>Where the hell is John Roberts as this innocent man continues to be persecuted by criminal leftist judges?
On pedophile island?
>Where the hell is John Roberts as this innocent man continues to be persecuted by criminal leftist judges?
On pedophile island?
21 years?
Can Q+ pardon A death sentence handed down by a military tribunal?
Q you guys set the trap and baited Hussein into breaking laws, brilliant.
When POTUS hammered Hussein in 2013? Calling out his fake Birth Certificate. You guys/gals knew Hussein would break every law getting revenge.
My hats off to you.
No shit, but now they have him cold busted for spying on our great POTUS, why did he spy on POTUS?
POTUS baited him hard.
Why are all the cop shootings in Democrat cities?
Just a coincidence i'm sure