People keep asking why the scumbag minions of the cabal are doing things like this. The answer is simple:
Because if trump wins a lot of people are going to prison. If biden wins, they pardon it all away.
Because if trump wins, all the freaks, deviants and degenerates are re-marginalized and forced underground where their corrupting influence on society isn't as harmful to it. If biden wins, it all gets legalized. There is a vast difference between legal and moral, and people had best learn it.
This is about power, not honor, and if they can't steal it, they're going to try to take it by force.
You had best be preparing for that because the shit that's been going on now.. that's just the calm before the storm.
They think they have sufficient strength to do it. They think that people will passively accept the takeover. They will receive the lesson the treasonous always need to be taught every couple of generations.
Tolerance brought us to this point.
Only the sharp intolerance of someone who is tired of the trespass upon themselves, their family, their very way of life will restore the republic.
Tolerance is no virtue when you're tolerating your own slow, methodical destruction.
Positive thought is meaningless without positive action. Be prepared to contribute when the time comes if you actually value our republic.