Anonymous ID: 97e759 Sept. 24, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.10771818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2053 >>2263

U.S. ‘Electronic Attack’ Aircraft Spotted Over Iraq


A U.S. EC-130H Compass Call “electronic attack” aircraft has been spotted over the southern and eastern regions of Iraq.


The aircraft took off from on September 24 from Al Dhafra Air Base in the UAE’s capital, Abu Dhabi. After crossing the Persian Gulf, the aircraft entered Iraq’s airspace and flew between the southern province of Basrah and the eastern city of Kut in a line parallel to the Iraqi-Iranian border.


Compass Calls is a heavily modified version of the C-130 Hercules developed to disrupt enemy command and control communications, perform offensive counter-information operations and carry out other kinds of electronic attacks.


The U.S. Air Force’s EC-130Hs carry out missions over the Persian Gulf on a regular basis. Nevertheless, they rarely fly over Iraq.


The U.S. may be intensifying its intelligence operations over Iraq to address the growing threats faced by its forces. In the last few months, a series of attacks targeted U.S. forces and diplomatic mission in the war-torn country.


Iraqi Shiite armed groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are reportedly behind the attacks on U.S. forces.

Anonymous ID: 97e759 Sept. 24, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.10771834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2053 >>2143 >>2263

Sanders Demands Nonpartisan Commission to Oversee 2020 Vote Amid Fears of Trump 'Stealing' Election


On Wednesday, US President Donald Trump reiterated his concern about the possibility of vote-rigging by mail-in ballots, and said he could not guarantee a peaceful transfer of power to Democratic nominee Joe Biden.


Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has called for the creation of a 'nonpartisan commission' to oversee the November 3 election, and accused President Trump of being willing to undermine American democracy to stay in power.


"I strongly second Director Coats' call for this commission," the 79-year-old senator said, speaking at George Washington University in Washington, DC on Thursday, and referring to former Trump Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats' recent proposal for the creation of a Congressionally-backed election commission to oversee the election and ensure that voting and vote-counting laws are "scrupulously" followed.


"Today I call on every elected official in America, whether they be Republican, Democrat or independent to vigorously oppose voter suppression and voter intimidation, to make sure that every vote is counted, and that no one is declared the winner until those votes are counted," Sanders said.


"Today under Donald Trump, we have a president who has little respect for our Constitution or the rule of law. Today that peaceful transition of power - the bedrock of American democracy, is being threatened like never before," the senator suggested.


Citing remarks by former President Ronald Reagan during his 1981 inauguration speech on the "miracle" of American democracy, Sanders urged Americans of all political stripes to join together to protect the orderly transfer of power.


"Let us consider the following scenario - a scenario which I hope very much never takes place: on election night Trump is ahead in many battleground states based on the votes of those who voted in person on election day. All across the television screens people see Trump ahead before they turn in for the night. But as more and more mail-in ballots are counted, Trump's lead falls. Trump then announces with no proof that there has been massive mail-in ballot fraud and that these votes should not be counted and that he has won the election. In other words Trump may well announce that he has won the election before all of the votes are counted, and that large numbers of mail-in ballots are discarded," Sanders said.

Anonymous ID: 97e759 Sept. 24, 2020, 12:33 p.m. No.10771860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2053 >>2263

Report: Iranian Supertanker ‘Honey’ Loading Venezuelan ‘Top Grade Exportable Crude’


US moves against ships accused of doing business with Iran and/or Venezuela have not stopped efforts by Iranian tankers to operate. Iranian supertanker Honey is, according to a shipping report, loading Venezuela’s top grade of exportable crude, with an eye toward exporting the crude to Asian countries.


This would be a huge relief for Venezuela, as US threats have kept most of the world afraid to try to trade in Venezuelan crude. Iran is under so many threats at this point that it probably doesn’t register as an additional concern for them.


In trading in Venezuelan crude, importers can probably expect to buy at a somewhat below market price, either for direct use or by some company which intends to re-export while hiding the oil’s original origin.


The Trump Administration has seized ships, sanctioned ships, and in some cases claimed the right to auction off the seized cargo on the tankers and keep the money. All of that is a risk, but again it’s a risk that the Iranians face routinely.

Anonymous ID: 97e759 Sept. 24, 2020, 12:35 p.m. No.10771887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2053 >>2263

Poll: Britons Would “Go To Prison Before Being Injected”


A recent survey by King’s College London and Ipsos MORI showed only 53 percent of the UK population are “very likely” to get the COVID-19 vaccine, once it’s on the market. Younger voters were twice as likely to oppose the vaccine in the poll of 2,237 people aged between 16 and 75. To gauge readers’ views on the topical issue, conducted an exclusive poll asking: “Should Britons be forced to have the coronavirus jab once it is developed?”


Sixty-five percent (2,906) of respondents said no, with many saying they would have to be dragged kicking and screaming to have the vaccine administered.


Thirty-four percent (1,617) said a compulsory vaccine programme should be rolled out across the UK, one of Europe’s hardest-hit countries since the beginning of the pandemic.


One percent (60) said they didn’t know.


One reader said they would not feel safe having a coronavirus vaccine injected into their body because they simply cannot trust pharma giants.


They said: “No vaccine, whose manufacturer demands an indemnification, can be trusted.”


A second person said any attempts to force a vaccine on Britons as the country returns to the new normal would cross a dangerous line in the sand.


They said: “Forced vaccinations will mark the transition of Britain from a representative democracy into a totalitarian technocracy.”

Anonymous ID: 97e759 Sept. 24, 2020, 12:36 p.m. No.10771898   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Secret Court Rules It Lacks Jurisdiction to Reveal Its Own Secret Opinions


In April, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review (FISCR) published an opinion that set the civil liberties community on edge. It addressed whether it had jurisdiction to resolve several First Amendment claims seeking access to opinions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC).


FISCR acknowledged that civil liberties groups that brought suit had satisfied two of the three jurisdictional requirements. First, a lack of access to these opinions was unquestionably an injury that could be redressed by a court, making the case actionable and live. Second, the FISC withheld those opinions based on federal law. But FISCR found that the third needed category—that the issue must be authorized by a “jurisdictional statute”—was not satisfied.


Last week, FISC acted on this standard, rejecting requests for opinions regarding bulk data collection. In three cases brought by civil liberties organizations seeking access to unreleased opinions, FISC dismissed each motion for a lack of jurisdiction, notwithstanding the strength of the First Amendment claims of access.


“Orwellian” is a word that gets a lot of use these days, but when a court needs special permission to decide questions about its own internal procedures, that adjective certainly comes to mind. What’s next, a requirement for a specific grant of permission to decide what to order for lunch?


While some other court perhaps could rule on the issue, or not, the public should not have to scurry from court to court begging for basic information on what its government is up to. What can be done? Congress should step in to correct the situation and provide the express authority regarding FISC has held it lacks.


Congress can provide the American people with the means to hold the courts accountable by slightly but explicitly expanding FISC’s—and FISCR’s—jurisdiction to allow it to hear First Amendment right-of-access claims.


Of course, granting FISC jurisdiction to consider these questions would not resolve their merits. But FISC, like every federal court, would be free to determine—in each case—if maintaining the secrecy of its opinions would be the necessary, least-restrictive way of furthering the government’s national security interests.


Unless Congress amends the jurisdictional statutes, FISC and FISCR will be free to continue to dismiss even the most meritorious claims.


So Congress should fix this defect—after, all a right without remedy is no right at all.–updates/secret-court-rules-it-lacks-jurisdiction-to-reveal-its-own-secret-opinions

Anonymous ID: 97e759 Sept. 24, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.10771956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2013 >>2053 >>2263

Walmart Is Hiring 20,000 Workers For Holiday Shopping Season


Walmart has begun hiring 20,000 seasonal associates to meet an expected boom in online orders during the holidays

The retail giant has already hired 500,000 people since March and wants to hire 150,000 more

Online sales have skyrocketed since the coronavirus pandemic and are expected to increase during the holidays


Walmart, the world's largest private employer with 2.2 million employees, will see its head count rise by 20,000 before the Christmas holidays to cope with the booming demand in online orders.


The Arkansas-based retailer Wednesday announced it is hiring more than 20,000 seasonal associates nationwide. It said the new hires will join its e-commerce fulfillment centers across the country bracing for "an expected increase in online shopping."


Walmart said all its new hires will receive a starting hourly rate ranging from $15.75 to $23.75 based on location, position and schedule. Among the many open positions are order fillers and power-equipment operators.


The company said seasonal employment will begin immediately. Shifts will be scheduled as soon as two days from that date they are hired. Most of these new people will remain with the company only until Jan. 1.


Walmart, however, said in "many instances, these positions might be converted to regular employment." It has hired more than 500,000 people across its stores and supply chain locations since March due to the massive surge in online sales during the coronavirus pandemic, and hopes to hire another 150,000 before the end of the year.


Walmart executive vice president Dan Bartlett indicated surprise at the large volume of goods the company is now moving because of the online surge. Bartlett said Walmart sells enough toilet paper every five days for each American to get one roll.


The online boom being experienced by Walmart, Amazon, UPS, FedEx and a host of other fulfillment firms is borne out by data. U.S. online sales were up 42% in August year-on-year but slower than the 55% jump in July, according to new data from Adobe Analytics. "Buy Online, Pick Up in Store" (BOPIS) sales surged 259% year-on-year while smartphone sales have generated 40% of online sales for the first eight months of the year.


Corporate takeover rolls on

Anonymous ID: 97e759 Sept. 24, 2020, 12:41 p.m. No.10771967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Google Maps Shows Covid-19 Hot Spots


Google is updating its free mapping service this week with color-coding that maps out areas infected with Covid-19 cases, the search giant said in a blog post Thursday.


Tapping the new "Covid-19" option in a layers feature in a top corner of a screen will enhance maps using the latest 7-day average of cases per 100,000 people in areas being viewed, it said.


A label will also let users know whether the number of Covid-19 cases in a particular spot is trending up or down, according to Maps product manager Sujoy Banerjee.


The tool is meant to provide "critical information about Covid-19 cases in an area so you can make more informed decisions about where to go and what to do," Banerjee said.


Data used in the Covid layer comes from sources including Baltimore-based Johns Hopkins hospital, the New York Times, and Wikipedia, which get information from public health organizations such as the World Health Organization and government health ministries, according to Banerjee.


The Covid layer is rolling out this week worldwide in versions of the map app tailored for mobile devices powered by Apple or Google-backed Android software, the California based company said.


Google Maps already featured pandemic-related tools such as letting users know when public transit was likely to be crowded.


"While getting around is more complicated these days, our hope is that these Google Maps features will help you get where you need to be as safely and efficiently as possible," Banerjee said.

Anonymous ID: 97e759 Sept. 24, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.10771992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2024 >>2048 >>2053 >>2158 >>2263

'Biden 2020,' 'BLM,' Anarchist Sign Spray-Painted on Garage Door Amid Suspected Arson Attack


In the wee hours of the morning on Wednesday, a Minneapolis family awoke to find their garage on fire. They rushed to get everyone out of the house, which only suffered minor damage. After the fire, they saw three symbols spray-painted on the garage door: the anarchist A, “BLM” for Black Lives Matter, and “Biden 2020.”


“I heard just a big, loud boom, or a bang,” Denis Molla, the husband, father, and homeowner, told the Minneapolis CBS affiliate WCCO. “The first thing for me was my kids, my wife. What’s going on?”


Molla said he believed arsonists targeted his home because he had two 3 X 5 Trump flags on his trailer and his truck. The fire burned his garage, his trucks, and his trailer.


Molla said he saw three people running from the home, ostensibly the perpetrators. Instead of chasing them, he focused on saving his family, getting his children — ages 2 and 5 months — out of the house.


“Our family’s safe, that’s the main thing. All this is material, it’s all material. It’s not as important as our family,” Molla said.


Deana Molla, Denis’ wife, told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune that someone appeared to be investigating her husband’s truck — which had the Trump flag displayed on it — about ten days before the attack. The person “drove by slowly and took pictures.” Denis Molla later found feces left at his vehicle after he went on a water break.


“I think things have gotten way out of control,” the husband told the Star-Tribune. Denis Molla was born in Ukraine and moved to the United States at age 4. “I’m not one of those confrontational people. … I just feel very sorry for my parents, just because they wanted to leave the USSR for us to have a better future and life in America. … For them to see me express my beliefs as a Republican, it’s crazy to think it came down to this.”


Democratic nominee Joe Biden condemned the arson and looting in the wake of the George Floyd protests, but he remained silent on the violent riots for weeks, instead deciding to attack President Donald Trump for sending federal officers to defend the federal courthouse in Portland. Recently, Biden again condemned lawlessness, but he singled out “right-wing militias” and did not condemn or even mention the antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters who terrorized Portland for more than 100 nights and wreaked havoc in cities across the country.


Left-leaning media outlets and politicians referred to the destructive and occasionally deadly riots as “mostly peaceful protests,” apparently because they sympathized with the leftist goals of the rioters. President Donald Trump has condemned Biden and others for giving “moral aid and comfort” to the rioters.


Biden supporters suggested that the arson attack and the “Biden 2020” spray-paint are a hoax.


“By Monday next week at the very latest, it’ll be revealed this white family tagged their own house with this s**t. There’s not a soul in America who would tag ‘Biden 2020’ on anything,” transgender activist Charlotte Clymer, a staunch Biden backer, tweeted.

Anonymous ID: 97e759 Sept. 24, 2020, 12:48 p.m. No.10772052   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK Rolls Out New Stimulus Plan – Wage Subsidies For Workers, Eased Loan Terms For Businesses


Sunak extended a reduced VAT of 5% for the hospitality and tourism industries

The new job support program will run for six months beginning in November

The government’s prior furlough policy supported more than 9 million workers at a cost of some 39 billion pounds


Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak unveiled a new jobs program on Thursday as prior furlough programs expire and the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to lead the country to another lockdown


Sunak, Britain’s finance minister, disclosed details of his plan to parliament that will include:


A new “job support scheme” to subsidize the wages for people engaged in part-time work at small and medium-sized firms.

Loan extensions to companies suffering from virus-related restrictions.

An extension of a reduced value added tax of 5% for the hospitality and tourism industries through the end of March.

New support for the self-employed Britons “on similar terms and conditions as the new jobs support scheme.”


In the new job support plan, workers who now have fewer hours due to lower demand will have their pay subsidized by the government, along with a contribution from employers to make up part of that gap.


This program will run for six months beginning in November.


For example, BBC noted, if a worker normally earns £2,000 ($2,540) per month, but is only working 50% of their normal hours, he or she would receive £1,000 ($1,270) of their normal pay, plus £333 ($424) each from their employer and from the government.


This may cause strife among some company bosses who might not want to pay employees for hours they don’t work when employers are already facing other financial pressures.


“The big risk is employers shun [Sunak’s] new wage subsidy scheme rather than paying up for employees on reduced hours,” said Bloomberg economists. “A spike in unemployment as the economy begins its adjustment to a new normal appears inevitable.”


The government’s prior furlough policy – which has supported more than 9 million workers at a cost of some 39 billion pounds ($50 billion) – expires at the end of October. That program paid about 80% of workers normal wages.


Simon Cureton, CEO of business finance marketplace Funding Options, said of the new program: “Small businesses will breathe a sigh of relief today. The imminence of a ‘second wave’ [of coronavirus] and the potential return of lockdown restrictions, combined with the knowledge that government support was due to be repealed, put severe pressure on already fraught business owners.”


However, Sunak warned that these measures will not be enough to prevent new rounds of layoffs across the country.

Anonymous ID: 97e759 Sept. 24, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.10772083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2263

Justice Department Announces Results in Fight Against the Opioid Crisis Two Years after Launch of Operation S.O.S.

Anonymous ID: 97e759 Sept. 24, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.10772349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2378 >>2507

BLM-Antifa Thug Arrested and Charged with Attempted Murder After Hurling Mother-of-all-Molotovs at Portland Police


On Wednesday night antifa-BLM mob set off the Mother-of-All-Molotov Bombs in downtown Portland.


The rioters threw what appeared to be a massive Molotov Cocktail or firebomb at police, just hours after two officers were shot during the riot in Louisville.


BLM-Antifa has been rioting in Portland for over 100 straight days.

The radical left has destroyed downtown Portland and what is not destroyed is boarded up.


Following the bombing Portland Police arrested 23-year-old Joseph Robert Sipe.


The young antifa activist was charged with 1st-degree attempted murder, 1st-degree arson and other felonies.

He will not be leaving prison anytime soon.


The Portland Antifa-BLM mob is trying to kill police.

And the liberal media completely ignores this!


The mainstream media is lying to you.