Anonymous ID: 678063 April 17, 2018, 11:44 a.m. No.1079256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9282 >>9298 >>9442 >>0032


Movies are magick spells. Magic wands are made from the Holly tree. Literally Holly Wood.


Jews wanted moving pictures from Thomas Edison. He was a genius and knew the Jew was bad news and said no….so the Jew pooled their money and went west….and created their own town…to cast illusions on the minds of the goyim.


It is weird to read…but everything I have just said is the truth. Hollywood was no accident. It is no accident Jews rule it. It is no accident almost all the big named Jews are pedophiles.


They never thought we would find out. Their media domination, the politicians, would protect them…..


Alas. The internet was created. By the Military. As a way to communicate that could survive a nuclear war. With nodes and hubs. Diverse and almost impossible to shut down.


Can you see between the lines? The internet was a weapon designed to destroy the Jew control of the media. From its origin. They just baited the greedy bastards with tales of how much control over us they would have. They missed the danger.

Anonymous ID: 678063 April 17, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.1079494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9712


Oh my god…..anon… are so right. Their fundamental appeal…their whole cause to exist is being challenged so they have to go back and try to reassert the narrative of WW2. They can not let us start believing it was an elaborate lie.


This screams of panic. Thank you for posting that. Amazing to see together.

Anonymous ID: 678063 April 17, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.1079863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9869 >>9901 >>9920 >>9937


There is a fundemental reason to bring up muh Jews. The Jews wrote the Bible, the Jews were the first religion, the jews control the media, the banks, the politicians. So regardless of what spin you might make of "all" groups are involved in the control system might be true on one level. But on the fundemetal level of what group has benefited the most from the system is the Jew.


You dont see a small group of Japanese people owning the media of every race and country on earth. You dont see a group of black people owning all the banks on earth.


So sure every group has some blame here….but the one indespensible group…..the one single clique that the NWO could not do without?


Is the Jews.

Anonymous ID: 678063 April 17, 2018, 1:07 p.m. No.1079998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0003


When you allow some other group to control your speech you have already lost a valuable right.


I only take them at their words…they call themselves Jews. They dont jump through mental hoops thinking of what to call themselves. They say they are Jews…so they are until otherwise.


What will you call them? Cabal, Khazarian, Kagan, Zionist. I mean where do you stop?


I thought long and hard about this. And I am not changing.


The PC culture tries to tell you what you can and cannot say.


Anon your going the wrong way preaching this line of thought. It goes backwards from the truth.