Proof…….sports are for fags!
When will a rich person get the balls to bitch slap Soros???
Never….cuz the rich are pussies
Why are police
“Protecting” rioters????
WTF is wrong with America?
Stop the fucking riots Mr. government man or your pensions will dry up immediately
Ya hear me now.
No moar government pensions until riots stop
No pensions!
Give a perp immunity and he lies……government at its finest
FgayBI couldn’t prosecute a candy bar thief….too busy butt fucking one another
End government pensions!
Never trust a cop
Police are useless
Fags spent 80% of their time busting potheads
Instead of defunding the cops how about they do their job?
That wasn’t an arrest, it was a black dude attacking a white woman, while a bunch of homos sat and watched
End pensions
First bill passed in new congress shall be to end all government pensions!
Do it!
Government is so helpless it can’t stop a bunch of spoiled kids from vandalism
Maybe the problem is government
Well then, established government should step aside and let patriots take care of biz
Government don’t care about life or property, patriots do
End government pensions