you do not even have to be a lawyer to be on scotus
can't even post without turning off the vpn ;
can't have her winning under any circumstances
tried again and got the "server took too long" thing again ; maybe i should just throw this computer in the trash and get a life
didn't work again….oh well….i need to see a horse about a man ; i'll night shift it later ; you take care of yourself, now, ya hear?
please… it….
i tried a few of them things…..i think the apple has the chinese corona…. it is muh junker for the internet only and might be time to get a new clunker
oh shut up,…. sweetie
yes they do…..some democrat talked me into getting it about five years ago.,,,it does take to getting throw and slammed around the room well, i will give it that
WAY……holy shit…..WAY
Will Wheaton ; welcome to reality
Spock says "forget it Bones"
Chezwick wants his cigarettes
at least he didn't say he was "doing research" …sort of like getting caught with dope and your are "holding it for a friend"
didn't need one ;