over the target means we're doing too well
>Never bring an arrow [in a quiver] to a LOSBR missile fight.
get rekt deepstate
controlling the media doesn't mean controlling the world
anons will prevail
>Beam-riding, also known as Line-Of-Sight Beam Riding (LOSBR) or beam guidance, is a technique of directing a missile to its target by means of radar or a laser beam.The name refers to the way the missile flies down the guidance beam, which is aimed at the target. It is one of the simplest guidance systems and was widely used on early missile systems, however it had a number of disadvantages …
like in those old military videos q posted?
governors too
comey testifies in 5 days
>Going to be interesting to track which people and organizations shout and yell the loudest about ANTIFA not being a terrorist org.
oy vey mr president
this is very antisemitic
antifa means solidarity with israel
comey is a dinosaur in my imagination
and when he's dead it's what i call a beautiful sensation
comey's (((friends))) are big and small
they come from different places
after court they meet to die
and cry with desperate faces
du du du du du