Anonymous ID: 9e0c5d April 17, 2018, 1:09 p.m. No.1080012   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You don't get "sucked out." A volume of air at temperature only has a certain amount of energy relative to a certain pressure drop.

The oxygen mask does not appear used. I would hazard a guess that the person stuck part of their body up against or through the window to stop/slow the decompression.

However… This is a bit of a stretch. There are two layers of window on an aircraft. It would take a hell of an impact using a relatively small object (it seems little/no damage around the window) to do that. Which strains the concept of coincidence that it struck near where someone was sitting who would voluntarily place themselves in the window. Further, even though an engine can have a wide range of catastrophic failures, the physics behind a part getting thrown through the window just seems off.


I would question whether the window was broken in flight and this story and set of photos staged to give cover for a reason someone disappeared.