Anonymous ID: 328364 Sept. 25, 2020, 10:23 p.m. No.10794458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4582


I didn't address anything other than your claim of fear based control. But since you have asked numerous other questions….


Know this:

You can believe what you want. You have the freedom to do so, and to receive the consequences.


I will tell you what the Bible says (for the questions you asked that are relevant), and therefore what I hold as truth on these matters.


Do other beings on other planets have their own bible?

<That is not information given and wouldn't change OUR story if we did know.


Do they have a different god?

<There is only One Creator (In Trinity form)


You can’t possibly believe we are the only intelligent beings in the cosmos do you?

<We are not. Angels and demons are intelligent, in fact of superior intelligence to humans. And there are other creatures.


Why wasn’t any of that info included?

<It wouldn't change OUR story if it was. You also assume God is powerless to provide us with what is necessary to OUR situation. He isn't and He has.


Do you really believe the controllers on this planet would have left the Bible untouched?

<Doesn't matter. The Bible is 4D holographic information. Every part of the Bible contains the whole (like a hologram). The only thing that happens if something gets manipulated is the resolution changes. You recognize a cat that is in 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, etc. The Bible is THE MOST ADVANCED HOLOGRAPHIC CODING KNOWN. Redundancy is built into its structure at a level that is incomprehensible to us, which is partly why it continues to illuminate. Controllers touching the Bible can't erase the 4D Holographic Code.


What would they have changed?

<Doesn't matter, as per the above answer.


What would they have deleted?

<Doesn't matter. Deleting is like breaking a hologram. Now you just have two holograms of lesser resolution. Only the resolution of the 4D Hologram that is the Bible is beyond anything we can dream of, so "snapping/deleting" doesn't degrade much.


Could the deleted material have been info that could have allowed us to free ourselves?

<Definitively and emphatically and unequivocally, NO. You cannot free yourself. Only Christ can do that for you. THAT IS THE CRITICAL MESSAGE. YOU CANNOT FREE OR SAVE YOURSELF. YOU CAN ONLY CHOOSE TO ACCEPT THE FREE GIFT OF SALVATION FROM THE ONE WHOCANFREE YOU.


What is the human body?

<A corporeal creation


Why is there so much evidence of incarnation?

<See the definition for incarnation. You must mean reincarnation?


Why are there so many different religions?

<Doctrines of demons. ANYTHING to distract from the Truth.


Could religion have been designed to divide us?

<Depends what you mean by religion. But, yes. Religion(s) the world over are used to divide, control, etc. What the Enemy doesn't want is for anyone to have a relationship with God (Trinity).

Anonymous ID: 328364 Sept. 25, 2020, 10:51 p.m. No.10794642   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You can’t save those that don’t seek salvation.

<True. I can't, God can. I am a signpost.


Those that remain blind are blind for a reason.



The narrow path was never meant to be easy and those that seek the easy path will remain blind.

<The narrow path is Christ. It is meant to be easy. It is meant to be for everyone. BUT, the hard part is letting go of sin to embrace the free gift of salvation. SANCTIFICATION which comes after salvation, well… that is the difficult lifelong journey.


The false light guides them. Pray they see the truth. God and only God is that TRUTH

<Absolutely. :)