Dr. Shiva: Massachusetts Destroys Over 1 Million Ballets Images in US Senate Primary Race
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email
@va_shiva · September 24, 2020 4:24 PM
Massachusetts Destroys Over 1 MILLION Ballots in US SENATE PRIMARY RACE committing #ElectionFraud. MA Elections Attorney confirms to #Shiva4Senate ballot images - used for counting votes - that MUST be saved by FEDERAL LAW for 22 months are nowhere to be found!
“[A]ppropriate state or local authority MUST PRESERVE ALL RECORDS to detection & prosecution of election crimes for 22-month federal retention period, if records were generated in connection w election that was held in whole or in part to select federal candidates.”
-USC Title 42
Coincidence that Tyler Technologies was hacked on yesterday…?