Another Question:
If an American citizen realizes that his tax dollars are being used to destroy America
Is it treasonous to continue financing the effort to destroy USA?
Another Question:
If an American citizen realizes that his tax dollars are being used to destroy America
Is it treasonous to continue financing the effort to destroy USA?
Am I the only motherfucker sick of this buckleup just around the godammotherfucking corner puke FUCK ?
Hey Q, tell us which vaccines are harmful you useless punk ass FAKETRIOT.
What the FUCK???
Blue dick sucking fag ass sheep punk motherfucking dried up white puppy poop eating bitch ass nigga.
Is there a name for someone who knows which vaccines are harming little American babies and old people but won’t tell you which ones?
“Patriot” just doesn’t come to mind for some godammotherfucking reason
I must be a SHILL.
Ignore, filter me, fuck, I’m used to it. I’m infuckinvisibe.