Anonymous ID: e7bddb Sept. 24, 2020, 4:20 p.m. No.10775557   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What evil has done to us was all done by design. How do we live with it when we start to see it and the devastation it caused to us and our families. How to overcome lifetime devastations when we see it now so clearly. The hate, the broken families, the dreams never fulfilled , the life sacrifices of giving up a family and children in order to care for the ill when (((they))) intentionally made them ill. I am grateful for Trump and Q, been here since the beginning but the last 3 years I can't put into words. Once the filters start falling off and we start to see the evil that was done by design how the hell are we suppose to deal with it? So much sickness, disease and sadness caused by hiding the truth and intentionally disrupting any one getting close. There is a very solid and obvious reason they only breed within their bloodline and (((they))) must laugh their ass off at us who don't get it. Disease, tragedy and sickness is our fault essentially for not knowing. (((they))) must enjoy it when not only the above inflicts our families but then they make sure there are no resources, money to help and (((they))) make damn sure the medical industry is brainwashed to never fix it and only make it worse.