Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.10770253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0539 >>0834 >>0899

Masked Arsonist Torches Catholic Church in Tampa, Florida


A masked man broke into the Incarnation Catholic Church northwest of Tampa, Florida, last weekend and set fire to the interior before fleeing, the Tampa Bay Times reported Tuesday.


Surveillance video shows a shirtless, masked man throwing projectiles to break a glass window on the church door to gain access to the building last Friday night around 10:30pm. Wearing long pants, white sneakers, and a surgical mask, the man entered the church carrying a large bottle in his hands.


The man proceeded to pour clear liquid on three wooden pews and then set fire to them before running away as the flames began to rise. In all, the man was in the church for no more than three minutes.


According to Hillsborough County sheriff Chad Chronister, although fire crews arrived swiftly to extinguish the fire, the church sanctuary suffered significant damage.


The church’s pastor, Father Michael Cormier, said last Sunday that he had considered closing the church for the weekend and cancelling Sunday Masses in order to have work done to the damaged pews.


“But we thought: if we did that, evil would win,” the priest said.


“We wouldn’t have Mass for one weekend, and evil would win,” he said. “We have been struck down by this, but not destroyed. In the end, evil never wins.”


Father Cormier also told the faithful that the proper Christian response to the incident was to pray for the arsonist.


“May this terrible act cause us to unify, to love one another more than ever, and to continue to make [our parish] the bedrock of faith and strength it has always been,” he prayed.


As Breitbart News has reported, over the past months vandals and arsonists have targeted Christian churches across the United States for acts of desecration.


In particular, Catholic churches were struck repeatedly during the week of July 10-16, which included the desecration of statues of Jesus and Mary — some of which were “beheaded or spray-painted” — along with graffiti on church buildings and several fires.


On July 10, a vandal sprayed a statue of the Virgin Mary that stands in front of Cathedral Preparatory School in Queens, New York, with the word “IDOL.” The rector of Cathedral Prep, Father James Kuroly, called the incident “an act of hatred.”


The following day, a 24-year-old man named Stephen Anthony Shields drove his minivan into the front of Queen of Peace church in Ocala, Florida. The man got out of the car and poured gasoline around the church lobby and lit it on fire, causing extensive damage. Police eventually arrested the suspect, and charged him with arson and resisting arrest, as well as attempted second-degree murder, since a number of parishioners were present in the church at the time of the attack.

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 10:37 a.m. No.10770266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0539 >>0834 >>0899

Farage: Britons Must Fight Against Coronavirus Government ‘Tyranny’


Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has warned that the British government is acting like an “elected dictatorship” passing coronavirus laws without parliamentary scrutiny.


Mr Farage also expressed concern that there is no effective opposition in the House of Commons, with the Labour Party “teaming up” with the Conservative government and preparing “to deny us our basic freedoms in the name of the greater good”.


On Tuesday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced further restrictions on Britons, putting a 10 p.m. curfew on the hospitality industry, while widening the enforcement of mask-wearing. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said on Wednesday that if the measures did not work to stop the spread of the Chinese coronavirus, the government might order a second national lockdown.


Writing in the Daily Express on Wednesday, Mr Farage said that he was “struck” by how “this Conservative government, using their emergency powers, have been so keen to interfere in our day to day lives since the pandemic began”.


The PM says we are a “freedom loving country”, but will fine you £10,000 and send the army in if he likes.


This is authoritarian — I don't believe his promises on testing or the competence of the government.


We didn’t vote for this.


— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) September 22, 2020


“Boris and his Government are doing as they please without any opposition and we should be very concerned. It is clear to me that our civil liberties are now at risk by an administration that increasingly seems to act like an elected dictatorship,” the Brexit Party leader said.


“I am sure I am not alone in saying that we have now reached the point where the cure has become worse than the disease itself.


“Nobody voted for this. It’s up to us all to fight against this tyranny,” Farage concluded.


The Brexit Party leader is not alone in voicing concern over the threats the emergency measures make to Britons’ rights.


Earlier this month, Conservative MP Steve Baker criticised Mr Johnson’s “draconian” lockdown rules that banned gatherings of more than six people, saying: “It’s time for us to actually start living like a free people, not subjecting ourselves to constantly shifting legal requirements.”


Former Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption went further after the first set of restrictions were put in place in March. He warned: “This is what a police state is like — it is a state in which the government can issue orders or express preferences with no legal authority, and the police enforce minister’s wishes.”


Delingpole: Boris Johnson Wants You to Play with His Dodgy Hockey Stick


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) September 22, 2020


This week, Chairman of the Conservative backbench 1922 Committee Sir Graham Brady criticised ministers for getting the habit of “ruling by decree” rather than engaging in parliamentary debate and voting.


Sir Graham told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “The government has got into the habit, in respect of the coronavirus issue, of ruling by decree without the usual debate, discussion and votes in Parliament that we would expect on any other matter,” he said.


He added: “The British people aren’t used to being treated as children.


“We expect in this country to have a parliamentary democracy where our elected representatives on our behalf can require proper answers to these not just have some imposed.”


MPs are set to vote next week on whether to extend the time-limited law. Civil liberties advocate and veteran journalist Peter Hitchens remarked on Wednesday, “Despotic police powers, suspended elections, bans on public gatherings. Pinochet’s Chile? Erdogan’s Turkey? No, it’s here,” and urged Britons to contact their local MPs, asking them to vote to repeal the act.


Coronavirus: Minister Doubles Down on Snitching, Police Will ‘Come Down Hard’


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) September 21, 2020

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.10770274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0539 >>0834 >>0899

Swedish 2021 Budget Spends More on Foreign Aid Than Police Force


The new Swedish 2021 budget has been revealed, with the government looking to spend more on foreign aid than on the country’s police force despite violent gang crime remaining a problem.


The budget, which will see the government borrow 67 billion Swedish kronor (SEK) (£5.9 billion/$7.5 billion), will see 52 billion SEK set aside for foreign aid, which is around five per cent of the total national budget. While a few billion will go towards immigration, the rest, approximately 46.8 billion, will go directly overseas.


The Swedish police authority, meanwhile, will see 30.5 billion SEK in the new budget. The business community will get 15 billion and rural and agricultural areas are set to receive 23 billion, Nyheter Idag reports.


The new budget comes as Sweden continues to struggle with the growing problem of gang-related violence in the form of shootings and explosive attacks that have plagued the country for several years.


Swedish PM Rejects Police Chief’s Claim Gang Violence Linked to Migration


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) September 9, 2020


Earlier this month, deputy national police chief Mats Löfving directly linked the rise in gang crime to mass migration, when describing the structures of migrant criminal clans.


“These clans come to Sweden solely with the purpose of organising and systematising crime. They work to create power, they have a great capacity for violence, and they want to make money. And they do that with drugs, violent crimes, and extortion,” Löfving said.


Swedish prime minister Stefan Löfven initially dismissed any links between migration and crime but just days later made a U-turn while being questioned in the Swedish parliament. He said: “With a large migration, where we cannot cope with integration, then there is also a greater risk of the kind of problems that we see. It’s crystal clear.”


This year, Sweden is projected to have a budget deficit of around 296 billion SEK (£26 billion/$33.2 billion) due to costs dealing with the effects of the outbreak of the Wuhan virus.


Sweden’s national debt is also set to increase from 35 per cent of GDP to 42 per cent.


Majority of Sweden Jobseekers Foreign Born, Forecasts Warn Unemployment Levels Will Lead to Tax Hike

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.10770340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0364 >>0384 >>0563

Shout out to all the PAYTRIOT FAGGOTS FROM YT







You sell out motherfuckers cashing in off this crisis, your channels get YT notices so instead of taking your subs to bitchute you set up pay perview TV stations so you can continue to cash in!




Enjoy hell sell outs! RATS

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.10770370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0539 >>0834 >>0899

Flashback: 2015 Pfizer Vice President Blows The Whistle & Tells The Truth About The Pharmaceutical Industry


Below is a clip taken from the “One More Girl” documentary, a film regarding the Gardasil vaccine, which was designed to prevent Human Papillomavirus. In it, Dr. Peter Rost, MD, a former vice president of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world (Pfizer), shares the truth about the ties between the medical and pharmaceutical industry.


Rost is a former vice president of Pfizer, and a whistleblower of the entire pharmaceutical industry in general. He is the author of “The Whistleblower, Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman.” Considering his work experience, it would be an understatement to say that he is an insider expert on big pharma marketing.



Below is a clip taken from the “One More Girl” documentary, a film regarding the Gardasil vaccine, which was designed to prevent Human Papillomavirus. In it, Dr. Peter Rost, MD, a former vice president of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world (Pfizer), shares the truth about the ties between the medical and pharmaceutical industry.


Rost is a former vice president of Pfizer, and a whistleblower of the entire pharmaceutical industry in general. He is the author of “The Whistleblower, Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman.” Considering his work experience, it would be an understatement to say that he is an insider expert on big pharma marketing.


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Below are a couple of quotes from both a former and a current editor-in-chief of the two largest, and what are considered to be the most credible, medical journals in the world. It’s only fitting to include them into the article as they are directly related to what Dr. Rost hints at in the video.


“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.” – Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime editor-in-chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ) (source)


“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” – Dr. Richard Horton, the current editor-in-chief of the Lancet – considered to be one of the most well respected peer-reviewed medical journals in the world. (source)

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 10:50 a.m. No.10770420   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In the week Boris told a battered Britain it was in for another six months of Covid winter misery, his partner Carrie Symonds enjoys five-star Italian holiday at £600-a-night Lake Como hotel with son Wilfred and three friends


Carrie, 32, was seen strolling along a waterside promenade carrying four-month-old Wilfred in a baby sling

She was staying at the £600-a-night Grand Hotel Tremezzo which is popular with super-rich US tourists

As Britons are warned the UK faces months of misery by Boris Johnson, his fiancee enjoyed leisurely walks along the waterside promenade and made use of used the hotel’s £300-an-hour launch to go sightseeing

A British holidaymaker told MailOnline: 'Carrie seemed very relaxed, as if she didn't have a care in the world.'

Boris said this week the UK had reached a 'perilous turning point' with the number of positive cases detected quadrupling within the space of a month

He said the country had to pull together to beat the virus and announced a series of new curbs on our freedom to avoid a second wave


Carrie Symonds has enjoyed a five-star holiday in the exclusive Italian resort of Lake Como with her baby Wilfred, MailOnline can reveal.

In the week Boris Johnson told Britons the UK was in for another six months of misery, his fiancée has been staying at the £600-a-night Grand Hotel Tremezzo in northern Italy with three girlfriends.

During her luxury getaway the new mother was seen cutting a casual figure in a £325 blue checked cotton gingham dress by Ganni and black Superga trainers as she wandered along the waterside esplanade with a friend while carrying four-month-old Wilfred in a baby sling.

Her blonde hair was pulled back in a bun at the top of her head, revealing brunette roots.

Carrie, 32, has been spending a few days staying at the luxurious lakeside hotel, which is a favourite with the super-wealthy where a two-day stay in a suite can cost more than £6,400.


He warned the country had reached a 'perilous turning point' with the number of positive cases detected quadrupling within the space of a month.

Explaining why the country needed to work together to prevent a full lockdown and the loneliness, isolation and lack of human contact that comes with it, Boris announced a 10pm curfew for pubs and restaurants, fewer exemptions to the 'rule of six', stricter requirements on face coverings and tougher fines for flouting the rules.

The rules will last until the spring unless there is 'palpable' progress in developing vaccines or mass testing, he said.

'But if people don't follow the rules we have set out, then we must reserve the right to go further,' he added.



Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.10770446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0476 >>0539 >>0540 >>0611 >>0834 >>0899

Michelle Obama urges voters to ignore Donald Trump's 'conspiracy theories' about mail-in voting as she rallies Hollywood friends including Zendaya and Jennifer Lopez to boost Democratic turnout


Michelle Obama has urged voters to ignore Donald Trump's 'conspiracy theories' about voting fraud as the former first lady and her Hollywood friends try to rally Democratic turnout ahead of the November 3 election.


As the election nears, Trump has raged at the supposed threat of mail-in ballot fraud and last night refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he is defeated, despite widespread evidence that election fraud is very rare.


Speaking in an online event for her organization When We All Vote, Mrs Obama told actress Zendaya that 'voting is easy, it is something we can do'.


'Don't listen to people who say that somehow voting is rigged and your vote will get lost and it won't be counted,' she said.


'That is not true. So I don't want people to be discouraged by those conspiracy theories that are being peddled out there about the validity of our election process because it's just not true.'


Mrs Obama is rallying support from her friends in showbiz including Zendaya, Jennifer Lopez and Conan O'Brien as she tries to reverse the stinging defeat her husband's party suffered at Trump's hands in 2016.


The Obamas are Hollywood giants in their own right after making a deal with Netflix in 2018 to produce a series of shows, including a documentary follow-up to Michelle's memoir Becoming.


The When We All Vote event where Mrs Obama spoke on Tuesday also featured basketball player Chris Paul and actress Ayesha Curry.


Paul is a co-chair of the organization along with other celebrities including singer Selena Gomez, actor Tom Hanks and soccer player Megan Rapinoe.


Emmy winner Zendaya has a link to Mrs Obama's organization on her Instagram profile and the pair have spoken warmly of each other since the Obamas were still in office.


The Obamas' production company, Higher Ground Productions, already has an Academy Award to its name and the Becoming documentary was released earlier this year.


The memoir has sold more than 11million copies since its 2018 release and the documentary depicts her subsequent 34-city book tour.


The promotional tour was managed by the concert promoter Live Nation and had the scale of a rock tour, with a string of dates at sold-out arenas.


Michelle's popularity has made her one of the Democrats' main weapons in the presidential campaign.


Barack and Michelle Obama both spoke at the virtual Democratic National Convention last month, urging voters to back Joe Biden in November.

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 10:54 a.m. No.10770462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0539 >>0607 >>0834 >>0899

More than 10,000 people have unexpectedly died in their own home since mid-June amid fears Britons are STILL avoiding NHS for help


800 people have died more than usual each week in England and Wales

Only a tiny proportion are due to Covid-19 (21 a week) as it fizzled out in summer

There are fewer deaths happening in hospitals and care homes, however

It suggests people are still reluctant to use the NHS, or have had care delayed


At least 10,000 people have unexpectedly died in their own home since mid-June, official statistics show.


Seven-hundred 'excess deaths' in private homes have been registered each week in England and Wales alone since the pandemic began to die down.


But only an average of 21 each week are down to the coronavirus, according to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). And rates have plummeted in recent weeks to as low as seven.


Data shows 30,000 people have died in their homes in the UK since the start of the pandemic in March, and the pattern does not appear to be slowing. For comparison, deaths in hospitals and care homes are currently lower than expected.


Experts say it could be that families are deciding not to admit their elderly relatives into care homes, which were ravaged by the coronavirus during the first wave of the disease in March and April.


It may also be that Britons are still avoiding getting help from the NHS for problems which need urgent care, or have had treatment delayed because of the lockdown, which may be leading to more deaths at home.


Figures have shown a significant drop in A&E admissions during the Covid-19 crisis. They have slowly started to get back to normal levels.



Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 10:57 a.m. No.10770498   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Over 300 People Facing Federal Charges For Crimes Committed During Nationwide Demonstrations

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 10:57 a.m. No.10770509   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Covidiocy in Australia


Australia is giving up on it’s principles – for 800 deaths in 9 months …average age being 82.


From this point on – anything goes.

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.10770517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0552

Former Cancer Center President Indicted For Participation In Long-Running Antitrust Conspiracy

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.10770543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0593 >>0606 >>0653 >>0686

How China has poured billions into the Caribbean by investing in ports, roads and a five-star resort in a soft power grab – as Beijing is blamed for Barbados's calls to drop the Queen as Head of State


How China has poured billions into the Caribbean by investing in ports, roads and a five-star resort in a soft power grab – as Beijing is blamed for Barbados's calls to drop the Queen as Head of State


Mr Tugendhat told the Times: 'China has been using infrastructure investment and debt diplomacy as a means of control for a while and it's coming closer to home for us.


'British partners have long faced challenges from rivals seeking to undermine our alliance.


'Today we're seeing it in the Caribbean. Some islands seem to be close to swapping a symbolic Queen in Windsor for a real and demanding emperor in Beijing.'


In the past, China has been particularly generous with nations that have agreed to cut relations with Taiwan - a country in the East China Sea which Beijing claims as a province - and establish ties with Bejing instead.


In 2005, China rewarded the island of Grenada, which has an annual turnover of just $1.8billion, with a brand new $55million cricket stadium after it cut relations with Taiwan.


Similarly, in 2018, the Dominican Republic received Chinese investments and loans thought to have topped $3billion after it also cut ties with Taipei.


Beijing has largely stepped away from vote-buying projects in recent years, however, and now largely focuses on economic deals aimed at providing work for its citizens, acquiring resources such as rare earth materials and food, and providing long-term trading and economic benefits.


In 2018, leaders from the region and South America - as part of a trading bloc known as CELAC - signed up to a 2019-2021 roadmap with China that aimed to deepen political and economic ties, including in trade, agriculture, infrastructure and science and technology, among other areas.


More recently, a Chinese firm took full control of Jamaica Kingston Freeport in April this year, the island's largest container port and one of the largest in the Caribbean.


China has also invested heavily in Cuba, helping to modernize the country's second-largest port - Santiago de Cuba - with a new shipping terminal opening in 2019.


Chris Bennett, managing director of The Caribbean Council, a London-based trade organisation, told Mail Online: 'Over the last 15 years, China has steadily acquired control of strategic assets necessary for its trading interests across the wider region.


'It controls two of the largest container ports in the region, has acquired large amounts of land in Jamaica, Guyana and Suriname, multiple oil and gas blocs and large-scale mineral deposits of bauxite and gold.

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.10770583   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrats and Deep State Signal They Expect Next President Will Be “Installed” Not Elected into Office


Democrats, their media and Deep State actors in the government are subtly letting it known they they expect the next President to be “installed” not voted in.


We’ve known for some time that Democrats do not expect to win the 2020 election. We can tell this from their own actions. They are pushing for mail in ballots which everyone knows are a recipe for voter fraud. They are paying off the fines of felons in Florida in an effort to pick up a votes there. They have created a massive army of attorneys to fight it out in the courts both before and after the election. Everything they do is in desperation and therefore they must know that they are losing and no one is buying their corruption, riots, coronavirus mandates and economy destroying policies.


In their despair the Democrats have indicated not only through their actions, but through their words as well, that they will do anything to prevent President Trump from winning the 2020 election.


After Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg’s death, Senate Minority Leader Schumer from New York tweeted the following:



Notice the word “installed.” It seems oddly out of place for the context until you accept this is exactly the plan. The way the central planners talk to each other…


Instead of an elected President, the DC plan is for an installed President. Once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never return to that time when you did not see them…. Carry on.


It’s pretty clear that the Democrats want to steal this election with voter fraud, mail in ballots and perhaps violence to keep Americans from voting. Their great plan was squashed with Ginsburg’s death. So someone came up with the plan for reporting on Ginsburg’s dying wish to keep her seat open.


The far left lunatic Daily Beast reported snarlingly on President Trump and Tucker Carlson from FOX News who both questioned Ginsburg’s dying request [emphasis added]:


Amid the rush by Senate Republicans and President Donald Trump to ignore Ginsburg’s request and nominate and confirm a new justice before the Nov. 3 election, the president floated a conspiracy theory that Washington Democrats were actually behind RBG’s dying wish.


“I don’t know if she said that, or was that written out by Adam Schiff or Schumer and Pelosi,” Trump told Fox & Friends on Monday. “I would be more inclined to the second. That came out of the wind, it sounds so beautiful, but that sounds like a Schumer deal or maybe Pelosi or Shifty Schiff. That came out of the wind.”


Carlson not only doubled down on the president’s comments on Monday night but also made sure to add further insult.


The Fox News star, who said on Friday night that he was “going to choose not to believe” Ginsburg made that statement, began Monday night’s show by mocking progressives’ reaction to her death.

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.10770617   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kushner-Linked Firm and Gig Economy Set to Reap Huge Profits as Mass Evictions Begin


With threats of homelessness and bankruptcy in the air as the eviction moratoriums subside, both renters and small landlords are getting pinched by predatory tech capitalism as the gig-economy hits the real estate market.


In 2014, former Blackstone and Goldman Sachs investment banker Ryan Williams got together with his “college buddy,” Joshua Kushner – Jared’s brother – to form a real estate investment platform they called Cadre. Cadre sought to disrupt the real estate industry in the wake of the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis by tinderizing property deals through a tech platform that brought investors and sellers together. According to Williams, whose other investors include George Soros and Peter Theil, Cadre’s mission is “to level the playing field in an industry that is often tilted toward the biggest players” by taking an “offline” industry online and making it “transparent.”


A pre-Covid initiative to capitalize on its platform came in the form of the so-called “opportunity zones,” that Jared Kushner directly lobbied for inclusion in Trump’s 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act, billed as a funding mechanism to help poor and distressed communities, which turned into a multi-billion-dollar land heist by the wealthiest Americans, like the Kushner family. The pandemic lockdown protocols forced Cadre to downsize, laying off 25 percent of its workforce in March.


But now, the company is restarting its predatory engines as the home eviction wave forming on the horizon signals potential windfalls for companies like Cadre, that are in a position to profit. It is doing so by launching a pop-up banking operation called “Cadre Cash,” which will try to lure deposits from “investors” by offering a three percent annualized “reward” to finance a new round of land-grabs as millions of Americans teeter on the edge of homelessness and landlords look to unload un-rentable properties.


Another company, Civvl, is tackling a different side of the burgeoning housing crisis in America with its on-demand service model for eviction crews. Just like Uber, the Civvl app lets “frustrated property owners and banks secure foreclosed residential properties” by connecting haulers and the rentier class.


Civvl’s parent company, OnQall, specializes in mobile app platforms that monetize side-hustles like moving, cleaning and lawn care services. The eviction crew app has, predictably, drawn a storm of criticism since Motherboard‘s article on Civvl this past Monday.

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.10770641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0834 >>0899

Cops arrest four members of a child sex trafficking ring as horrific video emerges of girl being tortured and threatened with a drill in Colombia


Colombian authorities have arrested four members of a sex trafficking ring and rescued four girls rescued four girls who were being held by them.


The Office of Attorney General said the suspects were forcing adult and underage women, many of them migrants from Venezuela, into prostitution at a bar in the southern Bogotá town of Bosa.


Authorities confiscated a cellphone from one of the suspects and learned of a September 2019 incident in which one of the male suspects recorded a young girl being brutalized and tortured.


In the gruesome video - which the Daily Mail has decided not to republish - the girl is seen sitting on a bed with pliers gripping her feet and her hair cut off.


One man behind the camera them brandishes a drill in front of her face and threatens to kill her.


The punishment was allegedly in retribution for the girl telling a bar customer that the owners were selling fake liquor and drugs.


A male accomplice then smacked the girl and told her, 'why didn't you cry when you went snitching?'


The man behind the cellphone camera then said, 'let's kill her with the drill,' before the other suspect pointed the drill at the terrified girl's face.


Footage recorded by the Colombian National Police showed the moment the suspects were captured Sunday after a judge granted an arrest warrant after gathering testimony from the four girls and surveillance camera footage near the bar.


The suspects were identified as Silvia Yaney Castañeda and Danilo Pacheco, both Colombian nationals. The cops also apprehended Exyerin David Vargas and Leonardo Jesús Vargas, both of Venezuela.


All four suspects were charged with with human trafficking, torture and instigating prostitution.


Investigators claim the four were responsible for recruiting the victims and promising them employment at the bar.


They then forced girls to have sex with customers and received a portion of the moneys paid to the traffickers. The victims were also obligate to meet a certain quota and were required to work additional hours if they failed to meet the traffickers' expectations.


A police spokesman said all four girls have since returned to Venezuela. The girl who appeared in the frightening video managed to escape her captors and also returned to Venezuela.

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.10770693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0752 >>0834 >>0899

Tony Blair: Ties between Arab states, Israel will lead to peace for Palestine


Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said in an interview that he believes countries in the Arab region formally establishing diplomatic ties with Israel will likely lead to a settlement with the Palestinians.


Speaking at the Jerusalem Post conference, Blair criticised the decades-long attempts at first bringing peace between Israel and the Palestinians in order to establish the normalisation deals being made recently.


He was a guest at the White House last week while Israel, the UAE and Bahrain signed formal agreements to fully normalise relations.


“The foundation of the approach in the region, that Israelis and Palestinians negotiate peace and then the rest of the region joins, is the diametric opposite of what should happen,” he said.


“Actually, what you need to do is create peace between Israel and the Arab nations and include the Palestinian issue in that peace.”


Blair, who was appointed special envoy of the Quartet – a foursome of nations and international and supranational entities involved in mediating the Israeli-Palestinian peace process – all but gave up on any hope of a Palestinian state emerging with Israel’s ongoing annexation.


He was a key figure in laying the foundations for the Israel-United Arab Emirates (UAE) peace agreement through his secret operations over many years.


Israel Hayom reported that Blair was a mediator between Israel and the UAE as he travelled between London, Abu Dhabi and Nicosia to hold a series of clandestine meetings with lawyer Yitzhak Molcho, a former special envoy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a UAE government minister.


“We’ve got to try and bring forward a generation of Palestinian politicians that understand that the only way they’ll get a Palestinian state is through a genuine and deep understanding between people, between cultures, and not just a negotiation about territory,” he said.


In the meantime, the most important thing for Israel to do is to try to alleviate the Palestinians’ economic situation, he added.


“In the end, I think it’s the best way to resolve the Palestinian issue fairly and justly,” he said.

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.10770721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0834 >>0899

Netanyahu: ‘Populist politicians’ to blame for soaring virus rates


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the “difficult” lockdown rules “are essential to save lives.”


In a televised press conference, he thanks healthcare workers and police officers.


“This is an emergency situation,” he says, calling it “the coronavirus war.”


He says the second coronavirus wave is hitting many countries, some of whom imposed local lockdown measures, “some of them on areas larger than the State of Israel.”


Israel is the first developed country to impose a second nationwide lockdown.


“Only if we work together,” will be “defeat the virus. And we will defeat it,” says Netanyahu.


He is praising the government’s response to the first wave of the virus, even as the number of daily cases in the country is around 7,000 — among the highest in the world.


“When you open the economy, the infections rise,” he says, adding that lifting the rules caused Israelis to flout the rules.


Netanyahu blames “populist politicians” who said “the disease is not a disease,” for the rise in infections.


Netanyahu specifically slams Lapid, accusing him “endangering the lives of Israeli citizens.” He also slams Likud MK Yifat Shasha-Biton, who rolled back some of the government’s restrictions in parliament several months ago.


Netanyahu says 59 people have died since last night, “This is a terrible price.”


He says he’s read a lot of research that says 20% of those who recover, including the young, will suffer chronic complications as a result of COVID-19.


“An entire generation, hundreds of thousands, who will carry scars for the rest of their lives,” he says.


“Wake up. Enough is enough. We’re in a new reality. We must take action. And we must do it now. A tight closure, specifically during the holidays… when there are five work days.”

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 11:21 a.m. No.10770749   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Where we don’t go one, we don’t go all: What the press is saying on September 24


Israel severely tightens its lockdown, clamping down on prayers, protests and the economy too, which some see as Netanyahu willing to pay any price to stop the demonstrations


  1. The tightening of the screwed: A week after imposing a lockdown derided as holier than Swiss cheese, the government has decided to clamp down, and the press sees the new rules as a “full” lockdown, though questions abound as to the reasons for them.


In fact “Full lockdown,” is the front page headline on both popular tabloids Yedioth Ahronoth and Israel Hayom, with the latter adding “and hermetic” for good measure.

This is going to be a Yom Kippur like no other, reports Yedioth Ahronoth, laying out the various rules and regulations for both the High Holy Day and the rest of the lockdown, as if the day of Atonement didn’t have enough already.

“The move, imposed a mere six days after a tempered shutdown took effect, came after lawmakers and health officials concluded that as the public was not adhering to health directives, a partial lockdown was insufficient,” reports Israel Hayom.

Haaretz includes a handy explainer of all the rules as they are understood for now (some points remain unclear), in English as well, including the useful fact that yes, you are allowed to work from home.

Channel 12 news, which calls it a “General and tightened lockdown,” looks at the various differences between this lockdown and the last lockdown (not the one imposed before Rosh Hashanah, but the one from Passover) and finds that it’s still not quite as airtight as Version 1.0.

For instance, “over Passover and before you could only go shopping for food and medicine inside your city. If you couldn’t do it from there, you were allowed to go to the next city. This time, the government did not okay any limitation on travel for acquiring food and medicine, including over Yom Kippur and the holidays.”

Kan’s Tamar Almog notes that circumstances have changed somewhat thanks to what the press refers to as the “Big Coronavirus Law,” which was passed in the spring and delineates the contours of what restrictions the government is allowed to impose, specifically protecting prayers and protests: “Thus they need to find temporary solutions or something that will fit within the law’s limitations.”




We are being mocked

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.10770785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0834 >>0864 >>0899



President Trump nominated Allen Souza on Wednesday, a former aide to Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Ca), to serve as the Inspector General of the U.S. Intelligence Community, where he wold replace an official the president ousted in April.


​Trump notified Congress in a letter in April that he was firing Michael Atkinson, saying he had lost confidence in him. The move prompted widespread outrage among Democrats.


Trump later told reporters that he believed Atkinson did a “terrible job” with respect to the handling of the whistleblower complaint about his phone call with Ukraine’s president and suggested Atkinson was working to harm him politically.


Souza currently works on the White House National Security Council as a principal deputy senior director for intelligence programs. He served as staff director for Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, including during the lower chamber’s impeachment inquiry last fall, before moving to the White House in more recent months.


In order to be confirmed, Souza will need to sit through a confirmation hearing and receive a vote from the Senate. Thomas Monheim is currently serving as intelligence community inspector general in an acting capacity.

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.10770792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0830 >>0834 >>0899

UN chief: World fails test of international cooperation amid coronavirus pandemic


UN members should ramp up financing of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank so that these organizations could provide assistance to the countries most affected by the coronavirus pandemic, the UN secretary general stated


UNITED NATIONS, September 24. /TASS/. Mankind has failed the test of the coronavirus pandemic, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said at a UN Security Council meeting on Thursday.



"The pandemic is a clear test of international cooperation - a test we have essentially failed," he pointed out. "The COVID-19 pandemic is a full-blown crisis in itself, unfolding against a backdrop of high geopolitical tensions and other global threats in unpredictable and dangerous ways. <…It has killed nearly one million people around the world, infected over 30 million, and remains largely out of control," Guterres added.


According to him, "this was the result of a lack of global preparedness, cooperation, unity and solidarity." "COVID-19 is casting a dark shadow across the world. But it is also a warning that must spur us to action. We have no choice. Either we come together in global institutions that are fit for purpose, or we will be crushed by divisiveness and chaos," the UN chief emphasized.

Financial support

Read also

Russian embassy in US urges Washington to fight coronavirus, not Russian vaccine


"Many of the countries in the Global South have been left hanging, without financial and practical resources," Guterres noted. Moreover, "some middle-income countries face a crushing debt burden as they try to respond," he added.


UN members should ramp up financing of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) so that these organizations could provide assistance to the countries most affected by the coronavirus pandemic, the UN secretary general stated. "And we need greater resources for the International Monetary Fund, and enhanced support for the World Bank Group and other financial institutions and bilateral mechanisms," he underlined.


According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the global economy will lose $6.3 trillion this year in the most optimistic scenario, shrinking by 1.5-3%. This is a less pessimistic forecast than that of other organizations. For instance, the IMF predicts the slump to reach 4.9% in 2020, while the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) says the downturn will hit 6% or 7.6% in case of a second wave. Meanwhile, the World Bank’s figure stands at 5.2%. However, UNCTAD experts say that the global economy will not bounce back as significantly as the IMF and WB say it will.

Coronavirus pandemic

Read also

Number of coronavirus cases worldwide up by almost 2 mln in one week — WHO


In late December 2019, Chinese officials informed the World Health Organization (WHO) about the outbreak of a previously unknown pneumonia in the city of Wuhan, in central China. Since then, cases of the novel coronavirus - named COVID-19 by the WHO - have been reported in every corner of the globe, including Russia. On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic.


According to the latest statistics, over 32,126,000 people have been infected worldwide and more than 982,000 deaths have been reported. In addition, so far, over 23,699,890 individuals have recovered from the illness across the globe.


To date, 1,128,836 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Russia, with 929,829 patients having recovered from the disease. Russia’s latest data indicates 19,948 fatalities nationwide. Earlier, the Russian government set up an Internet hotline to keep the public updated on the coronavirus situation.

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.10770806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0834 >>0899

Number of countries use pandemic to settle scores with rivals, says Lavrov


Russia’s top diplomat stated that the pandemic hasn’t evened out transnational disagreements, while, quite the opposite, has aggravated many of them


MOSCOW, September 24. /TASS/. Some states are trying to use the pandemic to settle scores with undesirable governments and geopolitical rivals, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a meeting of the UN Security Council entitled "Maintenance of international peace and security: Global governance post Covid-19."


Russia’s top diplomat stated that the pandemic hasn’t evened out transnational disagreements, while, quite the opposite, has aggravated many of them. "In a whole number of countries the temptation grew to seek abroad those guilty of their own internal problems. The attempts of some states to use the current situation in order to promote mercenary, momentary interests are evident, to settle scores with undesirable governments or geopolitical rivals," he said.


The Foreign Minister noted that the practice of applying unilateral illegitimate sanctions remains which undermines the authority and the prerogative of the UN Security Council. As he pointed out, the Russian side numerous times urged to lift the restrictions which during the pandemic affect most strongly the vulnerable groups in the population and limit their access to food and medical aid.

Anonymous ID: e729b3 Sept. 24, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.10770822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0895

Hillary Clinton says 'diabolical' Supreme Court fight is about repealing Obamacare


'Ultimately this fight, it seems to me, is about health care,' Clinton said


Hillary Clinton suggested that Senate Republicans are rushing to confirm President Trump's pending Supreme Court nominee for one singular purpose: to repeal the Affordable Care Act.


“Ultimately this fight, it seems to me, is about health care,” Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, said Wednesday during the 2020 Texas Tribune Festival. "Health care is literally before the court."


“Trump and the Republicans led by Mitch McConnell have been trying to get rid of health care for years ever since President Obama passed the Affordable Care Act,” she continued. “Let’s be sure we understand: What the Republicans are doing is rushing an appointment to the court to repeal the Affordable Care Act and strip away health care for many millions of Americans …The Democrats need to make that case.”


Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death on Friday at age 87 cast new uncertainty on a White House-backed lawsuit to overturn the Affordable Care Act, the landmark health care law also known as ObamaCare. Supreme Court justices are slated to hear oral arguments on Nov. 10, one week after the presidential election.


Ginsburg had previously voted to uphold the law alongside Chief Justice John Roberts and the court's three other liberal justices. Supporters of the law hoped that Roberts would join the court's liberal bloc to uphold the law again.


But the ideological make-up of the court could shift from 5-4 to 6-3 in favor of conservatives now that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., appears to have secured enough votes to confirm Trump's nominee. It's still unclear whether the vote could come before the November presidential election, or in the lame-duck session that takes place after the election but before the new Congress starts.


Democrats have criticized the decision to fast-track the nominee, noting that it marks a reversal from 2016 when McConnell refused to hold a Senate vote on Merrick Garland, who was nominated to the court by former President Barack Obama after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. McConnell held the seat open until after the election and inauguration of Trump in 2017. Justice Neil Gorsuch was nominated and later confirmed in April 2017.


McConnell and other GOP senators contend this year is unlike 2016 because the same party controls both the White House and the Senate.


Clinton urged Democrats to frame the election and the fight for the Supreme Court over health care, claiming the ongoing coronavirus pandemic which has infected more than 6 million Americans, the most in the world, and killed more than 200,0000 has left "many, many more" living with preexisting conditions. If the court strikes down Obamacare, Clinton said, those people may not be eligible for an affordable health-care plan.