Anonymous ID: 4c1cff Sept. 25, 2020, 3:53 p.m. No.10789552   🗄️.is 🔗kun


China has 100k activists involved with Antifa/BLM.


Iran has people here.


Russia has people here.


Every head of state in Europe who got burned by having to pay more for their NATO protection has funded the effort.


Dozens of wealthy like Soros, Styer, Buffet and Bloomberg have funded the effort.


North Korea has hands in this.


Anyone Trump pissed off by cutting them off from taxpayer funded payoffs has a hand in this.


Oh and they all have a dozen people who hang out on qresearch and they have AI pointed at qresearch and have for years now.


McCrystol's big dick disperminate disinfo is pointed here.


That's what anons are up against.