Anonymous ID: 297068 Sept. 26, 2020, 6:07 a.m. No.10796433   🗄️.is 🔗kun


On July 27, 1868, one day before the 14th Amendment took effect, an "Act" of Congress was passed. This Act was 15 United States Statute at Large, known as the "Expatriation Statute." Though this Statute is no longer included in the United States Code, it has not been repealed and is still in effect. This Statute is extremely important because it is the public municipal law the individual can use for private purposes to remove him/herself from the private trust law operating in the public sector. That is, a private individual, who has found himself or herself bound by private law that is being used in the public sector to promote public policy of compelled performance which he did not have a choice in, can access the public positive statute law to move back under the liberty and protection of the Republic and its separation of powers.


The preamble of 15 United States Statute at Large is unique in that Congress laid the legal discussions to rest before the Statute took effect to assure it would not be tampered with legally in any way. It stands as written and is there for the citizens to use as Public Law for the private purpose of moving themselves from one political or territorial jurisdiction to another. This means there is a way out at anytime of any United States government policy or law, including those of its political subdivisions, that is based on private law. Whenever you find yourself bound by any compelled performance you had no choice in, you are operating in the jurisdiction of the United States government and its political subdivisions where there is no republican form of government and its separation of powers. By applying Public Laws for your private benefit, you can break that dictatorial jurisdiction anytime you choose.


The insidiousness of the 14th Amendment is that even though it is private contract law of a trust, it is not a bilateral contract where both parties sign the document after a meeting of the minds. The 14th Amendment is "quasi contractual." That is, it is not a true contract as recognized in the general common law, rather it is called an "adhesion" or "unilateral" contract where only one party binds himself. In this case, a person agrees to the private trust law merely by his silence. If a person does not speak up to let his choice be known, the trust will assume he or she is a part of and beneficiary of it. They will assume that you have gifted your life to the trust for the benefits they have to offer.


Under the 14th Amendment, the citizen [who does not make his choice known for or against the trust relationship], is assumed to be a beneficiary because he or she has not stated otherwise. As a beneficiary, you are an outlaw as far as the Constitution is concerned. You are operating outside of the Constitution. While operating outside the Constitution you only have relative rights under the Bill of Rights and the Constitution because private contract law takes priority over constitutional law.

Anonymous ID: 297068 Sept. 26, 2020, 6:11 a.m. No.10796451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6477

Real Property


There is no reason why anyone should lose their real property to this communistic "democratic" system. The reason people do lose their property is because they are 14th Amendment citizens. As 14th Amendment citizens, you have only an equitable interest in the property. Technically speaking, you have legal and equitable interest, but you cannot execute upon the legal interest, because as 14th Amendment citizens, you have no access to the Law side of the court. With equitable interest, you cannot prove superior title to access the land as a citizen of the soil, which is the proper name for a non- 14th Amendment citizen. You must remember that it is your standing in the law that determines whether you have access to the Law to save your land. It is not determined by the title to the land as all land titles in the United States of America are allodial. Thus, land titles deal with land. Jurisdiction of the 14th Amendment deals only with the person in relation to his interest in the land. A commercial system cannot create credit against the substance of the common law - land. They can only create it through the person under the 14th Amendment.

Within the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote:


"… all Men are … endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness -"


You will notice that real property is not listed as an "unalienable" Right. This is because real property was the absolute substance that made the individual sovereign (absolute king in his own right) in America - it was the common law. In the feudal systems of Europe, the kings and the church were considered as the absolute authority or sovereign, because they owned the land. Jefferson did not consider real property even remotely close to falling into an alienable or unalienable Right because the substance of the land was the basis of that liberty. Land could not be pledged in commerce because it is unmovable and is the substance of the common law. You cannot take sovereignty (land) from a sovereign. Sovereignty, after all, implies that nothing can be more supreme than supremacy so supremacy cannot yield its essence (land) to another. However, the sovereign can give sovereignty up by his or her choice - as per the 14th Amendment. The people hold the land. If the land were considered to be a substance that could be alienated by the government, the government would be the sovereign or king and the people would be the serfs again as in Medieval Europe. Remember, the land is the law. He who controls the land controls the law.


"The power to alienate the unpeopled territories of any state, is not among the enumerated powers, given by the Constitution to the general government, and if we go out of that Instrument and accommodate to exigencies which may arise by alienating the unpeopled territory of a state, we may accommodate ourselves a little more by alienating that which is peopled, and still a little more by selling the people themselves."


Within the 14th Amendment, the people have had their property reclassified into an alienable Right as in Roman civil law. The result is that the people have been sold into slavery (serfdom) of the trust. Thomas Jefferson said, "The land belongs to the living." When a person is civilly dead to the law, he is as good as being physically dead - he or she cannot own property in the absolute sense.