and investigations. The "shadow government" Obama holdovers at the FBI (hello Comey) no doubt made the raids happen, because they/he knew exactly what could be uncovered– namely, EVERYTHING they'd done.

Smashing BlackBerries with cellphones would have been a very futile gesture indeed.

Also futile: Debbie Wasserman Schultz threatening the Chief of DC Police over her confiscated laptop, Hillary's toilet server, and everything the Awans had so carefully tweaked and distributed all over Washington.

When the US Navy chief, renting a house from Imran Awan, found some forgotten hardware in the garage and backyard shed, and quickly notified Navy intel, that was just an added bonus of hard evidence.


Many, many people are very screwed

So are any number of traitorous, nefarious global plots that very well might have happened if we hadn't dodged the HRC bullet.


As bad as today was, as bad as this week is going to be, as bad as the weeks ahead are going to be…

Whatever follows must surely deserve a designated national holiday.

These two men deserve the highest honors and lives of comfort America can possibly provide.

Anonymous ID: ed430f Sept. 23, 2020, 5:47 p.m. No.10763152   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Both have very different backgrounds and would have, of course, been affected by them

As well, both men were well into middle age when all of this began to unroll.

Getting older, having all that water under one's bridge, gives people definite opinions.


I appreciate both men for their knowledge and experience, all the while knowing they will of course have the same predispositions and differences of opinion of anyone over 40 who's ever bothered to do anything to best of their own ability.

We are all products of our environments and experiences.