Anonymous ID: 94420f Sept. 25, 2020, 11:25 p.m. No.10794847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4899



(VPN is acting screwy, so had to hop)


No I don’t buy that for a second.

No true source God would drive through fear

Not a chance. Love us creation force.

<You don’t understand Holiness. Fear is natural and appropriate. Not because God hates you (HE LOVES YOU WITHPERFECTLOVE), but because God’s Holiness is the perfect unity of PERFECT Love, Mercy, Wrath, Justice, Law. YOU ARE NOT THAT. You aren’t even the perfection of any single ONE of those attributes. IF you ever come into an understanding of God’s Holiness, then you will understand how right fear of Him actually is. Fear of God isn’t fear like a child afraid of an abusive step-father. Fear of God is to experience the distance between his PERFECT AWESOMENESS and your fallenness.


The holographic info is interesting, I haven’t seen or read that. Would really great if you could sauce that. Why isn’t that taught Christian religious teachings? This proof alone would be a game changer.

<(For an intro)

<Chuck Missler is a solid teacher


I disagree info on other intelligent life would be incredibly important. Info on what the multiverse is etc…planets consciousness would be extremely important imho.

<There is time enough to find all that out in the hereafter (or to enjoy pursuing a career that is about unfolding the mysteries God has hidden in plain sight). God didn’t think it important to inform you of those things as regards YOUR SALVATION. We are basically people drowning in the middle of the ocean and God is coming along in a life-raft offering us help from drowning. Lost and foolish people want to know the finer points of the culinary arts and theoretical physics while they are sucking water down into their lungs. God’s concern is that you get on the boat, and He has given you EVERYTHING you need to know to do it.


What you re telling me as a whole does not make sense. If there were conscious beings that chose good but never read the Bible and knew what to do, how would they be treated?

<What I am saying does make sense, but you don’t want to hear it. What should concern you aren’t answers to navel-gazing questions, but are you in the boat or not? Are you SAVED or NOT?


Why are their fallen beings? Why is a fallen path allowed?

<Freewill. God isn’t interested in LOVE that comes from robots. You have the freewill to love or reject God. He made you to be able to choose or reject Him. Choosing Him means enjoying His PERFECT HOLINESS. Rejecting Him means you enjoying yourself apart from Him, for all eternity. (Weeping and gnashing of teeth)


I know God exists. I have had many exp that have proved this to me, but I have also had many exp in which the Bible does not explain imo.

<Understandable. The Bible is the Word of God. It WILL OFFEND your fallen nature and will always be beyond the depths of your ability to plumb it. The wealth of the Bible is like no other. If you pursue your questions and take them to scripture with the guidance of The Holy Spirit, you will discover riches you never thought possible.


Great discussion nonetheless and thank you for the info

<Thank you for being open to allowing me to answer. I hope to do the best I can in my own limited way. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you.