Bakers should be paid.
The website owner is a millionaire.
Bakers should be paid.
The website owner is a millionaire.
Bakers don't be a slave.
Time is money and the board and website owner have plenty of money. You are being screwed.
Don't be a slave like the Chinese.
Trump and his workers make millions. You make nothing.
If trump wont pay you it means he doesn't need you.
Never work for free. Q makes hundreds of thousands a year plus a life time pension and you make nothing.
Stop working for free.
Don't be a slave.
Trump is a slave owner. He pays his bakers nothing.
Q gets Paid around $200'000 a year.
A man is worth his wages.
I worked for billionaires. They laugh at you.
If Trump wants to win he needs to put all his money up. If he wont he is a fake.
>I worked for billionaires. They laugh at you.
If Trump is afraid to fund his presidency with his own money why should you.
I worked for billionaires for free when I was a teenager. Dumbest. thing I ever did.
Backers should at least make minimum wage.
Bakers I cant spell but I know slave labor is wrong.
donating your time to Mega churches is stupid.
Trumps children don't work for free baker.
why should you. >>10781202
>Trumps children don't work for free.
Are they better than you?
Trumps children aren't the Lyon king and neither are you.
Get a living wage.
Bakers revolt at least make minimum wage.Slave labor is evil.
Trumps children make millions doing what bakers make nothing.
Tump loves his children and loves you his slave.
Trumps children make millions doing nothing , bakers make nothing working hard.
Trumps children are the Lyon King we are garbage. Trump you don't believe that stop living like that. Q tell your boss he's an asshole.
Remove Trumps children from his administration unless they work for free. .
Remove Trumps children from his administration unless they work for free.
That means no trust fund also.
These people are sick.
Dear President trump if your children collected government money you are the antichrist.
Dear President trump if your children collected government money you are the antichrist.
Q is retarded.
So sad.
you think taxpayers should pay these trust fund babies?
You are retarded.
Trump is a new christian who has never read the Bible.
q has no idea what the Bible is.
Q thinks it's some Hollywood movie or top ten song.
Q never read the Bible and never will.
Q is retarded because she has no spiritual foundation.
But he is paid $two hundred a year.
Soros pays his workers not like Trump.
Trump only pay his children.
Trusmp greed will be his downfall.
Trusmp greed will be his downfall.
Q is paid $200,000 a year for posting what Trump tells him to post.
Bakers make nothing.
Trump greed will be his downfall.