Anonymous ID: 680191 Sept. 23, 2020, 6:49 p.m. No.10764014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4118 >>4264 >>4381 >>4495 >>4562 >>4581

Belgian Doctors, Health Pros Demand End To Lockdowns


Thus far, this open letter has been signed by 447 medical doctors and 1460 health professionals and the list is growing. Technocrats are grinding their teeth trying to silence this concept of “Open Debate” because it slams their fraudulent science and cracked social engineering schemes. ⁃ Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood

Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media.


We, Belgian doctors and health professionals, wish to express our serious concern about the evolution of the situation in the recent months surrounding the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We call on politicians to be independently and critically informed in the decision-making process and in the compulsory implementation of corona-measures. We ask for an open debate, where all experts are represented without any form of censorship. After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore.


The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good.


We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties.


‘A cure must not be worse than the problem’ is a thesis that is more relevant than ever in the current situation. We note, however, that the collateral damage now being caused to the population will have a greater impact in the short and long term on all sections of the population than the number of people now being safeguarded from corona.


In our opinion, the current corona measures and the strict penalties for non-compliance with them are contrary to the values formulated by the Belgian Supreme Health Council, which, until recently, as the health authority, has always ensured quality medicine in our country: “Science – Expertise – Quality – Impartiality – Independence – Transparency”. 1


We believe that the policy has introduced mandatory measures that are not sufficiently scientifically based, unilaterally directed, and that there is not enough space in the media for an open debate in which different views and opinions are heard. In addition, each municipality and province now has the authorisation to add its own measures, whether well-founded or not.


Moreover, the strict repressive policy on corona strongly contrasts with the government’s minimal policy when it comes to disease prevention, strengthening our own immune system through a healthy lifestyle, optimal care with attention for the individual and investment in care personnel.2



Anonymous ID: 680191 Sept. 23, 2020, 6:50 p.m. No.10764024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4058 >>4118 >>4264 >>4381 >>4495 >>4562 >>4581

Coronavirus Israel Live: Cabinet Decides on Stricter Lockdown, Limiting Protests


New measures to go into effect on Friday ■ Synagogues to stay open for Yom Kippur ■ New cases break daily record ■ Two Israeli hospitals turn away patients due to full wards


Israel, the West Bank and Gaza are dealing with a renewed coronavirus outbreak, leading to proposals and measures intended to curb its spread and mitigate the economic ramifications of the crisis by both Israeli and Palestinian authorities.


Israel currently has 57,131 active cases; 1,316 people have died. In the West Bank, there are 11,425 active cases and 291 deaths, and in Gaza 1,825 active cases and 17 deaths.

Anonymous ID: 680191 Sept. 23, 2020, 6:52 p.m. No.10764058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4118 >>4264 >>4381 >>4495 >>4562 >>4581


Coronavirus cabinet concludes: Full lockdown beginning Friday


Blue and White ministers accuse PM of using closure to mute protesters · Nearly 7,000 people diagnosed in one day


The country is heading back into a complete lockdown which is to begin Friday and is likely to last until at least the end of the holidays.

After eight hours of deliberations, the coronavirus cabinet made its recommendations, which were brought to the full cabinet for a late-night vote.

The lockdown is expected to be more stringent than the one in March, and should include shuttering synagogues, reducing the number of people who can protest, closing all nonessential businesses and markets, reducing public transportation routes and allowing citizens to gather only within their nuclear families.

Protesters are expected to be allowed to demonstrate and worshipers to pray in groups of up to 20 people within one kilometer of their homes. Synagogues are expected to open only on Yom Kippur for small groups of worshipers.

A decision on halting flights departing Ben-Gurion Airport as early as Friday was not finalized by press time.

The decision comes on the day that almost 7,000 people were diagnosed with coronavirus in a 24-hour period – unprecedented numbers.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed for the total closure during the coronavirus cabinet meeting Wednesday, despite opposition by the Finance Ministry and some other senior officials. They said that a total lockdown was not needed.

The closure will cost an estimated NIS 35 billion ($10b.) if the lockdown lasts three weeks.

“The situation is bad; we’re seeing a steep increase in morbidity rates,” Netanyahu said via a video message during a break from the coronavirus cabinet meeting. “We need to reach decisions, hard decisions. But as prime minister, I’m obligated to protect your lives, and everyone must understand that this is a life-threatening situation.

“That’s why there’s no other choice. We’re going to make hard decisions and save lives – with your cooperation,” he concluded.

There were 6,948 people diagnosed with the virus on Tuesday, the Health Ministry showed Wednesday evening – some 11.7% of the 61,165 people screened. Israel has now had 203,136 cases since the start of the pandemic. Moreover, there were 658 patients in serious condition, including 177 people on ventilators – also a record since the start of the crisis.

According to the ministry, some 32 coronavirus patients have died in the last 24 hours, bringing the death toll to 1,317.


“Nothing is working,” he lamented.

Anonymous ID: 680191 Sept. 23, 2020, 6:56 p.m. No.10764122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4164 >>4264 >>4381 >>4495 >>4562 >>4581

Pentagon Informs Congress It's Preparing To Have "Zero" US Troops In Afghanistan By Spring


With the Pentagon expected to reduce troops levels in Afghanistan down to 4,500 by the November elections, and with the still negotiated US-Taliban peace deal facilitating this, on Tuesday a Pentagon official told Congress it can expect American presence there to be completely ended by May 2021.


Acting assistant secretary of defense for Indo-Pacific security affairs David Helvey issued the ambitious timetable during a Congressional hearing:


“I’d like to make it clear that [Secretary of Defense Mark Esper] has not issued orders to reduce military personnel below this 4,000 to 5,000 level in Afghanistan, although we are conducting prudent planning to withdraw to zero service members by May 2021 if conditions warrant, per the US-Taliban agreement.”


In August Esper vowed "We are going down to a number less than 5,000 before the end of November," in accord with President Trump's wishes, who has ahead of the election talked up "brining our troops home" in various statements and on Twitter.


Currently there are an estimated close to 9,000 US troops there, after in recent years as many as 14,000 had been deployed in America's longest running war.


Critics have said that Trump's vows and commitment to ending US "forever wars" have oscillated and have only ramped up again ahead of the election, given it's a talking point popular with his base.


Trump recently referenced the Middle East as "the bloodiest sand anywhere in the world" and reiterated that going to war there was the "single worst decision our country ever made."


"We killed hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle East.


I always say it's the bloodiest sand anywhere in the world, and it didn't have to be that way.


The single worst decision our country ever made was to go into the Middle East." -@realDonaldTrump

— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) September 16, 2020


Iraq is also to slated for rapid and significant US pullout, however, neighboring Syria has just this past week seen more mechanized infantry units enter amid ongoing tensions with Russian patrols in northern Syria.


Bradley Fighting Vehicles are now patrolling northeast Deir Ezzor region with greater frequency, an escalation in US posture compared to the lighter armored convoys previously seen "protecting the oil" - as Trump has put it.

Anonymous ID: 680191 Sept. 23, 2020, 6:59 p.m. No.10764159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4197 >>4264 >>4381 >>4495 >>4562 >>4581

Two Louisville Police Officers Shot Amid Breonna Taylor Protests


Two Louisville Metro Police Department officers were shot Wednesday evening in downtown Louisville amid protests after a Kentucky grand jury did not bring murder charges against any of the officers involved in the shooting death of Breonna Taylor.


WDRB reports: “Metrosafe confirmed to WDRB News that an officer had been shot at Brook and Broadway sometime before 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. No other information was immediately available. Possible injuries to the officer are unknown at this time.”


NBC News’ Gabe Gutierrez reported that a second officer had been shot and both are receiving medical attention at Louisville University Hospital.


The condition of the officers is currently unknown.


Earlier Wednesday, protesters marched through downtown Louisville, some armed with riot shields and anti-police signs. As night fell, some rioters began setting fires around the downtown area, including the boarded up Hall of Justice.


Around 500 Kentucky National Guard members were authorized for Louisville by Gov. Andy Beshear (D).


A Jefferson County grand jury indicted one of three police officers involved in Taylor’s shooting inside her Louisville apartment. The charges are connected to the firing of shots into the neighboring apartment. Former officer Brett Hankison was indicted on three counts of first-degree wanton endangerment.


As Breitbart News reported:


Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron explained Wednesday afternoon that no police officers would be charged directly for the death of Breonna Taylor in Louisville in March because they knocked before entering her boyfriend’s apartment.


Taylor, 26, an emergency medical technician, was killed in the crossfire when her boyfriend opened fire at police, thinking they were intruders.




After expressing his condolences to Taylor’s family, Cameron explained that the officers who had shot Taylor would not be charged because they had been fired upon first, and because her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, testified that they had knocked first.


Senate Majority Leader McConnell (R-KY) issued a statement regarding Cameron’s announcement, saying: “Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron led a complete inquiry to find the truth and pursue justice. I have total confidence he followed the facts and the legal process in his decision.”


The FBI, meanwhile, said its investigation of the shooting was still underway despite the state’s announcement. The agency opened the probe in May.


“FBI Louisville continues its federal investigation into all aspects of the death of Breonna Taylor,” FBI spokesman Tim Beam told the Louisville Courier Journal. “This work will continue beyond the state charges announced today.


An array of activists, politicians and celebrities have called for all three officers to face murder charges. Presidential candidate Joe Biden said earlier this month the officers “need to be charged.”


His running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, tweeted in June, “We can’t forget about Black women in our quest for justice.”


Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer declared a state of emergency Tuesday out of concern for potential civil unrest following the decision. The declaration allowed him to set curfews.

Anonymous ID: 680191 Sept. 23, 2020, 6:59 p.m. No.10764168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4211 >>4264 >>4301 >>4381 >>4495 >>4507 >>4512 >>4562 >>4581

Canadian Prime Minister Says Country Facing Second Wave of Coronavirus Epidemic


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic had already engulfed his country.


"In our four biggest provinces, the second wave isn’t just starting, it’s already underway … We’re on the brink of a fall that could be much worse than the spring," Trudeau said in a televised address, as quoted by the CTV News broadcaster.


He referred to British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec when speaking about the four provinces with the biggest outbreaks.


"I know this isn’t the news that any of us wanted to hear. And we can’t change today’s numbers or even tomorrow’s – those were already decided by what we did, or didn’t do, two weeks ago. But what we can change is where we are in October, and into the winter," the Canadian prime minister added.


The World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic on 11 March. To date, more than 31.7 million people have been infected with the coronavirus worldwide, with over 974,000 fatalities, according to Johns Hopkins University.


Canada has registered about 150,000 COVID-19 coronavirus cases so far, with more than 9,000 fatalities.

Anonymous ID: 680191 Sept. 23, 2020, 7:01 p.m. No.10764184   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Colleges nationwide enforce strict COVID policies, except during Black Lives Matter protests


As institutions of higher education have placed restrictions on in-person student activities, protests on college campuses continued largely unfettered.

University health guidelines universally stress the need to maintain social distance, though student protesters can often be seen very close to one another in photos.

Some of these protests have even attracted the support of high ranking university officials.


Despite imposing bans on almost all other forms of large gatherings, and applying harsh punishments to those who disobey such bans, colleges and universities appear reluctant to call out student protesters for violating their COVID-19 safety policies.


Common trends among university coronavirus guidelines include mandates to remain at least six feet away from others whenever possible and restrictions on the number of people who can be in a given space at a given time. But recent Black Lives Matter protests on college campuses, inspired by a larger national movement aimed at combating perceived racial injustices, seldom comply with these requirements.

“students were exercising their First Amendment rights"


Many schools, such as Ohio State University and the University of Vermont, have gone as far as to suspend students who violate such rules.


Such punishments, 330 at the University of Missouri alone, are often handed down after students are found guilty of doing things like ignoring mask mandates, attending parties, or bringing guests into residence halls. Though they appear to also violate university policy, there has been no such equivalent crackdown on student protests.


In some cases, university officials have even voiced support for student demonstrations.


Following a racial incident that occurred during a Zoom event at Simpson College in Iowa, more than 350 students, faculty and staff spent all day protesting near the college’s Kent Campus Center. The event greatly exceeded the 10 person maximum allowed by Simpson’s COVID health guidelines and students can be seen ignoring social distancing in images of the protest.


Campus Reform reached out to Simpson College to see if it considered the protest to be in violation of its policy as well as to ask how it rationalizes prohibiting other large gatherings but not the aforementioned demonstration.


Cathay Cole, a spokeswoman for the college, told Campus Reform “Simpson College places the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff as a top priority” and that the school “firmly believe[s] the rally that took place Sept. 2 was in the best interests of the mental health and safety of our campus community.”


Cole also stated, “those in attendance were masked and actively practiced social distancing throughout.”


She went on to say “the rally allowed students of color to highlight their struggles with racism — on- and off-campus — and enabled the entire campus community to gather in support.” Cole concluded the college’s statement by asserting that the protest represented “a pivotal day in the history of our College, and one that did much to begin a healing process of another kind.”


Though the University of Alabama has imposed even more stringent restrictions on students, protests at the university have also received a degree of institutional support. A recent protest led by Alabama’s head football coach Nick Saban attracted both a very large crowd and the support of other campus officials, including the university’s president who spoke at the event.


Though the protest violated the university’s ongoing moratorium on in-person events and images suggested a lack of social distancing, it still drew the support of the institution’s top administrator.

Anonymous ID: 680191 Sept. 23, 2020, 7:05 p.m. No.10764233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4264 >>4277 >>4367 >>4381 >>4495 >>4562 >>4581

Black Lives Matter Mob Terrorizes Diners in St. Petersburg, Florida – Threaten Drivers


Protests and riots immediately erupted after Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron announced Wednesday that there will be no charges filed against two of the Louisville police officers involved in the shooting of Breonna Taylor, while the third is being charged with “wanton endangerment.”


Breonna Taylor protesters ran over to a parked U-Haul containing supplies for their violent riot immediately following the decision.


All hell broke loose.


Two Louisville police officers were shot at during protests tonight.


And now protests are breaking out in several cities across the US tonight.


The BLM mob is out in St. Petersburg, Florida harassing diners.


The BLM mob pulled up chairs and started threatening an elderly white couple at a restaurant.

This is disgusting.


The BLM mob is quick to threaten and damage your vehicle if you do not follow their orders.