Anonymous ID: 08bb1f Sept. 24, 2020, 7:02 p.m. No.10778074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8083 >>8100






I see it way different

we are not into the

6 shit

these days as WE KNOW

SIX Sevens

no loss

great to highlite though




Seven Sevens




is the ONE

Anonymous ID: 08bb1f Sept. 24, 2020, 7:03 p.m. No.10778083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8100

>>10778074 Seven Perfection, Completeness

Bible / Our Library / Commentaries / A Testimony of Jesus Christ / Introduction / 7.5. Understanding Numbers / Seven Perfection, Completeness

Share Tweet Save Six Man’s Incompleteness, Human Will Twelve Jewish Tribes, Completeness

The number seven is the most frequently encountered number in the book of Revelation:


Even the most careless reader of the Apocalypse must be struck by the manner in which almost every thing there is ordered by sevens. Thus, besides the seven Churches, and their seven Angels, we have already in this first chapter the seven Spirits (Rev. Rev. 1:4+), the seven candlesticks (Rev. Rev. 1:12+), the seven stars (Rev. Rev. 1:16+); and further on, the seven lamps of fire (Rev. Rev. 4:4+), seven seals (Rev. Rev. 5:1+), seven horns and seven eyes of the Lamb (Rev. Rev. 5:6+), seven heavenly Angels with their seven trumpets (Rev. Rev. 8:2+), seven thunders (Rev. Rev. 10:3+), seven heads of the dragon, and seven crowns upon these heads (Rev. Rev. 12:13+), the same of the beast rising out of the sea (Rev. Rev. 13:1+), seven last plagues (Rev. Rev. 15:1+;Rev. 1:1+); seven vials (Rev. Rev. 15:7+), seven mountains (Rev. Rev. 17:9+), seven kings (Rev. Rev. 17:10+); not to speak of other recurrences, not so obvious, of this number seven as the signature of the Book; as for instance, the distribution of the entire Book into seven visions, the sevenfold ascription of glory to the Lamb (Rev. Rev. 5:12+), and to God (Rev. Rev. 7:12+).1


Hindson lists the following ‘sevens’ in the book: churches (Rev. Rev. 1:4-20+; Rev. 2:3+); spirits (Rev. Rev. 1:4+; Rev. 3:1+; Rev. 4:5+; Rev. 5:6+); lampstands (Rev. Rev. 1:12-20+; Rev. 2:1+); stars (Rev. Rev. 1:16-20+; Rev. 2:1+; Rev. 3:1+); lamps of fire (Rev. Rev. 4:5+); seals (Rev. Rev. 5:1-5+); horns (Rev. Rev. 5:6+); eyes (Rev. Rev. 5:6+); angels (Rev. Rev. 8:2-6+); trumpets (Rev. Rev. 8:2-6+); peals of thunder (Rev. Rev. 10:3-4+); seven thousand people (Rev. Rev. 11:13+); heads (Rev. Rev. 12:3+; Rev. 13:1+; Rev. 17:3-9+); diadems (Rev. Rev. 12:3+); angels (Rev. Rev. 15:1-8+; Rev. 21:9+); plagues (Rev. Rev. 15:1-8+; Rev. 21:9+); bowls (Rev. Rev. 15:7+; Rev. 17:1+; Rev. 21:9+); mountains (Rev. 17:9+); kings (Rev. 17:10-11+); beatitudes (Rev. Rev. 1:3+; Rev. 14:13+; Rev. 16:15+; Rev. 19:9+; Rev. 20:6+; Rev. 22:7+, Rev. 22:14+); “I ams” of Christ (Rev. Rev. 1:8+, Rev. 1:17+, Rev. 1:18+; Rev. 2:23+; Rev. 21:6+; Rev. 22:13+, Rev. 22:16+).2 Tenney notes seven beatitudes (Rev. Rev. 1:3+; Rev. 14:13+; Rev. 16:15+; Rev. 19:9+; Rev. 20:6+; Rev. 22:7+; Rev. 22:14+).3 Hindson notes: Rev. 1:1+; Rev. 2:16+; Rev. 3:11+; Rev. 11:14+; Rev. 22:7+; Rev. 22:12+; Rev. 22:20+).”4 Morris mentions seven “I ams” of Christ (Rev. Rev. 1:8+, Rev. 1:11+, Rev. 1:17+, Rev. 1:18+; Rev. 21:6+; Rev. 22:13+, Rev. 22:16+) and seven doxologies in heaven (Rev. Rev. 4:9-11+; Rev. 5:8-13+; Rev. 7:9-12+; Rev. 11:16-18+; Rev. 14:2-3+; Rev. 15:2-4+; Rev. 19:1-6+).5

As mentioned in our discussion of six, the number seven is understood to denote ‘perfection’ in the sense of completion. God created in six days and rested on the seventh.6 This is the main symbolism of the number seven in the book of Revelation. The seven churches are representative of all churches. The seven Spirits represent the perfect omniscience of the Holy Spirit.7 The seven seals, trumpets, and bowls denote the completeness of God’s worldwide judgment.8


The prevalence of seven throughout the book of Revelation has also been recognized as signifying this book as the final revelation of God to complete the canon of Scripture: 9


Almost certainly one of the primary reasons [for the preponderance of sevens] is to emphasize that this is the last book of the Bible! In fact, the book closes with a grave warning against anyone who would pretend to add anything further to God’s inspired Word (Revelation Rev. 22:18+).10


It seems likely that John has written his book carefully to signify the perfect plan of God and the completeness of his work.11


With the final acts recorded in the book of Revelation, God completes His mighty act of redemption and renewal thus restoring His creation to the condition it had prior to the entrance of sin.12


Anonymous ID: 08bb1f Sept. 24, 2020, 7:03 p.m. No.10778100   🗄️.is 🔗kun






1 Richard Chenevix Trench, Commentary on the Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1861), 57-58.


2 Edward Hindson, Revelation: Unlocking the Future (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 2002), 7.


3 Merrill C. Tenney, Interpreting Revelation (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1957), 180.


4 Hindson, Revelation: Unlocking the Future, 8.


5 Henry Morris, The Revelation Record (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 1983), 30.


6 “Seven as a number of completeness is also apparent from the seven days of creation in Genesis Gen. 1:1, which is the complete period of God’s work of creating.”—Gregory K. Beale, The Book of Revelation: A Commentary on the Greek Text (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1999), 58.


7 “The seven ‘eyes’ describe the perfect omniscience of the Holy Spirit (Zechariah Zec. 3:9).”—Walter L. Wilson, A Dictionary of Bible Types (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1999), 363.


8 “Other examples of completeness are the seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls, which are so numbered in order to underscore the completeness of God’s worldwide judgment and salvation.”—Beale, The Book of Revelation: A Commentary on the Greek Text, 59.


9 Although some restrict this warning to the book of Revelation only, it seems significant that no other NT book closes with a warning even remotely similar.


10 Morris, The Revelation Record, 30-31.


11 Grant R. Osborne, Revelation (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2002), 17.


12 “God completed His mighty work of creating, constructing, and energizing the entire cosmos and all its creatures in the very first seven-day period of history. Because of sin and the curse, He has since been accomplishing His might work of redeeming and saving the creation. One day this work also will be completed.”—Morris, The Revelation Record, 31. Six Man’s Incompleteness, Human Will Twelve Jewish Tribes, Completeness

Anonymous ID: 08bb1f Sept. 24, 2020, 7:12 p.m. No.10778202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8221 >>8254 >>8323 >>8359







The board really IS

the best one for normies as it had the players page that linked drops specifically to the person(s)


and it opened eyes really fast

and the indictment map

and the notable deaths




and help out Jason Galinas who ran it


NOW more than ever normies need direction and really did the trick, that is why THEY targeted it/him and doxxed and shuttered?


QTEAM??? AND WHY was Galinas made to shut it down, why should he have to shutter it????? WHY is it not up today and flourishing so close to shit breaking???

Anonymous ID: 08bb1f Sept. 24, 2020, 7:16 p.m. No.10778254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8323 >>8359

>>10778221 <<<<YES that , too



HEY Q TEAM get QMAP.PUB back up and more powerful than before SUPPORT IT SUPPORT Galinas


make it news

that IT is back up

put a simple win on the boards for Anons to see


that all

the MSM fuckers will have to see happen

as the gloated over it going offline

Anonymous ID: 08bb1f Sept. 24, 2020, 7:22 p.m. No.10778323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8333 >>8359



>>10778254 says"currently down" so it is hopeful it will be back up just like CBTS, 8chan….later rose up to this board 8kun?????:


QMAP is currently down. Please use these other fine sources for Q drops


Q Research


Normies and all Anons

prayer works

get on the prayer for to rise again





Anonymous ID: 08bb1f Sept. 24, 2020, 7:29 p.m. No.10778395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8454 >>8465 >>8479

PB and notable

>>10777569 DEVELOPING: Enormous number of internet services are down or experiencing outages


Worth remembering and sharing to nornies heads

Trump POTUS Emergency Text EBS



The new emergency alert system that lets Trump text you, explained

Experts say it’s probably fine.


By Emily Updated Oct 3, 2018, 2:19pm EDT

Anonymous ID: 08bb1f Sept. 24, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.10778454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8465 >>8479


new alert system that’s supposed to be used in very specific circumstances to communicate with the public via cell phones —

and experts say it won’t let presidents just text the American public at will.


YES he will be able to text "at will" WHEN the shit hits the fan


FINE kek

The new emergency alert system that lets Trump text you, explained

Experts say it’s probably fine.


You probably got an emergency alert from President Donald Trump on your phone on Wednesday afternoon. It’s a test of a new alert system that’s supposed to be used in very specific circumstances to communicate with the public via cell phones — and experts say it won’t let presidents just text the American public at will.


At 2:18 pm Eastern Time Wednesday, FEMA and the FCC did their first test of the Wireless Emergency Alerts system. More than 100 mobile carriers, including all major wireless companies, are participating. A second test that put messages on TV and radio, known as the Emergency Alert System, took place a couple of minutes later.


The wireless test message read “Presidential Alert” and included a clear warning that it was just a test, per FEMA: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.” It was transmitted in both English and Spanish. Cell towers broadcast the test for about half an hour, during which time most cell phones that were switched on and within range of an active cell tower got the test message.


The TV and radio system has been tested three times before; the texting system hasn’t. The test was initially scheduled for September but was postponed because of Hurricane Florence.


The system is the same one that’s used to warn the public about dangerous weather or missing children, such as tornado warnings and Amber Alerts. Users can’t opt out of texts, a requirement from a 2006 law passed by Congress called the Warning, Alert, and Response Network Act. Congress requires the system be tested every three years.


The idea of Trump having control over a nationwide wireless alert system may seem unsettling or annoying, given that most Americans think the president tweets way too much. But the national warning system predates Trump and has been under development for years, and officials say there are some pretty specific guardrails in place to make sure it’s always used correctly.


“You would not have a situation where any sitting president would just wake up one morning and attempt to send a person a message,” FEMA official Antwane Johnson said on a call with reporters this week, according to Axios. “The system is very well-governed and rooted in law in terms of its intended use.”


This is (probably) fine

Given the president’s erratic tweeting habits and penchant for reacting to emergency situations without having all the facts, the idea of Trump having the ability to send alerts to the entire country could be, for some, a bit disconcerting. But the system is intended to be used for actual emergencies only — not a reaction to a Fox News segment or a declaration that the Russia investigation is a witch hunt.


According to the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System Modernization Act of 2015, the system “shall not be used to transmit a message that does not relate to a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster or threat to public safety.”


“One thing that we need make very clear is that there are laws, policies, and procedures that are in place, other protocols to assure that the system is used in accordance with its intended use as defined by the law,” Johnson, from FEMA, told CBS This Morning.


Irwin Redlener, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University, told me recently that the wireless alert system is a good idea, as is testing it — but having someone as volatile as Trump with control over it is concerning.

Anonymous ID: 08bb1f Sept. 24, 2020, 7:34 p.m. No.10778465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8479 >>8509






“I’m not sure that the system would protect us from rogue announcements by a president who has exhibited the kind of behavior President Trump has over the last two years,” Redlener said. “I personally would not give this microphone to Donald Trump.”


Former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told CBS that the system “should not be used for a political agenda.”


“If it wasn’t for the style, personality, and behavior of Donald Trump, I don’t think this question would have ever come up,” Redlener said. “Of course the president would have access [to the emergency alert system] in the situation of a national emergency.”


Emergency alert systems aren’t infallible. A false alert about an impending missile threat to Hawaii caused widespread panic in January. But the concern is more about Trump’s personality than it is the accidental push of a button.


“We need to accept the fact that any of these systems can fail; miscommunications can go out when the wrong button’s being pushed. That’s a given for any system of this type,” Redlener said. “What I’m more concerned about is the president of the United States taking control over such a system intentionally to create havoc, to make some sort of highly disruptive, highly political announcement.”


Hopefully, that won’t happen.

Anonymous ID: 08bb1f Sept. 24, 2020, 7:35 p.m. No.10778479   🗄️.is 🔗kun







>Emergency alert systems aren’t infallible. A false alert about an impending missile threat to Hawaii caused widespread panic in January. But the concern is more about Trump’s personality than it is the accidental push of a button.


>“We need to accept the fact that any of these systems can fail; miscommunications can go out when the wrong button’s being pushed. That’s a given for any system of this type,” Redlener said. “What I’m more concerned about is the president of the United States taking control over such a system intentionally to create havoc, to make some sort of highly disruptive, highly political announcement.”


>Hopefully, that won’t happen.

Anonymous ID: 08bb1f Sept. 24, 2020, 7:43 p.m. No.10778547   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sports and politics is retarded

they lose viewers bigly

but Barkely spaeaking a bit of common sense?

Dave Rubin



Barkley was an incredible player and has become a phenomenal broadcaster.


That said, the fact this is what’s being discussed on a post game (?) show is exactly why I didn’t watch one minute of the NBA this season.

Clay Travis



God bless Barkley. He also is the only NBA commentator

willing to point out that Brianna Taylor’s boyfriend fired first and hit a cop before they returned fire at him.

The lack of basic factual understanding in this case is staggering.