How many Aboriginal Americans were murdered under the name of Jesus Christ?
10 million? Countless? When did they die from diseases? 1500’s? 1600’s, 1700’s…
Try mid 1800’s. Wait, wat? After western thought was forced on the indigenous people.
Where did the disease come from? In the 1800’s?
Re education camps…where are the parents in the photo?
I am sure that Jesus fella will be real proud…
Pope Alexander VI
The bull Inter Cetera, 3 May 1493
DOD, Document of Discovery
US legal Bedrock
Rationalized dominion over indigenous people
1823, Johnson vs McIntosh
“Christian People assumed right of ultimate dominion
over indigenous people.”
Oh, righteous christians…
I understand, you just have to have someone to kill…
Think, hindsight, reconciliation,
Y’all gotz dis
Yaw, PewPew