Anonymous ID: 38494b Sept. 25, 2020, 2:58 p.m. No.10788807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8820 >>8837 >>8911 >>9195 >>9306 >>9446 >>9525

(What's with the references to bed wetting? Some chick on the Five just said it twenty mintues ago about The Democrat Bed Wetters. Plus this "strategy" they are chirping about is nonsense!)


When Biden calls a 'lid,' Democrats wet the bed — and Trump starts mocking


The Democratic nominee is sticking to his strategy: Keep a low profile, and let Trump light himself on fire.


09/25/2020 05:38 PM EDT




“Did you see he did a ‘lid’ this morning again?” Trump asked Thursday evening in Jacksonville, Fla., pausing to offer a definition for the inside-baseball term. “A lid is when you put out word you’re not going to be campaigning today. So, he does a lid all the time.”


Trump made a similar crack at Biden's expense Tuesday in Moon Township, Pa. He gleefully repeated the single-syllable word, to the genuine delight of his campaign aides, who now consider it their favorite new bit from his rallies. In both cities this week, and again Friday, Trump compared his recent barnstorming to Biden’s days at home preparing for events, raising money via virtual events and recuperating.


“I’m working my ass off,” said Trump, whose own weekend golf outings and TV obsession are mocked endlessly by liberals. “I'm in Ohio. I'm in Texas. I'm in Florida. I’m in Michigan. I'm in Wisconsin."

Anonymous ID: 38494b Sept. 25, 2020, 3:07 p.m. No.10788941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8997

I'm not taking any vaccines but I'm thinking that these people who say they won't take it because it is being rushed are not aware that the speed to patient administration has to do less with the developing and testing stages but more in trimming the "red tape" time to get all the FDA approvals done, etc. And I imagine there are other places where time can be shortened that have nothing to do with the actual shot that's being developed. Am I right?

Anonymous ID: 38494b Sept. 25, 2020, 3:16 p.m. No.10789091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9249


Yea, that would be good to know, too. I'm the anon who long ago pointed out on here the article indicating that Texas had more than 11,000 people who died from the flu in the 2017-2018 season. My house was all sick with it and tons of people had it. Finally went to the doc for some steroid inhalers and codeine cough syrup and the doc told me that year's flu vaccine was only 10 percent effective. Other reports said only 25 percent, but either way, it's not a great result. Now, the problem is that C19 is a common cold, which turns into infection. The shit we all had here was H1N2 and the vaccine couldn't stop it. A theory is that those of us who had the crud that year already had the C19 antibodies. An informal poll among people here who had it are all fine so far.

Anonymous ID: 38494b Sept. 25, 2020, 3:22 p.m. No.10789176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9204 >>9208 >>9216 >>9271 >>9293 >>9306 >>9446



Maryland’s Web-delivered ballots — more than 110k so far — must be hand-copied by poll workers to be counted


September 25, 2020 at 4:39 p.m. CDT


The rush to vote from home this year left Maryland election judges with a burden that plagues no other state in the country: ballots delivered online cannot be read by the state’s scanning machines.


To be counted, each of those ballots must instead be hand-copied by election judges onto a cardstock ballot.


And each week, more requests for those Web-delivered ballots are rolling into election offices around the state, dramatically increasing the pressure on a system built for a far different type of election.


A month ahead of the deadline, more than 111,000 people have requested Web-delivered blank ballots — nearly twice the volume of the previous election. About 924,000 voters have so far asked for ballots to be mailed to them.


The Web-delivered ballots offer front-end expediency for voters, who can follow a link in their email, enter credentials on a website and download a ballot packet to print at home on regular paper.


But on the back end, that plain paper becomes a first draft, and every voter’s choices must be transcribed onto oversize cardstock that can be scanned.


For transparency’s sake, the transcription is done by a pair of judges — one a Republican, the other a Democrat. One judge reads the ballot choices aloud, and the other marks them down on the ballot. Then the judges switch jobs to check each other’s work.


The process takes about five minutes per ballot, election officials said. As of Thursday, that added up to more than 9,000 hours of work just to get the ballots ready to be scanned.


(too long)

Anonymous ID: 38494b Sept. 25, 2020, 3:24 p.m. No.10789216   🗄️.is 🔗kun




“It is all but certain not all emailed ballots will be returned in time to be copied, scanned and tabulated on election night,” Nikki Baines Charlson, the deputy administrator of the Maryland Board of Elections, said in an email this week.


Ballots are counted after they are scanned. An initial tally will be released after polls close on Election Day, with results updated as more ballots are scanned and tabulated.


Under federal law, every state in the country is required to offer Web-delivered ballots for the military. Washington state, which mails every voter a blank ballot, also has some expanded Web-delivery options for voters.


But just two states — Maryland and Alaska — allow all voters to choose Web delivery, an option that election officials say is safe, though it has raised concerns among watchdogs about hacking and fraud.


In Alaska, scanning machines can count those votes without every ballot being copied onto cardstock by election judges, said Carol A. Thompson, division operations manager for Alaska’s Division of Elections. Voters seem to like the option, and demand keeps rising: In June, the state processed a record 8,500 Web-delivered ballots statewide.


“Year after year, it increases,” Thompson said.


In Maryland, requests for Web-delivered ballots increased sharply this summer amid concerns about the reliability of mail service and the risks of voting in person during the coronavirus pandemic.


The pace was so furious that some election officials feared they would not be able to transcribe and count all the Web-delivered ballots by mid-December, when the state’s presidential electors convene to seal Maryland’s votes in the electoral college.


Officials launched several efforts to avoid that outcome.


(still to long, but this is insanity!)

Anonymous ID: 38494b Sept. 25, 2020, 3:39 p.m. No.10789355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9457


Things like this make my blood boil. The incompentence in government is insane. Their database systems are a disaster. I know one guy who has worked on government "data systems" for 30 years and he told me it's basically cutting and pasting, and then waiting to do it again when a new version rolls around. He laughs, but I couldn't do it.

Anonymous ID: 38494b Sept. 25, 2020, 3:49 p.m. No.10789504   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hear, hear. They head in there to change it and come out even more corrupt. It should all be decentralized to the states. Honestly, I don't know why we need a federal government, a president, or congress. Don't say military because each state can protect their own borders. Each state can decide by majority vote if they want to send any of their people to fight in a foreign war.

Anonymous ID: 38494b Sept. 25, 2020, 3:53 p.m. No.10789550   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Heh. I actually knew that term from way back as meaning a "wrap" on a politician for the day. Funny how many people didn't know it. And putting down POTUS for a "one syllable word" is such TDS!