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"Letter: Is Gaston County’s new logo a tip to QAnon?
"Posted Sep 24, 2020 at 1:51 PM
"Does anyone else see a “Q” when they look at the new Gaston County logo?
"That’s what I thought of first when I saw the logo in the Tuesday’s Gazette.
"I asked a friend from another county to tell me what letter she saw. When she said “Q” I thought, OK, I’m not the only one.
"With so many people paying attention to QAnon these days, I don’t think we need a logo that looks anything similar to a “Q.” We need a clear “G” in our logo to stand for Gaston.
"The river and buildings are nice, but the design of the letter “G” is confusing.
"The problem I see is that the bottom right part of the logo makes the “G” look like a print “Q”, that stands for Qaston County? Qaston? Without a letter u beside “q”? Quaston County?
"If the horizontal line of the G were not curved, it might help this look more like a “G” rather than a “Q.”
"The filled in part at the bottom right is supposed to be what? Artistic? Catchy? High tech?
"Something young people understand, but older people do not? I don’t understand It, and it looks right-side and bottom heavy. We paid money for this design?
"I have Qualms about this Queer Quixotic looking “G” because it will be seen a Quadrillion times for possibly a Quarter of a century, so I think someone needs a Quiz on how to write the Quintessential “G” to see if they have the Qualifications to create a logo that I can Quit worrying about, be Quiet, and go eat some Quesadillas.
"By Golly, I want a logo that our Genial Guests from around the Globe will Greet with Gusto rather than Groans as they Get the concept that Gaston County Gives people a Gutsy, Generous, Glorious, and Glamorous Gamut of Guilt-free and Guileless adventures, so they will Get a Good feeling about Gaston County and not feel like we were just playing Gotcha.
"Please make the “G” look like a “G” in our logo."