(What's with the references to bed wetting? Some chick on the Five just said it twenty mintues ago about The Democrat Bed Wetters. Plus this "strategy" they are chirping about is nonsense!)
When Biden calls a 'lid,' Democrats wet the bed — and Trump starts mocking
The Democratic nominee is sticking to his strategy: Keep a low profile, and let Trump light himself on fire.
09/25/2020 05:38 PM EDT
“Did you see he did a ‘lid’ this morning again?” Trump asked Thursday evening in Jacksonville, Fla., pausing to offer a definition for the inside-baseball term. “A lid is when you put out word you’re not going to be campaigning today. So, he does a lid all the time.”
Trump made a similar crack at Biden's expense Tuesday in Moon Township, Pa. He gleefully repeated the single-syllable word, to the genuine delight of his campaign aides, who now consider it their favorite new bit from his rallies. In both cities this week, and again Friday, Trump compared his recent barnstorming to Biden’s days at home preparing for events, raising money via virtual events and recuperating.
“I’m working my ass off,” said Trump, whose own weekend golf outings and TV obsession are mocked endlessly by liberals. “I'm in Ohio. I'm in Texas. I'm in Florida. I’m in Michigan. I'm in Wisconsin."