Dianne Feinstein's Husband Caught Up In Latest University Admissions Scandal
Wealthy actresses and financiers aren't the only ones bending the rules of the American college admissions system - a system that has long been skewed toward preserving the status of the elite, even as these same schools help promulgate the crypto-Marxist ideology undergirding BLM and the DSA.
Richard Blum, the husband of California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, has been caught up in the latest scandal over members of 'the elite' leveraging their 'connections' to grease the wheels of the admissions process for students than lower-than-average test scores for schools like UC Berkeley and other members of the California university system, according to a local TV report which cited a new report from the state.
Despite a policy barring members of the university system's board of regents from intervening in the admissions process on behalf of friends and family, Blum reportedly wrote letters to the admissions office at Berkley and other schools - letters that often helped students get off wait lists, or otherwise secure a spot.
When confronted by the San Francisco Chronicle about the allegations, Blum stood his ground, insisting that he's been writing letters of recommendation on behalf of friends and family for years, and that "nobody every told me it was wrong." The policy barring members of the board from interfering in admissions has reportedly been in place since before Blum joined the board 18 years ago.
Blum was named in a report published this week by the state's auditors office as somebody who might have abused his power to influence admissions at California's coveted state university system.
Regents Chair John Pérez issued a statement Thursday saying the “UC Board of Regents takes these matters very seriously, and any violations will be promptly and appropriately addressed."
He said that UC’s ethics and audit compliance office is reviewing the information “to determine whether the alleged conduct violates” the regents policy, in place since 1996.
Feinstein’s office declined to comment.
The audit examined admissions policies and practices over the six academic years from 2013-2014 to 2018-2019 at four of the UC’s nine campuses — UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara.
It was requested last year by state Assemblywoman Tasha Boerner Horvath in response to the national college admissions scandal, which embroiled prestigious universities nationwide, athletic coaches and dozens of wealthy parents.
But Blum didn't solely write letters of recommendation for "friends and family". Blum allegedly intervened on behalf of a student whose family was friends with a member of the Board of Regents, the child of a major political donor and an applicant who babysat for a colleague of a former admissions director, according to the California State Auditor report.
The audit examined admissions policies and practices over the six academic years from 2013-2014 to 2018-2019 at four of the system's nine campuses schools: UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara.