Anonymous ID: 119e08 April 17, 2018, 11:45 a.m. No.1079264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9274 >>9276 >>9281 >>9284 >>9299 >>9317 >>9322 >>9325 >>9356 >>9358 >>9361 >>9365 >>9392 >>9465 >>9468 >>9479 >>9484 >>9609 >>9633 >>9652 >>9749 >>9767 >>9770 >>9838 >>9949 >>9962 >>9966

I feel a bit sentimental now, to be honest.


It is incredible to see you all still here, still at it, after all this time. I keep recognizing posters from their style of writing - no idea who you are, that is our way - but no matter who you may be, oldfag or newfag, you are our battle-brothers. I see a lot of these writers that were at the very beginning, back on halfchan. And we're all still here - despite (((their))) efforts and all of the shilling they could throw at us. They spammed CBTS threads to hell and back on 4chan, they destabilized our former homes on /cbts/ and /thestorm/, they tried so, so hard to splinter us. and yet…


Here we stand.


I'll probably reveal myself as a trekkie this way, but I don't care. There are four lights, lads. Not five. Four. Always have been, always will be.